Month: January 2024

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Revelation 2:7Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

Listen Up!

Jesus urges us to lean in and carefully heed the Spirit’s instructions for living counter-culturally as faithful believers. Obeying His voice positions us for blessing.

Though reviled by society, we must stay true to God’s values. Our citizenship is in heaven where an amazing inheritance awaits all who overcome in Christ.

Reserved for the Faithful

Paradise was barred after the Fall. Now, Christ promises crown conquerors the right to eat again from the tree of life in heaven’s restored Eden. What wondrous assurance!

As we follow the Spirit’s promptings, heavenly hope sustains us. Our struggling is not in vain. Eternal delight awaits where we’ll feast in unbroken fellowship with God.

Lord, Help Me Listen

Lord, tune my ears to hear Your Spirit’s voice above the noise and lies of culture. By Your grace, I want to live as an overcomer. Nourish my soul with the hope of paradise restored where I will dine at Your table.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Bright and Morning Star

Bright and Morning Star

Revelation 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

A New Day is Dawning

In calling Himself the Morning Star, Jesus signals the arrival of a new day. The long darkness is fading as the Son rises with healing light and hope. This imagery fuels eager anticipation for Christ’s return.

The night seems overwhelming until we catch sight of the Morning Star ushering in the new dawn. Despite surrounding gloom, we can lift eyes to the Dayspring who is coming soon!

Christ Our Guiding Star

Weary travelers navigated at night by fixing eyes on the North Star. Likewise, we journey through the darkness steered by our Morning Star; Jesus! His penetrating light directs our path until He appears.

On the cloudiest nights, the Morning Star pierces through just before sunrise. We have this certain hope that Christ will split the darkness! His coming is near.

Lord, Rise in Our Waiting Hearts

Lord Jesus, this world often feels bleak and cheerless. But You are the bright Morning Star sent to guide our way until the full light of Your presence floods the earth. Dawn in our waiting hearts.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Instruments of Righteousness

Instruments of Righteousness

Romans 6:12 Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

Deceptive Allure of Sin

Though Christ has broken sin’s control, its residual influence remains while we’re on earth. If given an inch, sin will seize a mile in our lives. So we must be vigilant guarding our minds and bodies.

Sin employs clever deception – enticing us by omission of consequences and overstating temporary pleasures. We must recognize its tactics rather than blindly cooperate.

Yielding Our Bodies to God

As an act of worship, actively present your body to God daily as an instrument of righteousness, not wickedness. Ask Him to govern your eyes, hands, and speech for holy purposes.

Consciously yielding control protects us from drifting into sinful complacency. Regularly re-consecrate your body to purity and righteousness.

Lord, Guard My Vulnerable Heart

Lord, sin still crouches at my door, desiring to devour me. Daily I confess my weakness and total dependence on Your Spirit to restrain evil desires. Make my body an instrument You wield for righteous purposes.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Gift of Abundant Grace

Gift of Abundant Grace

Romans 5:17For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!

Contrasting Effects

While Adam’s sin ushered death into the world, Christ came to overwhelm sin with surpassing grace and the gift of righteousness. His redemption reverses the curse with boundless blessings.

Christ more than erased Adam’s damage. He pours out radical grace that takes us further than the original paradise. In Him, we are adopted children given authority to reign.

Far Greater Provision

Imagine being imprisoned for years only to not just be released, but become cherished sons welcomed into the king’s palace with royal rights and privileges. This illustrates God’s lavish grace.

In Christ, we gain far more than was lost. We are co-heirs with Him over God’s estate. As grace is embraced through faith, we are empowered to reign in life.

Thank You for Abounding Grace

Lord, I stand in awe at the super-abounding grace You freely give me in Christ. Thank You for granting me not only pardon but adoption, purpose, power, authority – abundant life. Your grace truly abounds!

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
A Kingdom of Priests

A Kingdom of Priests

Revelation 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Elevated Identity

When we place saving faith in Christ, we become part of a chosen, royal priesthood. He confers upon us the profound privilege of direct access to God that was previously limited. What an honor!

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can now boldly approach God’s throne. Our position in Christ gives us authority to carry out the priestly duty of representing people before Him in prayer.

An Appointed Calling

Our royal priestly identity comes with responsibility. We plead Christ’s sufficiency to God on behalf of others. We represent them through intercession just as priests did in the Old Testament.

This is sacrificial work requiring compassion, perseverance, and Christlike commitment to the needs of people. We must embrace this holy calling.

Lord, Make Me a Prayer Warrior

Lord, remind me of my royal identity that allows me to directly commune with You and pray for others. Instill priestly compassion so I can effectively represent people and their struggles before Your throne of grace. Make me a prayer warrior.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
The Mind of Christ

The Mind of Christ

Philippians 2:8And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!

Setting Equality Aside

Though equal with God, Jesus willingly laid aside prestige and power to become one of us – the God of the universe confined as a helpless baby. He embraced human limitations for our redemption.

The One through whom all things were created took on the clothing of a creature. He humbled Himself to save the unworthy and serve those deserving death. What wondrous love!

Obedient Unto Death

In ultimate humility, Jesus subjected Himself to brutal mockery and crucifixion by those He came to save. He refused earthly power and prestige. Obedience led Him to death on a cross.

As Christ followed the Father’s will, so we must abandon self-interest to follow His example. Our obedience is displayed through sacrificial servanthood.

Lord, Clothe Me in Humility

Lord Jesus, You laid aside heavenly privilege for earthly pain to die in my place. Fill me with Your Spirit until the mindset of humility governs my decisions. Help me joyfully serve others through obedience to Your will.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Unmasked Honesty: Approaching God with Raw Emotion

Unmasked Honesty: Approaching God with Raw Emotion

Matthew 26:36 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”

Alone with the Father

On the agonizing eve of His death, Jesus entered Gethsemane to pour out His heart to the Father. In this private sanctuary of prayer, He revealed raw vulnerability unseen by others.

Jesus models the importance of uncompromising honesty in prayer. God welcomes us approaching Him with total transparency of emotion. Our masks must come off.

Permission to Be Human

Pouring out distress in prayer frees us from pretense and self-sufficiency. Jesus asked His friends to intercede nearby while He wrestled and wept before God alone.

We need safe spaces to be human with God – to voice doubts, fears, confusion. Jesus understands. You have permission to bare your soul authentically to Him.

Lord, Receive My Unmasked Heart

Lord, I’m tempted to stuff down feelings and maintain control in prayer. Remind me You welcome raw honesty. Thank You for providing intimate access where I can be fully myself and pour out my unfiltered heart. Receive all that I bring.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Moved with Compassion

Moved with Compassion

Matthew 9:36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Eyes that See the Hurting

Surrounded by crowds, Jesus chose to really see them. Behind the noise He discerned their aimless wandering through life, lacking meaning and direction. His heart broke with compassion.

We easily overlook people’s inner pain. Engulfed by our own concerns, their helplessness goes unnoticed. But Christ calls us to see through His eyes of empathy.

Harassed. Helpless. Hopeless.

The lost often mask distress behind a facade. But Christ sees the despair in each face – the fragmented families, addictions, depression, poverty. Their suffering deeply moves Him.

Who in your circles is wearing a mask but internally cries out? Ask God to break your heart with what breaks His. Let compassion propel you to act.

Lord, Give Me Your Heart

Jesus, help me see people as you see them, until it profoundly moves me. Open my eyes to see people and their pain as You do. Instill grace that compels me to enter in, listen, help, and offer hope found only in You.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time

Matthew 6:34“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

The Allure of Control

We want to map out the future to reduce uncertainty. But obsessively worrying about tomorrow steals joy and productivity from today. Jesus calls us to stay present and trust God one day at a time.

The desire for control is rooted in fear and doubt. But the antidote is remembering God holds the future. He will equip us for whatever comes when we rely on Him daily.

Entangled by the Future

When we fixate on the “what ifs” ahead, anxiety takes root and chokes out peace. Living in the imagined negative future is draining. It blinds us to God’s presence now.

Shift your focus instead to actively trusting Christ in the present. Refuse to fast-forward in your mind. Receive His strength for today.

Lord, Calm My Anxious Heart

Jesus, when my mind spins with fearful projections, speak Your truth to silence these lies. Quiet my racing thoughts. Calm my heart with confidence that You reign over the future. Keep me mindful of Your presence now.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Cease Striving – Find Rest

Cease Striving – Find Rest

Luke 12:22-23Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.”

Consumed with Worry

It’s easy to obsess over basic needs and become consumed with worry. But Jesus reminds us that fretting cannot add a single hour to our lives. Our worth is not defined by food, clothes, or success.

God knows what we need. When anxiety arises, we can release striving and rest in His care. He provides so we can invest in eternal pursuits. Don’t major on the minors.

Anxious Efforts are Futile

No amount of worrying will ultimately satisfy. It only breeds stress, fatigue, and discontentment. We are designed to rely on God, not our anxious efforts. But so often we forfeit peace.

Trade fruitless worrying for fruitful pursuits. Redirect energy away from obsessing over circumstance to focusing on Christ. He is our calm within the storms of life.

Lord, You Are Enough

Jesus, when worries about basic needs consume me, realign my focus onto You, the Bread of Life. Remind me that You hold my every moment. Anxiety is useless. Nourish my soul with Your love and fill me with supernatural peace. You are enough.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Childlike Wonder

Childlike Wonder

Luke 10:21At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.”

Believing Hearts

In a moment of exultation, Jesus rejoiced that His Father concealed truth from the worldly-wise but unveiled it to childlike hearts ready to believe. This reveals what delights God’s heart.

Wonder and wholehearted faith, more than intellect or status, prepare us to receive the things of God’s kingdom. He longs for us to approach Him with wide-eyed dependence like little children.

Posture of Receptivity

Come to God full of wonder, curiosity, and joyful expectation – eager to see all He wants to reveal. He loves to uncover truth to receptive hearts not restrained by pride or skepticism.

Ask God to give you a childlike heart that finds joy in seeking Him. Let go of the need to intellectualize everything. Let Him awaken wide-eyed faith like a little child.

Lord, Give Me a Child’s Heart

Father, remind me that intelligence and accomplishments cannot unlock spiritual truth – childlike receptivity holds the key. Give me the wonder, curiosity, and trust of a little child. Fill me with joyful expectation to receive all You want to reveal.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock
The Inexhaustible Christ

The Inexhaustible Christ

John 21:25Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

More Than We Can Fathom

John acknowledges in this verse that he only recorded a tiny sampling of Jesus’ teachings and miracles. If everything was written, the world couldn’t contain the libraries needed!

This highlights the beautiful truth that we will keep discovering new dimensions of who Christ is throughout eternity. We will never exhaust learning about our infinite, awesome God.

Fresh Encounters with Jesus

No matter how long we’ve walked with Christ, we’ve still only grasped the tiniest sliver of His fullness. This means there is so much more of Himself for us to encounter! We will always be discovering new dimensions of Christ

Even familiar Bible stories contain hidden depths. Keep seeking Jesus afresh. He has so much more to show you about Himself through Scripture.

Growing in Awe

The inexhaustible riches found in Christ compel us to continue digging into His Word. The more we learn, the more our worship grows. Our increasing knowledge fuels deeper awe and adoration.

Lord, I Long to Know You More

Jesus, remind me that I’ve only begun to discover who You are. Instill fresh hunger in me to encounter new dimensions of Your beauty through Scripture. As I learn more, grow my worship and fascination with You.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Doubts? Take Heart

Doubts? Take Heart

John 20:27 Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

Grappling with Uncertainty

After Jesus’ resurrection, Thomas couldn’t just take the disciples’ word for it. He doubted their amazing story. Thomas needed tangible proof before he would believe.

Many of us resemble Thomas. We wrestle with uncertainties, longing to process truth on deeper levels. Jesus handles Thomas’s sincere doubts gently. He welcomes our honest questions too.

Seeking Tangible Evidence

Jesus compassionately provided the evidence Thomas demanded, inviting him to touch the physical wounds. He understands our desire for signs we can experience firsthand.

We may not literally touch Jesus’ wounds, but we can encounter Him personally as we bring our struggles to Him in prayer. Ask Him for the reassurance you need.

From Doubt to Belief

Upon seeing Christ’s scars, Thomas made a dramatic shift – from skepticism to declaring, “My Lord and my God!” He allows us that same grace-filled journey from uncertainty to belief.

Don’t let doubt distance you. Bring it directly to Jesus. Watch how He moves you gently from struggle to trust, just as with Thomas.

Lord, Help My Unbelief

Lord Jesus, I identify with Thomas and his honest doubts. Thank You for not scolding him, but listening and providing what he needed. Help me move from crippling doubt to bold belief. I bring my struggles to You.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Doers of the Word

Doers of the Word

– But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do –  James 1:25

Active Faith

Many Christians know more Scripture than they live out. But God blesses obedience, not just knowledge.

This verse describes the joy of moving from surface-level hearing to actively practicing God’s Word.

Faith requires applying truth, not just accumulating information.

We must let God’s Word shape our actions, priorities, speech, and thought patterns. Obedience unlocks blessing.

Do Not Forget

It’s easy to quickly forget Scripture’s commands in the busyness of life.

We must keep God’s truth ever before us, intentionally reminding ourselves throughout each day.

Regular Bible study safeguards against drifting. But the goal is not Bible knowledge alone.

It’s allowing Scripture to transform how we live through active obedience motivated by love.

Blessing Comes from Doing

Don’t settle for knowing the Word. Press into actively living it out through the Spirit’s power.

As you yield your life to following God’s instructions, you will walk in greater freedom and blessing.


Lord, I don’t want to just hear Your Word but consistently live it out. I know that doctrine alone leaves me unchanged. Empower me through Your Spirit to walk in active obedience to Your commands. Make me a doer of Your Word.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
No Word is Wasted

No Word is Wasted

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11

Like Rain on Thirsty Ground

God’s Word powerfully accomplishes His purposes, just as rain satiates dry ground.

Scripture promises that God’s true and living Word will bear fruit in our lives when received with faith.

God wastes nothing. His Word nourishes souls and transforms hearts, bringing refreshment and bountiful growth. But we must welcome the Word into our innermost being.

Believe in Scripture’s Power

Do you doubt God’s voice can reshape your desires? His Word breaks strongholds and aligns us with His will when embraced in faith. Scripture is living and active!

God’s words are eternal and authoritative. His promises will come to pass.

Believe Scripture’s power. Allow God’s Word of Life be to water your soul and spur growth.

Yield to What God Speaks

What areas of your life need God’s truth most?

Lean into Bible passages addressing those topics. Ask God to use His Word to cut, heal, correct, encourage, and guide you into His purposes.

Lord, Accomplish Your Work in Me

Lord, cause Your Word to take deep root in me and bear fruit. Soften and till the soil of my heart to receive Scripture as life-giving rain. Thank You that Your Word will not return void but achieve Your purposes as I respond in faith.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Going Through the Motions

Going Through the Motions

The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.”  Isaiah 29:13

Saying Without Meaning

God cares more about the attitude of our hearts than rote religious routine.

Mouthing spiritual-sounding words means little if our hearts aren’t engaged.

Beyond tradition, God longs for authentic connection.

It’s possible to know all the right prayers and motions yet miss the depth of real relationship. Action must flow from affection. Evaluate if your spiritual practices have become just empty routine.

Returning to First Love

Ask God to reawaken childlike awe and sincerity in your heart. Consider when your faith was fresh and full of zeal.

Though the newness fades, our core love for God remains. Return to uncomplicated devotion.

Stay sensitive to checked-out complacency in your walk with God. Keep your heart engaged, not just going through habitual motions.

God wants to be loved, not just habitually followed. Offer Him the priceless gift of your authentic self.

Lord, Ignite My Heart Afresh

Lord Jesus, I confess my devotion can become empty routine. Revive sincere passion in my heart. When repetition replaces intimacy, refocus me on connecting with You out of genuine love, not obligation. You desire true relationship.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Tough Love

Tough Love

My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and he chastens everyone He accepts as his son.  Hebrews 12:5-6

We don’t enjoy being disciplined! It feels frustrating and uncomfortable. But God’s loving correction produces valuable fruit in our lives.

His desire is to refine our character and nurture wisdom, not punish us.

Discipline shows Father God is involved in the details of our growth. He cares enough to prune and refine us. We can receive it as an expression of His love rather than rejection.

Cooperating with Correction

When God presses into an area of sin or foolishness, our instinct may be to resist the conviction. But embracing His discipline leads to freedom, so we must lean into the discomfort.

Ask God to reveal lessons He wants you to learn so the pruning process bears maximum fruit.

Stay responsive as He shapes your character into Christlikeness.

Endure Hardship as Discipline

Even hard circumstances can be God’s discipline if responded to correctly. Stand firm during trials, trusting God’s refinement process. Though painful, His methods produce a harvest of righteousness.


Father, help me accept Your correction rather than resisting it. Even when discipline feels difficult, remind me, You are treating me as a beloved child. You stay engaged in my growth because You love me too much to leave me unchanged.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
God’s Law Written on Our Hearts

God’s Law Written on Our Hearts

“This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Hebrews 8:10

Under the old covenant, God etched the Ten Commandments on inflexible stone tablets. His people struggled to uphold these rigid laws written in granite letters outside them. The law brought condemnation for their inevitable failure.

But through Christ’s new covenant, God tenderly etches His law into the tender flesh of human hearts. Instead of external law, we receive internal guidance and motivation from the Spirit within. We obey from the heart, not just external obligation.

What comfort that God doesn’t demand perfect performance but delights to write His love on soft hearts eager to follow Him. This inner law is liberation, not burden.

Desire Over Duty

Imagine if right living originated from our heart’s truest longings rather than sheer obligation. This illustrates the Spirit’s internal work of grace. As we walk with God, sin’s enticement fades while joyful obedience flourishes.

The life-giving Spirit energizes us intrinsically to honor God and reflect Christ through our actions. Our deepest desires identify with His design. We begin wanting what God wants!

No longer slaves to sin, but beloved children, we serve God from intimate relationship, not just stern duty. Our obedience flows from an inside-out transformation.

We Are God’s People

The new covenant brings the unspeakable gift of belonging to God. Through Christ, we are called God’s treasured people as surely as the Israelites of old. But now all tribes and tongues can know Him intimately.

As His cherished people, we represent Him. Our lives display God’s gracious character and love for the world. We belong to the Almighty!

This covenant identity empowers us to live as devoted citizens of heaven yet agents of transformation on earth. We reveal God’s kingdom come.

Responding to Grace

How do we respond to such lavish grace that gives us God’s law within and grants us sure belonging? With wholehearted gratitude and worship!

When you sin, run back quickly to the cross. Repentance restores the sweet fellowship grace provides. We obey out of love for the God who claimed us as His own.

By His Spirit at work within, He makes all things new. Our hearts are remade into the home of holiness. We are people of God’s promise.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Agonizing Prayer

Agonizing Prayer

“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.” Hebrews 5:7

Though Jesus was God’s own Son, He poured out gut-wrenching prayers during His earthly agony. His tearful cries reveal the depth of His suffering and longing for God’s comfort and deliverance.

Reverent submission, not entitled demand, marked Jesus’ appeals to the Father. He asked earnestly while surrendering to God’s higher purposes. Jesus modeled bringing raw human emotion before God in humility.

When faced with anguish, we often withdraw into private misery or lash out in anger. But Jesus’ example invites us to reverently voice our deepest pain to the One who hears and holds us in compassion.

The Spirit of Gethsemane

The night before His death, Jesus anguished in Gethsemane as He anticipated bearing mankind’s sin. Luke says Jesus “being in anguish, prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” Luke 22:44

Though dreading the cross, Jesus prayed in submission to the Father and His redemptive plan. He received strength to walk the agonizing road ahead.

When we face grief, opposition, uncertainty, and pain, Gethsemane reminds us we can boldly cast our cares upon God while submitting trustingly. He understands and cares.

Prayers of Deliverance

The letter of Hebrews says Jesus offered up “prayers and petitions” asking to be saved from untimely death. God did miraculously deliver Christ from harm in other situations.

But this time, Jesus accepted that the only path was through death, not deliverance from it. On the cross, He uttered the anguished cry: “My God, why have you forsaken me?” He endured hell to save us.

Jesus understands when we plead for God’s deliverance from suffering. Keep praying boldly in reverent submission. God’s perfect will be done.

God Hears

Though Jesus agonized and died, Hebrews says God heard His prayers “because of his reverent submission.” Christ’s obedience led to resurrection!

When we reverently cry out to God in our troubles and confusion, we can have confidence our loving Father hears. He will answer according to His perfect wisdom and purposes.

God may not remove our cup of sorrow, but His presence sustains us to drink it. Through prayer, anguish is transformed into hope. Christ understands and intercedes still. We are heard.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Exhort One Another Daily

Exhort One Another Daily

“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

Hebrews 3:13

Like taking a daily vitamin, we all need regular encouragement to thrive and avoid spiritual malnourishment. The writer of Hebrews prescribes daily exhortation as the preventative medicine that combats hardening of the heart.

Sin’s deceit, disappointments, and the strain of everyday life tend to harden our hearts over time if left unchecked. Ongoing encouragement provides the antidote to this gradual petrifaction. It softens and revives weary souls.

As believers, we have the privilege and responsibility to spur each other on daily through uplifting words, texts, notes, or other expressions of care. This daily vitamin of encouragement fortifies us to persevere.

Medicine We All Need

The command to encourage one another daily suggests we all need this regular spiritual medicine. No one is so strong that they can thrive without it.

Like a nourishing meal, encouragement is most effective when given consistently. Daily exhortation provides steady nourishment that sustains us through all seasons and situations. It should be part of the regular rhythm of Christian life together.

Extend and receive daily encouragement with humility, recognizing our shared dependence on God’s grace and the gifts of others. We all need this sustaining medicine.

Guard Against Hardening

A good dose of daily encouragement is essential because of the sobering effects of unchallenged sin. Sin subtly hardens hearts over time through layers of rationalization and self-justification.

Regular exhortation disrupts sin’s gradual numbing and callousing of our conscience. It shakes us from complacency and stirs us to repent and pursue holiness again. Together we must help guard against hardening.

Ongoing encouragement make us tender and responsive to the conviction and guidance of God’s Spirit within. Let us walk in the freedom and fullness of pliable hearts.

Encouragement for the Journey

As believers, we are exhorted, comforted, and cautioned so that we might finish the race strong. This ongoing encouragement equips us to withstand adversities and keep believing God’s promises.

We have only “Today” to spur each other onward through word and deed. Let’s be diligent to provide the daily encouragement that nourishes perseverance and guards against despair.

The day is coming when faith will be sight. Until then, we push on, sharing grace for the journey.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
All Creatures Great and Small

All Creatures Great and Small

“And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so.”

Genesis 1:24

With effortless authority, God proclaimed, “Let the land produce living creatures!” At His Word, the earth teemed with animals great and small, each after its own kind. Sea and sky filled with fish and birds. Forest and field overflowed with beasts and bugs.

God needed no raw materials to construct this vast variety and volume of creatures. His Word alone commanded teeming life into being. As easily as saying “let there be,” infinite diversity exploded at the Creator’s decree.

Stand in awe of God’s power, as in an instant He called forth all these creatures by His Word. Our mighty Maker needs nothing but the sound of His voice to fill the world with life.

Magnificent Variety

What a spectacular menagerie God spoke into existence! Livestock for food and labor, wild animals stalking the forests, creeping critters underfoot – animals of every shape and size appeared at God’s command.

The Lord did not fashion just one generic beast but splendid diversity. He crafted the majestic lion and the lowly lizard, the towering giraffe and the tiny gecko, the belching hippo and the buzzing housefly. Every creature reflected God’s artistry.

May the glory and variety of God’s animal kingdom inspire praise for the Creator. Let us joyfully join the chorus all creatures raise.

Cared for by the Creator

Not only did God speak animals into being, but He faithfully cares for each one. Jesus said not even a small sparrow falls without the Father’s notice and concern. We never escape God’s sovereign sight and care.

In a world that often prizes the large and flashy above the small and ordinary, how reassuring that God treasures each creature He made. The same powerful God who rules the universe attends lovingly to all.

Dear fiend, you are immeasurably more valuable than animals to God. Rest in His watchful, caring hand over your life.

Creatures in Harmony

Before sin’s curse, animals lived peaceably without fear. God’s original design was full harmony between man and beasts. One day He will restore creation to that perfect state.

Until then, may we reflect God’s care for all creatures, great and small, by pursuing their flourishing. As being created in the image of God, let us steward His world in ways that allow all life to thrive.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Far Off to Up Close

Far Off to Up Close

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”

Ephesians 2:13

Picture yourself standing at the edge of a deep canyon, separated by an immense chasm from someone dear across the divide. You long to be united, but no bridge spans the gap.

This illustrates the vast separation between God and man caused by sin. Our rebellion cut us off from intimate friendship with our Creator. Made in His image but mired in sin, we were lost, helpless, and unable to bridge the divide.

Jesus’ sacrifice provides the only bridge back to God. His blood shed on the cross reconciles alienated souls to the Father. Now we who were once far off have been brought wondrously near through Christ!

Access Granted

Under the old covenant, people could not approach God directly but needed priests as intermediaries. Sinful humanity could not survive His holy presence.

The torn curtain after Christ’s death signified free access to God for all who come through Jesus. There is no longer any barrier, boundary or buffer between forgiven sinners and their loving Father. Not even the holiest person enjoys greater access.

Through His grace, God embraces us tenderly as His precious children. Draw near to Him with awe and thanksgiving for this open-armed welcome!

Adopted into God’s Family

In Christ, we have not only been invited to draw near to God but also adopted into His family. We belong through the bond of rebirth as God’s sons and daughters.

Once unrelated and far off, now intimately connected and loved – this is the miracle Christ accomplished. Outsiders have become insiders, foreigners grafted in as God’s household.

No words can fully capture the beauty of a close relationship with the God the Father. Let us live out this adopted identity as dearly loved children.

Respond in Praise

How will you respond to being brought wondrously near to God through Christ? Offer extravagant praise for His reconciling grace. Worship the God who desired intimacy with you.

And as you bask in closeness with the Father, look around for other prodigals still far off. Become the embodiment of Christ’s love that welcomes them home.

Our Shepherd rejoices over each rescued sheep. Through His blood we have been brought near. Hallelujah!

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
From the Mouth of God

From the Mouth of God

Deuteronomy 8:3 “He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

After leaving Egypt, the Israelites wandered the wilds of Sinai with grumbling stomachs, but God purposefully allowed them to hunger in order to teach dependence on Him.

When we are humbled and made hungry – physically, emotionally or spiritually – our natural response is frustration and complaining. Yet God often uses hunger to draw us into greater reliance upon Him, if we will let it.

In our deprivation, will we keep railing against God’s provision? Or will we humbly acknowledge our need for Him to fill and sustain us daily? Thankfully, He promises to satisfy the famished soul.

Fed with Manna

To meet their hunger, God miraculously rained down manna from heaven. This mysterious, flaky substance appeared daily to nourish His people, with a double portion arriving before the Sabbath.

God delights to supply our needs in unexpected ways, inviting childlike wonder. His provision often comes just one day at a time, ensuring we walk by faith not sight. And He always proves faithful.

The bread of heaven nourished the Israelites physically, but God intended a deeper lesson – man does not live by physical food alone, but by God’s Word.

Feasting on God’s Word

Beyond physical hunger, we all have an innate hunger for purpose, meaning, and belonging. These deep needs can only be satisfied by feasting on the living Word of God.

Through His Word, God reveals Himself to us and speaks love into our lives. As we meditate on Scripture, God’s Spirit transforms and sustains us. His Word nourishes our souls.

More than food, we require the fulfillment of hearing God’s voice guiding us as beloved children; we must feast on the bread of life daily!

Develop a Taste for God’ word

The Israelites at first disdained manna and longed to return to Egypt. But as they relied on God’s provision, their tastes adjusted. Soon they found manna sweet and satisfying.

Similarly, developing a taste for God’s Word requires persevering through difficulty and deprivation. But the more we consume the Bible, the sweeter its truth becomes. Our deepest hunger is met in God’s presence.

You are invited to partake of the abundant feast God has prepared in His Word. As you fill up on the bread of life, you will discover lasting nourishment and delight.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Do Not Add or Take Away

Do Not Add or Take Away

Deuteronomy 4:2 “Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.”

As Moses prepared the Israelites to enter the Promised Land without him, he charged them strongly to uphold every command God had given.

They must neither add to nor take away from God’s decrees, but fully obey all He instructed.

We are called to treasure Scripture as the authoritative, sufficient Word of the Lord. Not one jot or tittle can be altered without shaking the foundations of our faith.

Our preferences and agendas mean nothing next to the eternal precepts of God. We must prize all Scripture as His loving voice speaking into our lives. What right have we to tamper with the Almighty’s decrees?

Rejecting Human Traditions

Adding to God’s Word often takes the form of elevating human traditions and teachings to divine status.

When we insist on man-made rules as prerequisites for holiness and acceptance, we usurp the sufficiency of Scripture.

Rather than binding others with burdens beyond biblical mandate, we do well to focus on personally applying God’s commands with humility. His yoke alone brings rest.

Beware proposals of “new” revelation that contradicts the old. God’s Word is complete; nothing needs added. We must test all teachings by the Scriptures.

Embracing All of God’s Word

On the other hand, subtracting from Scripture happens when we dismiss, downplay, or deny parts we dislike or consider outdated. But we don’t get to pick and choose what we want from God’s Word while ignoring the rest.

A desire to be seen as “enlightened” and progressive does not justify rejecting biblical truths that make us uncomfortable. Our calling is to conform to God’s Word, not vice versa.

Loving God means obeying all His commands, not just the convenient, culturally acceptable ones. We must embrace Scripture in its fullness.

Standing on the Word

Storm winds of compromise, distraction and direct attack, batter followers of Christ. If our foundation is not firmly planted on Scripture alone, we will certainly fall.

By God’s grace, tenaciously defend and obey His complete Word revealed in the Bible. No additions, no subtractions.

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Killing Sin Before It Kills You

Killing Sin Before It Kills You

Colossians 3:5-6 “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.”

Sin is a severe threat that must be tackled intentionally and aggressively. Paul commands us to put sin to death rather than flirt or compromise with it. Take up your spiritual weapons and pursue its destruction!

To wage this battle well, we must begin by identifying the enemy within. Paul names the specific sins of immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed that wage war against our souls.

Take note of what trips you up. Where are you prone to give ground?

Once sins are identified, attack without mercy! By God’s power we can cut off what leads to spiritual death. Half-hearted measures only allow sin’s roots to spread.

No Negotiating

Putting sin to death means eliminating it entirely, not trying to negotiate an acceptable level of it. We must reject the lies that some sins are harmless or even beneficial.

Sin promises satisfaction but delivers only disappointment, destruction and separation from God. We must treat it as the mortal enemy it is, not a friendly pet we can tame. There is no compromising with this viper.

Killing sin requires radical action. We must lay down our lives, take up our crosses and keep in step with the Spirit each day.

Remember the Stakes

To motivate us in this battle, Paul reminds us of the coming wrath sin incites. God in His mercy delays judgment, giving time to repent. But impenitent sin stores up wrath awaiting the day of reckoning.

The wages of sin is still death. That should jolt us out of casualness toward evil desires and drive us to slay them. Our eternal destiny hangs in the balance.

God’s discipline also comes to those persisting in sin. But His judgment aims to save us, not destroy. It spurs repentance and restoration. Let it compel us to crucify sin before it kills us.

Alive in Christ

By God’s power, we can put sin to death and experience new life in Christ. Though the battle rages lifelong, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Sin no longer reigns.

Stay vigilant! Keep putting your earthly nature to death. And as you weaken its grip, may you grow more radiant as reflections of Christ’s righteousness.

Our Savior has overcome sin and death forever. In Him we are alive indeed!

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
United in Christ

United in Christ

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20

Scripture unveils a stunning vision of Jesus Christ; the visible image of the invisible God. For the fullness of God’s nature, attributes and divinity live fully within Christ.

He is the radiance of God’s glory, the exact representation of His being.

Recognizing Christ as the full revelation of God revolutionizes how we relate to Him. All we long to know of the Father is perfectly personified in the Son.

Reconciling All Things

Not only is Jesus the full embodiment of God, but also the agent of universal reconciliation. Through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, God reconciles all things to Himself, whether in heaven or on earth.

Sin ruptured the relationship between God and humankind. But Christ’s blood shed on the cross sealed the peace and paved the way for restored union with God.

Now we can approach our Holy Creator without fear or shame.

Not only are people reconciled, but all creation is reconciled in Christ. The redemptive purposes of God extend to everything He has made. All things find their purpose fulfilled in Jesus.

Scope of Salvation

Some stumbled at this cosmic scope of reconciliation. But Scripture presents Christ’s lordship extending over every realm, visible and invisible.

One day every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God. No power or principality escapes the reign of the triumphant Lamb. Even the demonic trembles before His mighty name.

All creation finds renewal in submission to Christ. Let this breathtaking vision inspire awe and surrender to such an almighty, all-reconciling Savior!

Christ Alone

No force in heaven or on earth compares to the unifying power of Christ. In Him, fragmented relationships are made whole.

Through faith in Him, we are united to God and each other across all dividing lines.

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Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong

2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Fighting the Good Fight

Picture the apostle Paul penning this triumphant testimony from a Roman prison, awaiting execution for preaching Christ. Despite horrific persecution, he had no regrets. He had fought well.

Paul knew he had fully engaged in spiritual warfare. He had contended for the gospel at tremendous personal cost. Hardship did not cause him to shrink back or wave the white flag of surrender.

With courage born of deep conviction, Paul battled tirelessly against evil forces trying to sabotage the advance of the Kingdom.

He challenged any philosophy exalting itself above the knowledge of God. Though battered, Paul kept fighting the good fight.

Enduring the Long Race

Paul also compared following Christ to running a grueling marathon. It demanded pacing oneself, resilience during difficulty, and endurance over the long haul.

Our race begins with passionate zeal but requires patient perseverance. Though tempted to coast or veer off course, we must stay true till the finish. Distractions, detours, obstacles and opposition make completing the race exhausting at times. Only through Christ are we empowered to endure.

Like Paul, we should run with joy and hope, not begrudgingly. Eyes fixed on Jesus, we weather every storm, knowing He will carry us across the line. Victory is assured if we do not give up.

Keeping the Faith

Most importantly, Paul kept the faith. He tenaciously held to his confession of Christ as Lord despite unrelenting pressure to recant. His heart remained wholly devoted to preaching the gospel entrusted to him.

Keeping the faith means refusing to compromise biblical truth for convenience, comfort or culture’s applause. It requires upholding sound doctrine and godly obedience when both come under fire.

By God’s strength, may we cling tightly to our faith as we run our race. Even facing death, Paul would not surrender this treasure he had fought so hard to defend.

Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

Imagine Jesus greeting you one day with these words: “You fought courageously, ran faithfully and kept your faith. Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

May this envisioned reward from Christ’s lips inspire us to finish life’s marathon well. Keep running with perseverance and contending for the gospel no matter what enemies, trials or distractions are trying to stop you.

Stay faithful to the One who abundantly strengthens you. Then you too can say, “I have fought the good fight and finished my race. I have kept the faith.”

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Discipline, Faith
Guarding Against Deception

Guarding Against Deception

2 Corinthians 11:3 “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”

Serpent in the Garden

The serpent slithered and whispered, slyly questioning God’s command. Eve tuned her ear, debated his lies, and took forbidden fruit. With one bite, paradise perished as deception dragged humanity down.

Satan’s cunning scheme made trusting God seem unreasonable and restrictive. The serpent cast doubt on God’s goodness through clever half-truths. Led astray from childlike faith, Eve discovered the devastation of disobedience.

Centuries later, Paul warned against satanic deception hijacking devotion. The same hissing voice in Eden now stalks Christ’s Bride, seeking to seduce and lead astray.

Devious lies still parade as enlightenment. Without vigilance, even sincere hearts drift.

Stay Alert!

Paul urged caution because he knew how alluring deception can be. Its subtle slide seems harmless until we are deep in darkness.

Staying devoted to Christ requires purposeful alertness. We must test every thought and teaching against Scripture’s truth. The Spirit is given so we can discern between God’s voice and the serpent’s hiss.

Eve’s mistake reminds us that no one is above deception’s reach; be wary of thoughts breeding mistrust in God’s goodness. Lies may be packaged as revelations, but they lead only to brokenness.

Cling to the Shepherd

The surest protection against straying is clinging closely to the Good Shepherd. As we abide in Christ’s presence, our ears tune to His voice.

We learn the sound of truth. Only Jesus can be trusted fully and followed completely. When we lose sight of Him, we become vulnerable prey.

Stay near the Shepherd, beloved sheep. In His care, deception loses its power. Even the serpent cowers before the watchful eyes of the One who holds us fast.

Discern and Reject

By God’s grace, we can reject deception and enjoy undivided devotion to Christ. Immersing ourselves in Scripture builds spiritual discernment. Meeting regularly with other believers reinforces our defense.

And when twisted thoughts creep in, we capture them and make them obedient to Christ. We reject ideas that diminish His glory and grace.

Standing firm with watchful hearts, we avoid Eve’s error and embrace the unrivaled truth of our Savior.

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Light of the Gospel

Light of the Gospel

2 Corinthians 4:6 “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

In the beginning, God created light to pierce the darkness that shrouded the formless void. With His powerful word, brightness exploded into the blackness. God called forth light.

Later, the hearts of humankind were darkened by sin. Mankind groped in the shadows, unable to grasp the knowledge of God’s glory.

But once again God powerfully proclaimed “Let there be light!” This time, the light illuminated our shadowy hearts.

The same God who created physical light now shined His glorious light into our inner darkness. This spiritual light reveals the truth and hope of Jesus Christ to lost souls wandering in night’s gloom.

Brightness of the Gospel

The light God sent is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through Christ, the radiance of God’s glory and nature is made known to us. Without this light, we are blind to the beauty of God’s love and salvation.

But by God’s Word, the brilliance of this good news floods eyes once darkened by deception and ignorance.

Christ’s light allows us to perceive and receive the free gift of grace. Now we walk in the glowing truth of God.

Like the sun rising after a long night, the gospel illuminates our path so we can know and enjoy God. What matchless light!

Reflecting God’s Light

Scripture calls Christ “the light of the world” and exhorts us to also be light. When we receive Christ, we begin reflecting His illuminating truth to others trapped in darkness. His light within starts shining through us.

As reflections of God’s truth, we carry the hope of the gospel into dark places plagued by suffering and deception.

Even a small light overpowers immense darkness. The Spirit helps our feeble flames grow into a bonfire of Christ’s love.

In a world searching for light, we mirror the Son by sharing the good news that gives light and life.

Walk as Children of Light

God’s Word urges us to live as children of light, bearing the fruits of goodness, righteousness and truth. When the light of Christ shines in us, it changes how we walk through this dark world.

We must reflect this light consistently, not hiding or extinguishing it. As Christ is the unwavering morning star, we are called to shine steady rays of hope despite surrounding gloom.

Even on the darkest nights, the flame of the gospel within reminds us we are not alone. We walk confidently with the Light of the World.

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Honoring God with Our Best

Honoring God with Our Best

Leviticus 27:30“A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.”

Set Apart for God

In the Old Testament, a tithe (10%) of crops and flocks was set apart for the Lord. Just as these first fruits of the harvest were specially consecrated to God, so He calls us to honor Him with our best.

God doesn’t need our money. But returning a portion of income demonstrates gratefulness for His provision. It separates funds for kingdom purposes.

Honoring God First

Tithing should come off the top, showing God has first claim over all we have. When we determine budgets afterwards, it requires faith and keeps God central.

Financial decisions reveal much about who/what we worship. Honoring God with our first and best reflects a heart aligned with His values. It safeguards against greed.


Lord, reveal any areas of misaligned priorities in how I manage money. Give me wisdom to steward finances in ways that honor You. Help me use resources to advance Your kingdom. You own it all.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Call to Reverent Living

Call to Reverent Living

1 Peter 1:17 “Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.”

Imagine standing trial before a judge who knows you fully and judges you only by your actions, without bias or preconceived notions. This illustration gives us a glimpse into how God judges us.

God knows our hearts intimately. Yet He judges each person’s work impartially, not showing favoritism.

This means we cannot take God’s mercy for granted or presume upon His grace. Our relationship with Him as His children does not exempt us from His impartial judgment.

Recognizing that we will stand before our impartial Father and Judge should inspire reverent fear and Motivate us to live uprightly. We answer to a perfect standard of justice.

Foreigners in a Fallen World

As followers of Christ, we are foreigners and strangers in this world. Our true home is with our Father in heaven.

We know this world is corrupted by sin, injustice, suffering and death. One day God will make all things right, but for now we live as temporary residents of a deeply flawed place.

Being a foreigner elicits a sense of displacement and non-conformity. We cannot fully assimilate into the values and practices of this fallen world because our allegiance is to a much greater Kingdom.

We are called to live as pilgrims on a journey homeward.

This identity as foreigners should keep us from becoming too settled or invested here. Our hope remains set on our eternal destination.

Living in Reverent Fear

What does it look like to live in reverent fear as foreigners? Firstly, reverent fear entails an awe and respect for God, regarding Him as holy and glorious.

Casualness has no place in how we approach our Father and Judge.

Secondly, this reverent posture will permeate our actions. Knowing God sees all we do, we will strive to walk uprightly and honor Him.

Sin’s allure loses its grip as we live every moment before His searching yet loving eyes.

Thirdly, fearing God includes turning from evil. Just as we avoid actions that would displease an respected earthly authority, so we flee anything that would mar our relationship with our perfect Heavenly Father.

Motivated to Please God

Standing between the judgment seat of Christ and the lure of the world, we fix our eyes on Jesus.

Only His grace empowers us to live as faithful foreigners revering God in awe and action.

God’s impartial judgment and our displacement as pilgrims motivates us to live Holy Lives. When tempted, may we remember we will give an account to our Father who sees all.

As citizen of heaven, refuse conformity to the sinful patterns of this world.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Communion: An Invitation to Unity

Communion: An Invitation to Unity

1 Corinthians 10:16“Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?”

Grab a loaf of bread and break off a piece. Feel its soft texture between your fingers before taking a bite. As you chew, contemplate the significance of this simple food.

Bread nourishes our physical bodies, but it also represents something much greater spiritually.

When we partake of the bread during communion, we signify our participation in the body of Christ. Just as bread is broken and shared among many, Christ’s body was broken and shared for the salvation of all.

As we eat the bread together, we are unified in recognizing Christ’s sacrifice that enables our relationship with God.

The bread of communion is no ordinary food – it is a sacred symbol that bonds us to our Savior and to one another. May we receive it with reverence and gratitude.

Cup of Thanksgiving

Raise your cup, filled with the fruit of the vine, in celebration of the goodness of God. This cup overflows with meaning as we give thanks for Christ’s blood, poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

In ancient times, covenants were sealed with the sharing of a cup. Through communion, we renew our covenant with God, confirmed by the blood of Jesus.

This cup is a declaration of gratitude for the redemption we have through the cross.

As we drink together from this cup of blessing, we proclaim our unity in Christ.

Though we come from diverse walks of life, communion reminds us that we are one body, cleansed by one blood; we rejoice in this amazing grace!

An Invitation to Community

Approach the communion table with joy and anticipation. Here awaits a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, where people of every nation will dine together in God’s presence.

Lay aside earthly labels that divide – rich or poor, old or young, different cultures and customs. At this table, we are one, linked by the unifying love of Christ.

Differences fade in light of what we share – our need for grace, our gratitude for the cross.

Communion calls us to live in fellowship, not just with God, but with one another. It beckons us to extend relentless compassion as freely as we have received it.

Remember and Rejoice

As you eat the bread and drink the cup, remember what Christ has done for you. Give thanks for His body, broken that you may be healed. Give thanks for His blood, shed that you may be set free from sin.

Rejoice in the loving communion you can have with God through Christ.

This nourishment for your soul ushers you into holy community. Together, we bear witness to the power of the gospel that transforms each of us into one body. May this fellowship challenge and change us all.

Communion is no mere ritual. It is a vibrant invitation to oneness with Christ and His people. Accept this gift with a joyful and grateful heart.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration