The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.” Isaiah 29:13
Saying Without Meaning
God cares more about the attitude of our hearts than rote religious routine.
Beyond tradition, God longs for authentic connection.
It’s possible to know all the right prayers and motions yet miss the depth of real relationship. Action must flow from affection. Evaluate if your spiritual practices have become just empty routine.
Returning to First Love
Ask God to reawaken childlike awe and sincerity in your heart. Consider when your faith was fresh and full of zeal.
Stay sensitive to checked-out complacency in your walk with God. Keep your heart engaged, not just going through habitual motions.
God wants to be loved, not just habitually followed. Offer Him the priceless gift of your authentic self.
Lord, Ignite My Heart Afresh
Lord Jesus, I confess my devotion can become empty routine. Revive sincere passion in my heart. When repetition replaces intimacy, refocus me on connecting with You out of genuine love, not obligation. You desire true relationship.
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“One Minute with God”