Romans 5:17 – For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Contrasting Effects
While Adam’s sin ushered death into the world, Christ came to overwhelm sin with surpassing grace and the gift of righteousness. His redemption reverses the curse with boundless blessings.
Christ more than erased Adam’s damage. He pours out radical grace that takes us further than the original paradise. In Him, we are adopted children given authority to reign.
Far Greater Provision
Imagine being imprisoned for years only to not just be released, but become cherished sons welcomed into the king’s palace with royal rights and privileges. This illustrates God’s lavish grace.
In Christ, we gain far more than was lost. We are co-heirs with Him over God’s estate. As grace is embraced through faith, we are empowered to reign in life.
Thank You for Abounding Grace
Lord, I stand in awe at the super-abounding grace You freely give me in Christ. Thank You for granting me not only pardon but adoption, purpose, power, authority – abundant life. Your grace truly abounds!
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