Revelation 2:7 – Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
Listen Up!
Jesus urges us to lean in and carefully heed the Spirit’s instructions for living counter-culturally as faithful believers. Obeying His voice positions us for blessing.
Though reviled by society, we must stay true to God’s values. Our citizenship is in heaven where an amazing inheritance awaits all who overcome in Christ.
Reserved for the Faithful
Paradise was barred after the Fall. Now, Christ promises crown conquerors the right to eat again from the tree of life in heaven’s restored Eden. What wondrous assurance!
As we follow the Spirit’s promptings, heavenly hope sustains us. Our struggling is not in vain. Eternal delight awaits where we’ll feast in unbroken fellowship with God.
Lord, Help Me Listen
Lord, tune my ears to hear Your Spirit’s voice above the noise and lies of culture. By Your grace, I want to live as an overcomer. Nourish my soul with the hope of paradise restored where I will dine at Your table.
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