
Overcoming the Dragon

Overcoming the Dragon

Enraged Enemy

“Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.”Revelation 12:17 (NIV)

In this verse, we see the ferocity of the enemy’s rage against those who follow Christ.

The dragon, a symbol of Satan and his forces, is described as enraged, waging war against believers who remain faithful to God’s commands and testify to the truth of Jesus.

Perseverance of the Faithful

Despite the intensity of the enemy’s assault, this verse reminds us that there are those who “keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.”

These are believers who persevere, standing firm in their faith and obedience, even in the face of adversity and opposition.

Spiritual Battle

This passage is a stark reminder that as followers of Christ, we are engaged in a spiritual battle against forces that seek to undermine our faith and cause us to stumble.

The enemy is relentless in his attacks, using fear, temptation, and persecution to try to wear us down and turn us away from God.

Victorious Outcome

Yet, even as we recognize the reality of this battle, we can take heart in the knowledge that the ultimate victory belongs to Christ.

He has already triumphed over the dragon, and through His power and strength, we too can overcome the enemy’s assaults. As we persevere in faith and obedience, holding fast to our testimony of Jesus, we will share in His victory.

Stand firm, with unwavering faith and courage, knowing that your perseverance will not be in vain. For the one who overcomes will inherit eternal life and a place in the Kingdom of God.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Finishing the Work

Finishing the Work

Fulfilled Task

“I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.” John 17:4 (NIV)

In this powerful statement from Jesus, we see the culmination of His earthly ministry.

He declares that He has completed the task assigned to Him by the Father, bringing glory to God through His obedience and sacrifice.

Purpose Revealed

From the very beginning, Jesus had a clear sense of purpose and mission.

He came to earth not merely to teach or perform miracles, but to fulfill a specific work – the redemption of humanity through His death and resurrection.

Example Set

As followers of Christ, we too have been given a purpose and a mission.

Just as Jesus lived a life of absolute obedience to the Father’s will, we are called to align our lives with God’s plan and to seek to bring Him glory through our actions and choices.

Ongoing Work

While Christ’s work on the cross is complete, the mission to proclaim the good news and make disciples continues.

We are now the hands and feet of Christ in the world, carrying on the work that He began. As we surrender ourselves fully to God’s purposes, we can find true meaning and fulfillment in our lives.

May you, like Jesus, be able to say at the end of your days that you have finished the work God gave you to do. May your life be a testament to His glory, as you faithfully pursue His purposes.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Trust
Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Revelation 2:7Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

Listen Up!

Jesus urges us to lean in and carefully heed the Spirit’s instructions for living counter-culturally as faithful believers. Obeying His voice positions us for blessing.

Though reviled by society, we must stay true to God’s values. Our citizenship is in heaven where an amazing inheritance awaits all who overcome in Christ.

Reserved for the Faithful

Paradise was barred after the Fall. Now, Christ promises crown conquerors the right to eat again from the tree of life in heaven’s restored Eden. What wondrous assurance!

As we follow the Spirit’s promptings, heavenly hope sustains us. Our struggling is not in vain. Eternal delight awaits where we’ll feast in unbroken fellowship with God.

Lord, Help Me Listen

Lord, tune my ears to hear Your Spirit’s voice above the noise and lies of culture. By Your grace, I want to live as an overcomer. Nourish my soul with the hope of paradise restored where I will dine at Your table.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Big Faithfulness in Little Things

Big Faithfulness in Little Things

Luke 16:10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

Much of life is made up of small, ordinary assignments. The vast majority of our time is spent on minor tasks – the laundry, dishes, emails and errands that fill unremarkable days but don’t seem to matter much.

It’s tempting to cut corners on the little things, assuming insignificance equals insignificance.

But this verse reveals that small assignments provide critical tests that train us for greater ones. How we steward the mundane matters profoundly.

Seeds of Greatness

Approach each minor responsibility as an opportunity to demonstrate faithfulness. Bring your best effort, energy and integrity to ordinary tasks.

Permit no compromising shortcuts. Pay attention to details. Be trustworthy in trifles, and God will entrust you with greater treasure.

Small Tests

The Bible teaches that God intentionally allows small difficulties and tests of character to assess if we are ready for larger trials and more responsibility.

Passing minor tests proves our trustworthiness for greater things.

Living with integrity in everyday details – keeping promises, tithing pennies, displaying patience – doesn’t guarantee an easy life. But it does strengthen resolve and godly character required for heavier assignments ahead.

Small Steps

Identify one minor area where you need to build faithfulness.

Maybe it’s keeping your workspace tidy or being on time for appointments.

Set a small goal and stick to it. Let small successes build stability and wisdom for bigger challenges.

Warning Signs

Dishonesty and irresponsibility don’t happen in a vacuum. Patterns of poor character are revealed in small things first.

Ignoring minor infractions and lack of conscientiousness sets us up for major failure down the road.

Don’t disregard seemingly insignificant thoughts, words or actions that violate your conscience.

Nip sin in the bud through quick repentance. Seek God’s help to walk uprightly in the everyday. Minor missteps lead to major downfalls.

Fight Complacency

Ask God to reveal any “little” places in your life where you’ve slipped into compromised thinking or lazy habits.

Commit to immediate course correction, knowing these patterns can quickly grow.

Remain vigilant. The best time to stop moral erosion is before it becomes an avalanche.

Worthy Servants

Faithfulness now in mundane matters and minor moral choices demonstrates your readiness to be entrusted with greater responsibility in God’s kingdom.

He desires to expand your assignments but will not put you in over your head.

As we steward our days and choices well for His glory, God is pleased to give more influence.

Our eternal rewards will correspond to the character and dedication we build in these hidden years of ordinary service.

Wait Patiently

Keep walking uprightly in private when it feels like your work is unseen. Allow the Holy Spirit to develop faithfulness and Christlike virtue within.

Wait patiently for God to promote you in His timing. The path to greater influence passes through small but sacred duties.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith