Matthew 6:34 – “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
The Allure of Control
We want to map out the future to reduce uncertainty. But obsessively worrying about tomorrow steals joy and productivity from today. Jesus calls us to stay present and trust God one day at a time.
The desire for control is rooted in fear and doubt. But the antidote is remembering God holds the future. He will equip us for whatever comes when we rely on Him daily.
Entangled by the Future
When we fixate on the “what ifs” ahead, anxiety takes root and chokes out peace. Living in the imagined negative future is draining. It blinds us to God’s presence now.
Shift your focus instead to actively trusting Christ in the present. Refuse to fast-forward in your mind. Receive His strength for today.
Lord, Calm My Anxious Heart
Jesus, when my mind spins with fearful projections, speak Your truth to silence these lies. Quiet my racing thoughts. Calm my heart with confidence that You reign over the future. Keep me mindful of Your presence now.
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