Matthew 26:36 – Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”
Alone with the Father
On the agonizing eve of His death, Jesus entered Gethsemane to pour out His heart to the Father. In this private sanctuary of prayer, He revealed raw vulnerability unseen by others.
Jesus models the importance of uncompromising honesty in prayer. God welcomes us approaching Him with total transparency of emotion. Our masks must come off.
Permission to Be Human
Pouring out distress in prayer frees us from pretense and self-sufficiency. Jesus asked His friends to intercede nearby while He wrestled and wept before God alone.
We need safe spaces to be human with God – to voice doubts, fears, confusion. Jesus understands. You have permission to bare your soul authentically to Him.
Lord, Receive My Unmasked Heart
Lord, I’m tempted to stuff down feelings and maintain control in prayer. Remind me You welcome raw honesty. Thank You for providing intimate access where I can be fully myself and pour out my unfiltered heart. Receive all that I bring.
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“One Minute with God”