“The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more.”
Challenge of Sin
Sin profoundly impacts everyone. It represents rebellion against God’s will, the violation of His holy law, and the corruption of His good creation.
Sin severs our connection with God’s love, exposing us to His wrath and judgment. It also damages our relationships with others and ourselves, leading to misery and death. Ultimately, sin lies at the root of all evil and suffering in the world.
Our own efforts and merits cannot free us from sin. We cannot flawlessly adhere to God’s law, nor can we erase our past transgressions.
Our sinful nature remains unchanged, and the power of sin overwhelms us. In our helpless state, we deserve God’s condemnation and punishment.
Precious Gift of Grace
Yet, in His boundless love and mercy, God provides an escape from sin and its consequences. He bestows upon us the gift of grace—an undeserved favor and kindness.
Grace is not something we earn; it is freely and generously given by God. It serves as the wellspring of our salvation, sanctification, forgiveness, transformation, peace, and joy.
The pinnacle of God’s grace is found in Jesus Christ, His Son and our Savior. Jesus entered our world as a human, lived a sinless life, and willingly died on the cross for our sins.
His resurrection conquered sin and death, offering us eternal life and reconciliation with God. Through Jesus, we can receive the Holy Spirit and His life-transforming Word, guiding and empowering us.
His unconditional love intercedes for us.
Response of Faith
- How can we access this abundant grace?
- How do we experience it?
The answer lies in faith. Faith involves trusting God’s promises, surrendering to His will, and obeying His commands. It justifies and sanctifies us, declaring us righteous and holy through God’s grace.
Faith is not a self-generated work; it is a divine gift. We humbly receive it, recognizing that boasting has no place.
Faith is our lifeline to God and His grace—a channel through which His abundant blessings flow into our lives.
Fruit of Joy
What happens when we embrace God’s grace through faith? Joy blossoms. This deep and lasting delight transcends circumstances, rooted in God’s goodness.
Joy evidences the work of the Holy Spirit, the reward of faith, and the ultimate goal of salvation. It fuels our service and witness, comforts us during trials, and directs praise and glory to our God and Savior.
Joy isn’t a mere feeling we manufacture; it’s a reality we discover. We don’t chase after it; we possess it. Joy overflows from God’s grace within us, radiating outward to bless others.
Remember this kids song . . . it’s not just for kids!
I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart!
Down in my heart!
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay
And I’m so happy, so very happy
I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart
Down in my heart.
And I’m so happy, so very happy
I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart.
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“One Minute with God”