
Grace Abounds All the More

Grace Abounds All the More

Romans 5:20

“The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more.”

Challenge of Sin

Sin profoundly impacts everyone. It represents rebellion against God’s will, the violation of His holy law, and the corruption of His good creation.

Sin severs our connection with God’s love, exposing us to His wrath and judgment. It also damages our relationships with others and ourselves, leading to misery and death. Ultimately, sin lies at the root of all evil and suffering in the world.

Our own efforts and merits cannot free us from sin. We cannot flawlessly adhere to God’s law, nor can we erase our past transgressions.

Our sinful nature remains unchanged, and the power of sin overwhelms us. In our helpless state, we deserve God’s condemnation and punishment.

Precious Gift of Grace

Yet, in His boundless love and mercy, God provides an escape from sin and its consequences. He bestows upon us the gift of grace—an undeserved favor and kindness.

Grace is not something we earn; it is freely and generously given by God. It serves as the wellspring of our salvation, sanctification, forgiveness, transformation, peace, and joy.

The pinnacle of God’s grace is found in Jesus Christ, His Son and our Savior. Jesus entered our world as a human, lived a sinless life, and willingly died on the cross for our sins.

His resurrection conquered sin and death, offering us eternal life and reconciliation with God. Through Jesus, we can receive the Holy Spirit and His life-transforming Word, guiding and empowering us.

His unconditional love intercedes for us.

Response of Faith

  • How can we access this abundant grace?
  • How do we experience it?

The answer lies in faith. Faith involves trusting God’s promises, surrendering to His will, and obeying His commands. It justifies and sanctifies us, declaring us righteous and holy through God’s grace.

Faith is not a self-generated work; it is a divine gift. We humbly receive it, recognizing that boasting has no place.

Faith is our lifeline to God and His grace—a channel through which His abundant blessings flow into our lives.

Fruit of Joy

What happens when we embrace God’s grace through faith? Joy blossoms. This deep and lasting delight transcends circumstances, rooted in God’s goodness.

Joy evidences the work of the Holy Spirit, the reward of faith, and the ultimate goal of salvation. It fuels our service and witness, comforts us during trials, and directs praise and glory to our God and Savior.

Joy isn’t a mere feeling we manufacture; it’s a reality we discover. We don’t chase after it; we possess it. Joy overflows from God’s grace within us, radiating outward to bless others.

Remember this kids song . . . it’s not just for kids!

I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy

I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart!
Down in my heart!
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay


And I’m so happy, so very happy
I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart
Down in my heart.
And I’m so happy, so very happy
I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Guided by God’s Wisdom

Guided by God’s Wisdom

Promise of Divine Guidance

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:8 (NIV)

In this verse, we are given a beautiful promise from God: that He will be our guide, our teacher, and our counselor, leading us in the path we should take.

Need for Guidance

Life’s journey is often filled with uncertainty, confusion, and difficult choices. We can easily lose our way, stumbling through the darkness without a clear sense of direction.

But we are not alone in this journey. God, in His infinite wisdom and love, offers to guide us.

Wisdom of God’s Counsel

God’s guidance is not a mere set of instructions or a map to follow blindly. It is a personal, loving counsel that takes into account our unique circumstances and needs.

With His loving eye upon us, God offers wisdom that is tailored to our specific situation, helping us navigate the complexities of life.

Path of Trust

To receive God’s guidance, we must cultivate a heart of trust. We must be willing to surrender our own limited understanding and lean on His wisdom.

As we walk in obedience and faith, God will illuminate the path before us, step by step, leading us into the fullness of His plan.

It takes humility to recognize our need for divine guidance and the courage to trust in God’s wisdom as we journey through life. For in doing so, we can experience the joy and peace of walking in the path He has prepared for us.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Humor
Finding Joy in Discipline?

Finding Joy in Discipline?

God’s Love

“Because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son.”Hebrews 12:6 (NIV)

We are reminded of the deep and abiding love that God has for His children.

His discipline and punishment are not acts of cruelty or anger, but rather expressions of His love and care for us.


God’s discipline is not meant to harm us or make us feel small. Instead, it serves a greater purpose – to shape us, refine us, and help us grow into the people He has called us to be.

Just as a loving parent corrects a child, so too does God correct us, not out of anger, but out of a desire to see us reach our full potential.


Discipline is often uncomfortable and even painful. It can be easy to resent it or to feel like we’re being punished for our mistakes.

However, if we can shift our perspective and see discipline as a sign of God’s love and care for us, we can begin to find joy in the process.


When we embrace discipline with humility and trust in God’s goodness, we open ourselves up to growth and transformation.

Discipline helps us to shed our selfish tendencies and develop character, patience, and wisdom. It refines us, like gold being purified in the fire, so that we can better reflect the image of Christ within us.

Do not despise the discipline of the Lord, but rather embrace it with gratitude, knowing that it is a sign of His deep and abiding love for you. Through discipline, you can find joy and hope in the process of becoming more like Christ.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Discipline, Faith
Path to True Freedom

Path to True Freedom

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”Galatians 1:10 (NIV)

Trap of People-Pleasing

In our pursuit of acceptance and validation, it’s easy to fall into the trap of people-pleasing.

We can become consumed by the desire to win the approval of others, tailoring our words, actions, and even our beliefs to fit the expectations and preferences of those around us.

But this path is ultimately a dead end, leading us into a prison of conformity and inauthenticity.

Pursuit of God’s Approval

In contrast to the endless chase for human approval, there is a higher calling – the pursuit of God’s approval.

This is not about earning His favor through our own efforts or trying to impress Him with our accomplishments; it’s about aligning our hearts and lives with His will, seeking to honor Him in all that we do.

Freedom of Serving Christ

When we shift our focus from pleasing people to serving Christ, a remarkable thing happens: we experience true freedom.

No longer bound by the ever-changing demands and expectations of others, we find liberation in the knowledge that our identity and purpose are rooted in the unchanging love and acceptance of our Heavenly Father.

Living as Servants of Christ

Living as servants of Christ means embracing a life of radical obedience and surrender to His will.

It requires us to let go of our own agendas, ambitions, and desires for approval, and to instead seek His kingdom and righteousness above all else.

As you do this, you discover that His ways are not burdensome but life-giving, leading you into a deeper experience of joy, peace, and purpose.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Holiness, Humility, Trust
Embracing God’s Wisdom

Embracing God’s Wisdom

“When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.” – Deuteronomy 18:9 (NIV)

Allure of Detestable Ways

In this world, we are constantly bombarded with temptations to embrace detestable ways – ways that promise fulfillment but ultimately lead us astray.

The nations around us often present a seductive allure, inviting us to adopt their customs, beliefs, and practices. Yet, beneath the surface, these ways are empty and destructive.

Resisting the Allure

Resisting the allure of detestable ways requires wisdom and discernment. It means recognizing that the ways of the world are not aligned with God’s design for our lives.

We must be willing to stand apart, to swim against the current, and to hold onto the truth that God’s ways are infinitely better.

Embracing God’s Wisdom

Embracing God’s wisdom is not just about avoiding the detestable ways of the world; it’s about actively pursuing a path of wholeness and fulfillment.

God’s wisdom is not a set of arbitrary rules but a framework for living that leads to genuine flourishing. When we embrace His wisdom, we discover that His ways are not burdensome but life-giving.

Path to Wholeness

By embracing God’s wisdom, we find ourselves on a path to wholeness – a journey of becoming fully human, as He intended.

This path is not always easy, but it is profound. It requires us to let go of the empty promises of the world and cling to the truth that God’s ways are the only ones that can truly satisfy our deepest longings.

As we walk this path, we find that God’s wisdom transforms us from the inside out. Our perspectives shift, our priorities align, and our lives take on a new depth and richness.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Trust
Future Glory with the Father

Future Glory with the Father

“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.” John 17:24

Everlasting Joy in His Presence

What an incredible promise we have in this verse! Jesus prays to the Father that those who believe in Him will one day be with Him in glory.

Not only will we be in His presence, but we will behold His glory – the very glory that the Father has given Him. Just imagine what it will be like to see our Savior face-to-face and witness His majesty and splendor.

The joy will be beyond anything we can experience on this earth. His glory will be staggering, breathtaking, and astounding. And even more astonishing is that He wants us there with Him!

He longs for us to be united with Him in paradise. What an honor to be desired by the King of kings! Let this truth fill you with hope and excitement for the future.

Our pain, tears, and struggles will vanish, replaced by everlasting joy in His wonderful presence.

A Love Before Time

This verse also reveals the eternal nature of Christ’s love for us. He speaks of the Father loving Him “before the creation of the world.” And because of this love, the Father gave Him glory which He now desires to share with us. Isn’t that remarkable?

Before time even began, before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs, Christ’s love for us already existed. This magnificent, unconditional love transcends space, time, and circumstance. It will never fade or falter.

Meditate on the depth and constancy of His love. Let it overwhelm you and transform you. No matter what happens in this life, nothing can separate you from it. You are adored with an everlasting love!

Certainty of Eternity with Him

As Jesus prays these words on the eve of His crucifixion, He speaks with complete certainty about the future glory that awaits all believers. He doesn’t say “if” or “maybe” we will be with Him in paradise.

No, He says definitively that we WILL be there by His side, beholding His glory! We can be absolutely sure of this. It’s a promise etched in stone. One day we will enjoy intimate fellowship with Him in a place of indescribable beauty and joy.

With this hope secure, press on; your trials are temporary but your reward is eternal. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith.

The splendor of heaven infinitely outweighs the suffering of earth. Just imagine – soon we will be home with our Savior!

Our Certain Hope

As you go through your day, remember that you have an incredible hope ahead.

Jesus guarantees that if you have put your faith in Him, you will one day be united with Him in eternal paradise.

Let this promise give you strength and perspective when trials come your way. The pain is only temporary, but the glory is eternal.

Stay focused on Him, your loving Redeemer who desires your presence with Him. You are deeply loved, now and forevermore!

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Living in the Kingdom

Living in the Kingdom

In Romans 14:17, the Apostle Paul unveils a profound truth about the Kingdom of God that resonates with the core of Christian living.

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Nature of God’s Kingdom

Paul begins by clarifying the nature of God’s Kingdom. It’s not about external rituals or regulations, like what we eat or drink.

Instead, the essence of the kingdom resides in internal realities. This understanding challenges the legalistic tendencies that can sometimes hinder our faith.

Righteousness, Peace, and Joy

The heart of this verse lies in the three pillars of God’s kingdom: righteousness, peace, and joy:

  • Righteousness refers to our right standing with God through Christ.
  • Peace signifies the reconciliation we have with God, resulting in inner and outer harmony.
  • Joy is the natural outflow of our relationship with the Holy Spirit, bringing delight even amidst life’s challenges.

In the Holy Spirit

Paul emphasizes that this righteousness, peace, and joy are found “In the Holy Spirit.” It’s a reminder that the Christian life isn’t merely about moral efforts but is profoundly influenced by the presence and work of the Spirit in our lives.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to live out the values of God’s kingdom.

Apply It

As you contemplate on Romans 14:17; evaluate your priorities.

  • Are you overly fixated on external religious practices or legalistic rules?
  • Are you experiencing the transformative power of righteousness, peace, and joy that comes from living in God’s kingdom?

Focus on the heart of your faith, cultivate a life marked by these attributes, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Walking in God’s Presence

Walking in God’s Presence

Psalm 16:11 invites us to contemplate the profound joy found in God’s presence.

This verse resonates with a timeless truth that spans across spiritual traditions – the fulfillment that comes from being in communion with the God. Let’

The Path of Life

Imagine walking on a path that leads to a place of boundless joy and contentment. Psalm 16:11 portrays God’s presence as this path.

In the context of the psalm, King David recognizes that true joy is not found in fleeting pleasures, but in the intimate relationship with God.

Fullness of Joy

The verse speaks of “fullness of joy” in God’s presence. This is not a mere momentary happiness, but a deep and abiding joy that transcends circumstances.

It’s a joy that fills every corner of our being and satisfies the longings of our souls. Such joy is not contingent on external factors, but flows from the unchanging nature of God and our relationship to Him.

Delighting in God’s Presence

The phrase “at your right hand” signifies a position of honor and favor. It suggests a close and intimate relationship with God.

Just as two friends might walk side by side, this imagery portrays a companionship that brings delight and comfort. It’s an invitation to seek God’s presence in every moment, finding solace and joy in His nearness.

Journey of Presence

Psalm 16:11 resonates with the journey of seeking God’s presence. It encourages us to prioritize a relationship with God over fleeting pleasures.

Walking in Joyful Communion

Psalm 16:11 unveils a truth that spans the ages – the path of true joy is found in God’s presence; His presence illuminates our lives with meaning and purpose.

As you navigate the complexities of life, remember that joy is not a distant destination but a journey of walking hand in hand with God Himself.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
A Joyful Heart

A Joyful Heart

Proverbs 17:22 offers a simple yet profound truth about the impact of a joyful heart on our well-being.

This verse reminds us of the intricate connection between our emotions and our physical health.

Medicine of a Joyful Heart

Imagine a medicine that brings healing and restoration to the body. Proverbs 17:22 presents joy as such a remedy.

The verse suggests that a cheerful heart has a positive effect on our overall health. This insight from ancient wisdom aligns with modern understanding of the mind-body connection.

Emotions and Health

The idea that joy contributes to good health is more than a quaint notion; it’s supported by scientific research.

When we experience positive emotions, our bodies release endorphins and other beneficial chemicals. These substances promote well-being and even boost our immune systems, showcasing the profound impact of our emotions on our health.

Cultivate Joy

The verse’s message extends beyond fleeting happiness to the cultivation of lasting joy.

This involves fostering a positive outlook, practicing gratitude, and seeking God’s presence. Such intentional efforts contribute not only to our spiritual well-being, but also to our physical health.

Choosing Joy in Adversity

Proverbs 17:22 doesn’t deny the existence of trials or challenges. Instead, it invites us to choose joy despite our circumstances; a joyful heart enables us to navigate life’s difficulties with a spirit of hope and resilience.

Nurturing a Joyful Heart

Proverbs 17:22 reminds us that joy is more than a fleeting emotion – it’s a balm for our physical and spiritual well-being.

As you journey through life’s ups and downs, remember the transformative power of a joyful heart.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration


Have you ever had a deep conversation with a close friend? You know, the kind of conversation where you share your thoughts, dreams, and struggles, and truly connect on a heart level?

It’s a beautiful experience that brings a sense of closeness and understanding. In the same way, the apostle John invites us to have a similar kind of fellowship, but on a spiritual level.

“What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1:3)

When we read these words, it’s important to understand the context. John, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, is sharing his firsthand experience with the Son of God. He witnessed the miracles, heard Jesus’ teachings, and even saw Him crucified and resurrected.

John is passing on this incredible knowledge and relationship to his readers, inviting them into fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

This invitation is not limited to a select few or an exclusive group. It’s for all who are willing to receive it. Just as John shared his experiences with others, we are called to share the Good News of Jesus with those around us.

By doing so, we participate in the fellowship of believers throughout history and become part of God’s family.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Joy, Trust
New Variant Emerging

New Variant Emerging

Following the recent outbreak of severe thankfulness that swept across the region recently; a new and even more powerful flare-up is emerging; and outpouring of Hopefulness!

Hopefulness finds its mysterious and concerning roots from the core element of “HOPE.”

Hope defined: “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” It is a very elusive quality, that once it takes root in the heart, is nearly impossible to extricate.

Strangely, it causes the infected person to always see the good in others; even those purported to be enemies! It tends to believe that something good, and something greater is just around the bend!

I personally was infected by this new variant; and appear to gaining strength; it is taking root and growing rapidly; and rather than resist; I decided to just let it have me!

Here’s hoping you catch it too!

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Posted by onthesolidrock in Faith, Humility, Joy, Love, Thankfulness, Trust
Sing to the Lord

Sing to the Lord

One of the amazing capabilities we have as human beings, is the ability to sing; to make music in our hearts, and to let it spring forth!

There is something special about singing to the Lord songs of praise. It is as if He draws near; with an attentive ear, hanging on every note, drinking the love, affection, and joy our song presents to Him.

So, go ahead and sing to the Lord, sing a new song; make up a song as you go; delight yourself in the Lord, for He is very, very Good indeed!

Psalm 30:4

Posted by onthesolidrock


Living in a ever increasing dark world; we tend to focus on the negative, the hurtful, and all the suffering humankind is facing on a daily basis.

National news media makes money by focusing on issues that divide, and we get drawn in to their relentless efforts, watching more and more; drawing our attention away from a loving, caring God.

Take time today to consider: “This IS the Day that the Lord has Made.” It is a day never lived before; fresh and new, ready to be lived to the fullest!

Find God’s Goodness today; be light to someone’s darkness . . . REJOICE and BE GLAD!

Psalm 118:24

Posted by onthesolidrock in Joy, Thankfulness, 0 comments
I am an Alien

I am an Alien

It took a few years to come to this conclusion; but I am convinced that; “I am an alien.”  I know, you are probably rolling your eyes right now thinking; “Rock has finally gone off his ROCK-er.”


Perhaps I have, but allow me to explain . . .


It is no big secret that I am an unashamed follower of Jesus. I am not perfect on my journey with Him, however, I do spend quality time with Him and truly call Him my best Friend. The friendship I am speaking of took a while to develop and was entirely His own idea.


Many years ago, through an amazing set of circumstances, I came to the realization that I was a spiritual mess. After chasing drugs, money and other worthless “things,” I found myself faced with a decision to either believe in God, or walk away, rejecting Him, along with His offer of redemption.


I recall kneeling at an altar in an old barn type building one hot July night, where they were holding “religious services.” I risked everything and went to Him; afraid He would reject me, afraid of what people would say, afraid of my own fallibilities.


As I knelt there, tears flowing, I said to God; “I have nothing to give you, nothing at all.” At that moment, I heard the kindest voice say; “I’ll take it.”


It was there, in that hot building, with dozens of hopeful people looking on, that my friendship with Jesus began. Amazingly, on the other side of that altar, was my wife, Sherri, having a similar experience and she also became a friend of Jesus that night!


It took no time at all for this relationship with Jesus to really get moving. He introduced me to His Father, and to the Holy Spirit, who would come and live constantly with me, helping me, teaching me and directing my steps!


As I alluded to in the beginning of this writing, I did not, and still do not, always get it right. There have been some tumultuous times in our friendship. We have had serious disagreements, we have laughed together, wept together, and there have been times when I thought the relationship might be irrevocably damaged; not on His part, but mine!


The thing is; this friendship with Jesus is so much more. When He introduced me to His Father, there was a celebration and according to God’s own Word; I became adopted into His family . . . WHAT?


Colossians 1:13-14

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins”                        


I was rescued from the darkness and brought into His Kingdom! This is not a fantasy show; this is a spiritual reality, but it gets even better!


According to God’s Word, not only have I been rescued, I have been adopted as a son! Seriously? The Bible says . . .


Romans 8:15

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!”


Check this out about what adoption rights are . . .


Adoption –   “To take into one’s family through legal means and raise as one’s own child”

The adopted child is treated by law as the natural child of the adopting parents, upon the entry of the final adoption decree. The adopted child, therefore, gains the right to inherit from the adoptive parents and adoptive parents’ relatives. . .     (National Adoption Information Clearinghouse)


So . . . there you have it! I am now a permanent citizen of the Kingdom of God! How amazing is that! As an adopted son, now living in “The Kingdom of God” it behooves me to learn all I can about my new home and to live in such a manner as to reflect my gratitude for this amazing gift!


As I have studied the ways of His “Kingdom” I have come to the realization that it truly is my spiritual home; I reside there NOW! I don’t have to die to get there!


One thing we learn quickly as an adopted son or daughter is that, God our Father, along with the Son (Jesus) and The Holy Spirit, is on a mission. Furthermore, those who are adopted into this family of God, are invited to join in this mission and are expected to wholeheartedly engage in it!


For this reason, we are “sent” to the world, to express Kingdom ideas such as; love, peace, joy, salvation, forgiveness, kindness. We are here as missionaries; we are not of this world . . . still not convinced?


Listen to the words of Jesus Himself as He prays to His Father and ours in the Gospel of John . . .


John 17:13-18

But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.


So there it is . . . I am an alien; I come from another place, I am not of this world!       SWEET!


Posted by onthesolidrock in Faith, 0 comments