True Riches: God’s Grace and Inheritance

The world measures wealth by possessions, status, and power. It focuses on acquiring more and surpassing expectations.

James 2:5 “Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”

This verse challenges our definition of wealth.

God’s Perspective on Wealth

The world measures wealth by possessions, status, and power. It focuses on acquiring more and surpassing expectations.

The Bible, however, offers a different perspective. True riches come from what we receive from God, not what we have ourselves.

It’s about God’s grace and our future inheritance.

Poverty and Heavenly Riches

James calls his readers “brothers and sisters,” acknowledging their shared faith and God’s choice. He highlights their richness in faith – a gift from God – and their inheritance of the kingdom – a promise from God. However, he acknowledges their earthly poverty and struggles.

This seeming paradox – present poverty and future riches – is resolved by understanding their source of wealth.

It’s not earthly possessions but God’s grace.

Power of God’s Grace

Grace is God’s undeserved favor, love, and limitless resources.

It’s the power that saves, transforms, and empowers us. It makes us rich in God’s eyes even when we lack in the world’s.

Grace enables us to trust, obey, and love God, even in challenging times.

It empowers us to overcome sin, resist evil, endure suffering, serve others, share the gospel, and live for God’s glory.

Promise of the Kingdom

The kingdom of God signifies His reign and rule. It’s not a physical place but a spiritual reality, already present.

It’s the ultimate goal and the greatest expression of God’s glory.

This kingdom is the inheritance of those who love God, a reward for obedience and a treasure for those who seek Him.

Focus on seeking the kingdom of God, for it represents the true riches found in His grace.

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