God's Grace

Boasting in Christ Alone

Boasting in Christ Alone

Romans 15:17“Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God”

As believers, we are called to serve God in various capacities, utilizing the gifts and opportunities He has graciously bestowed upon us.

However, the apostle Paul reminds us that the ultimate purpose, motivation, and attitude of our service should be to exalt and honor Christ, who is the source and goal of our service.

Purpose of Our Service

Exalting Christ Paul declares, “Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God.”

His service was driven by a desire to glorify Christ, expressing love and gratitude to the Savior and Lord. This should be our aim, too – to depend on and trust in Christ, who is the power and wisdom behind our service.

Danger of Pride

Unfortunately, we often forget this purpose and fall into the trap of pride.

Pride is the sinful tendency to think highly of ourselves and lowly of others, taking credit for what God has accomplished and blaming others for our failures.

It alienates us from God’s grace, damages our relationships, blinds us to our faults, and robs us of joy and peace.

Remedy of His Grace

Overcoming pride and learning to glory in Christ alone requires acknowledging our need for His grace.

Grace is God’s undeserved favor and kindness towards us, not something we earn or deserve, but something we receive freely and generously from Him.

The supreme expression of God’s grace is the person and work of Jesus Christ. He humbled Himself, lived a sinless life, died for our sins, and rose again, defeating sin and death.

He offers us eternal life, reconciliation with God, and the gift of His Spirit and Word to guide and empower us.

Response of Our Faith

To receive this grace, we must respond with faith – trusting and relying on God’s promises, accepting His will, and obeying His commands with gratitude.

Faith is not a work we boast about but a gift we humbly receive, the means by which we are justified and sanctified by God’s grace.

When we receive God’s grace by faith, we are set free from the bondage of pride and enabled to glory in Christ alone.

We can serve God with joy, humility, love, gratitude, dependence, and trust, giving Him all the glory and honor, for He alone is worthy.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Gift of Living Water

Gift of Living Water

John 4:11 captures Jesus’ message to the Samaritan woman: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (NIV).

This verse offers a solution to a universal human longing.

Insatiable Thirst for More

As humans, we crave a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and purpose.

Often, we chase after these feelings in the wrong places – material possessions, relationships, or achievements.

But these things offer only temporary satisfaction. They leave a void that nothing earthly can fill.

Gift of Grace: Living Water

Jesus offers a different kind of drink: “living water” that eternally satisfies.

This living water represents God’s grace – a free gift we don’t earn or deserve. It’s an acknowledgment of our need for Him and our inability to find true meaning on our own.

When we accept this gift, we experience a deep peace and contentment that only God can provide.

Promise of Eternal Life

The living water isn’t just about this life; it’s about eternity with God.

Accepting this gift fills us with the Holy Spirit, who guides and transforms us. We gain a new perspective, empowered to live for God’s glory.

Beyond this earthly life, the promise extends to being with Jesus forever in heaven.

Drink Deep

The living water offered by Jesus is the answer to your deepest longings. It’s the only true source of lasting fulfillment.

Accept His gift of grace, drink deeply from the well of living water, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
True Riches: God’s Grace and Inheritance

True Riches: God’s Grace and Inheritance

James 2:5 “Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”

This verse challenges our definition of wealth.

God’s Perspective on Wealth

The world measures wealth by possessions, status, and power. It focuses on acquiring more and surpassing expectations.

The Bible, however, offers a different perspective. True riches come from what we receive from God, not what we have ourselves.

It’s about God’s grace and our future inheritance.

Poverty and Heavenly Riches

James calls his readers “brothers and sisters,” acknowledging their shared faith and God’s choice. He highlights their richness in faith – a gift from God – and their inheritance of the kingdom – a promise from God. However, he acknowledges their earthly poverty and struggles.

This seeming paradox – present poverty and future riches – is resolved by understanding their source of wealth.

It’s not earthly possessions but God’s grace.

Power of God’s Grace

Grace is God’s undeserved favor, love, and limitless resources.

It’s the power that saves, transforms, and empowers us. It makes us rich in God’s eyes even when we lack in the world’s.

Grace enables us to trust, obey, and love God, even in challenging times.

It empowers us to overcome sin, resist evil, endure suffering, serve others, share the gospel, and live for God’s glory.

Promise of the Kingdom

The kingdom of God signifies His reign and rule. It’s not a physical place but a spiritual reality, already present.

It’s the ultimate goal and the greatest expression of God’s glory.

This kingdom is the inheritance of those who love God, a reward for obedience and a treasure for those who seek Him.

Focus on seeking the kingdom of God, for it represents the true riches found in His grace.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Breathing In God’s Grace

Breathing In God’s Grace

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?”Deuteronomy 10:12-13 (NIV)

Focus on What Truly Matters

Our hectic lives often leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from what truly matters.

In the busyness of our days, we can lose sight of the essential things God desires from us: reverence, obedience, love, and wholeheartedness.

Yet, these requirements are not oppressive burdens but invitations to breathe in God’s grace and find fulfillment in aligning our lives with His purposes.


To fear the Lord does not mean to cower in terror but to stand in awe of His majesty and power.

When we recognize our own smallness in comparison to His greatness, our perspective shifts. Reverence helps us realize that our lives are not our own, but gifts from the One who created us.

This humble acknowledgment opens the door to true obedience.

Obedience: Following God’s Path

Obedience is not mere rule-following but a response of love and trust. When we walk in obedience, we allow God’s wisdom to guide our steps.

His commands and decrees are not arbitrary restrictions but signposts pointing us toward the abundant life He desires for us.

As we follow His path, we discover that His ways are indeed for our good.

Embracing the Giver

Love is the heartbeat of our relationship with God.

It is more than an emotion; it is a deep commitment to embrace the One who first loved us. When we love God with our whole being, our priorities align, and our actions flow from a place of genuine devotion.

Love transforms obedience from a duty to a delight.

Living with Undivided Devotion

To serve God with our entire heart and soul is to live with undivided devotion.

It means bringing every aspect of our lives – our thoughts, desires, decisions, and actions – under the Lordship of Christ. When we do this, we experience a profound sense of purpose and unity, no longer fragmented by competing allegiances or divided affections.

As we breathe in God’s grace and align our lives with His desires, we discover the true freedom and fullness that come from walking in reverence, obedience, love, and wholeheartedness.

Let go of lesser things and cling to the essentials, finding our deepest satisfaction in the One who asks us to give Him our all.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Holiness, Humility
Secret Things Belong to the Lord

Secret Things Belong to the Lord

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29, NIV)


This verse comes from a book that records the words and deeds of Moses, the leader and lawgiver of Israel. In this book, he reviews the history and the covenant of God with His people, as they prepare to enter the promised land.

He reminds them of the blessings and curses that will follow their obedience or disobedience to God’s commands.

In chapter 29, he renews the covenant with them, and warns them of the consequences of breaking it. He also acknowledges that there are some things that only God knows, and some things that He has revealed to them.

The Message

What can we learn from this verse and its context? First, we can learn that God is sovereign and mysterious. He has the secret things, meaning that He has the knowledge and the power that are hidden from us.

He knows the end from the beginning, and He controls all things according to His will. He is the one who makes and keeps the covenant, and He is the one who judges and saves.

He is the one who reveals and conceals, and He is the one who speaks and acts.

Second, we can learn that God is gracious and faithful. He has the things revealed, meaning that He has the knowledge and the power that are given to us.

He has revealed Himself to us, and He has revealed His will to us. He has given us His law, His promises, His warnings, and His instructions. He has given us His presence, His guidance, His protection, and His provision.

He has given us His Son, His Spirit, His Word, and His Church.

Third, we can learn that God is holy and righteous. He has the words of this law, meaning that He has the standard and the expectation that are required of us.

He has given us His commands, His statutes, His decrees, and His ordinances. He has shown us His ways, His works, His wonders, and His signs.

He has called us to love Him, to obey Him, to trust Him, and to serve Him.

How can we apply this verse and its message to our lives? Here are some suggestions:

Revere God

Acknowledge that God is sovereign and mysterious, and that He deserves our awe and respect.

Do not try to manipulate God, but accept His wisdom and authority. Do not doubt or question God, but worship and praise Him.

Do not ignore or neglect God, but seek and honor Him.

Receive God

Recognize that God is gracious and faithful, and that He offers us His love and mercy.

Do not reject or resist God, but welcome His revelation and gift. Do not take for granted or abuse God, but appreciate and cherish Him.

Do not forget or betray God, but remember and thank Him.

Respond to God

Realize that God is holy and righteous, and that He expects us to be His obedient and faithful people.

Do not disobey or rebel against God, but follow His commands and instructions. Do not disregard or compromise with God, but heed His warnings and promises.

Do not disappoint or dishonor God, but please and glorify Him.

The secret things belong to the Lord, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children. This is the message of Deuteronomy 29:29, and this is the message of the covenant. Let us heed it and live by it.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration