
Making Peace

Making Peace

    “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Peace is an elusive commodity in our world.

Turn on the news and you’ll be bombarded with stories of strife and discord: wars, protests, political clashes, interpersonal conflicts.

Maintaining peace with others can seem like an impossible aspiration when there are so many forces working against it.

Yet as followers of Christ, we are called to “make every effort” to live at peace (Hebrews 12:14). This directive in Romans 12 makes clear our responsibility.

Peacemaking must begin with us, regardless of others’ attitudes and actions. We are to do all we can to promote peace.

Removing Barriers

Making peace requires examining our own hearts.

Do we harbor bitterness, nurse grudges, gossip, or cast judgment on others?

These destroy relationships and grieve the Holy Spirit. God wants us to take responsibility for removing inner barriers that hinder peace.

As we surrender past hurts to the Lord and walk in forgiveness, it clears away debris that chokes relationships.

Praying blessings over those who have wronged us cultivates empathy and softens hardened hearts.

And asking God to refine our speech and filter our words prevents many conflicts from igniting in the first place.

Depositing Seeds of Peace

Once inner walls come down through dealing with our own hearts, we can turn outward and actively deposit seeds of peace.

This starts with modeling qualities that defuse tension like patience, kindness, and self-control.

Taming our tongue and not returning insult for insult deprives quarrels of oxygen.

Lovingly confronting issues in their early stages, before they intensify, can prevent ruptured relationships.

Seeking to truly understand others’ perspectives rather than forcing our opinions fosters mutual edification.

God’s Peace in Us

Of course, living at peace is not fully up to us. We will encounter people who are difficult, divisive or downright antagonistic.

As much as it depends on us, we should pursue peace while trusting God with results that are out of our control.

And we can take comfort that God’s peace in our hearts is not contingent on perfect relationships.

By drawing near to Jesus, the Prince of Peace, we tap into a wellspring of serenity that transcends circumstances.

His Spirit calms anxious thoughts, soothing relational tensions. Even when surrounded by hostility and chaos, we can know God’s peace guarding our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7).

Agents of Reconciliation

God calls peacemakers His children and tasks us with spreading peace in our spheres of influence (Matthew 5:9).

As ambassadors of reconciliation, we bring the ministry entrusted to us – one conversation, act of forgiveness, gesture of goodwill at a time (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Overcoming Evil with Good

Overcoming Evil with Good

    “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.” Romans 12:17

When someone wrongs us, our instinctive reaction is to strike back – to give them a taste of their own medicine.

If we’re insulted, we insult them back. If we’re mistreated, we seek to even the score. We tell ourselves we’re just standing up for what’s right and not letting them get away with it.

But while retaliation can provide a fleeting sense of satisfaction, it fails to heal the hurt we feel.

Trading evil for evil only breeds more animosity and discord.

Paul exhorts us to break free from reactionary retaliation. As followers of Christ, we’re called to take the high road and not mirror the wrong behavior of others.

Overcoming Evil

How do we overcome evil with good?

First, we refrain from reacting in kind. Rather than being controlled by evil events, we ask God for strength to control our response.

This requires tapping into God’s power to rein in our tongue, temper, and thoughts. We refrain from angry outbursts, bitter speech, or plotting revenge.

Instead, we bless those who hurt us through prayer and acts of kindness.

Luke 6:28

Second, we do what is right and honorable in God’s eyes. This means speaking truth with love, readily forgiving injuries, and trying to be at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18).

We extend mercy not to condone wrongdoing but to point others to the transforming grace that’s changed our own hearts.

Breaking the Cycle

Each act of retaliation, no matter how slight, fuels a cycle of ongoing tit-for-tat. But by absorbing the blow without returning it, we interrupt the downward spiral.

Like detonating a bomb in mid-air, responding to evil with good defuses volatile situations.

It often pricks the conscience of our offender, prompting them to self-reflect. And it testifies that the love of Christ can overcome hatred and conflict.

Of course, not repaying evil for evil does not mean staying in abusive situations.

We may need to maintain firm boundaries or utilize the law to protect ourselves and others from harm. But even then, we do so without harboring bitterness.

Power of Good

Battling evil with evil unleashes more forces of destruction into the world. Battling evil with good unleashes the power of God.

When we let go of anger and embrace love, we are never overcome by evil.

God infuses each act of mercy and forgiveness with redemptive potential. By relying on His strength, evil can be overcome each time we choose good.

If you like these daily devotionals; you may be interested in our daily
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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Purifying Power of God’s Word

Purifying Power of God’s Word

    “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.” Psalm 12:6

God’s Word is described as flawless, containing no defects or imperfections. It has been thoroughly refined and purified, just as precious metals are heated to remove all impurities.

Scripture comes directly from the mouth of God, communicated through divinely inspired human authors.

Though the writers had different styles and personalities, God supernaturally guided the process so that His Word accurately conveyed exactly what He wanted to communicate.

The Bible claims about itself that it is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). The Holy Spirit moved upon the hearts and minds of the writers, enabling them to write God’s message to humankind.

The result is a collection of 66 books that form one unified, authoritative, and infallible message from our Creator to us.

There are no holes, no contradictions, and nothing false or misleading in Scripture. It is complete and inerrant in all it affirms.

Refining Power of Scripture

Just as fire refines and purifies metal, exposing and burning away impurities, so God’s Word refines and purifies our hearts and minds.

As we read, study, and mediate on the flawless truths of Scripture, it challenges wrong thinking, exposes sinful motives, and transforms us to be more like Christ.

The Bible cuts through rationalizations and denial, probing the deepest recesses of our hearts.

God’s Word has a living, active power that scrutinizes the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12).

Scripture confronts prideful self-reliance, washes away secret sins, and unveils hidden motives and agendas we keep even from ourselves.

Regular meditation on God’s flawless truth, roots out all that is impure and draws us closer to the mind and heart of Christ.

As we drink in its wisdom, Scripture gradually and gently sanctifies us, scrubbing away sins and replacing them with virtues pleasing to God. It peels back layer after layer of self-deception and worldly thinking.

Discerning Truth

We live in an age of confusion with no shortage of competing voices. But God’s Word stands above the noise as the standard of ultimate truth.

Through Scripture, God gives us a flawless filter to run everything through – how we think, how we live, what we believe.

Its unchanging truths enable us to discern truth from error, sifting out falsehoods that masquerade as wisdom.

Moral relativism tells us there is no absolute right or wrong. But the Bible makes clear there are moral absolutes rooted in God’s unchanging holy character.

When we steep our hearts and minds in God’s Word, it equips us to evaluate claims and philosophies against the plumb-line of God’s flawless revelation.

Anchor for the Soul

With its unwavering truths, God’s flawless Word provides a steadying anchor for our souls amid the shifting tides of culture.

Scripture gives us bearings to navigate life’s complexities and trials with wisdom, discernment, and confidence in God’s purpose and sovereignty.

Take comfort that His promises are sure – not one will fail. Just as refined gold emerges radiant and untarnished from the flames, those who build their lives on God’s Word will shine brightly for His glory.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
The Word Made Flesh

The Word Made Flesh

Luke 2:7“And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.”

The eternal Word of God, creator of the cosmos,  stepped into His creation on that miracle night.

Fully divine yet fully human, the infant Messiah was born to redeem and reign over God’s people.

This long-awaited birth ushered in hope for the hopeless.

Yet Jesus made His entrance in startling humility, anonymity, and accommodating love.

The King of Kings was born not in a palace but a stable then cradled in an animal’s feeding trough. This humble birth foreshadowed His entire mission.

God with Us

Jesus left His throne to meet us in the mess and meanness of real life.

His willingness to enter this dark world signals that no place or people are beyond the reach of His transforming love.

Emmanuel came to be God with us – meeting us right where we are.

A Mother’s Love

Though Jesus is the mighty Son of God, He entered the world dependent on a mother’s care like any newborn.

With tender love, Mary wrapped the tiny Savior in strips of cloth, holding him close to nourish him.

Jesus relinquished His power to fully experience messy human frailty and vulnerability. He desires intimacy with us even in our weakest places. His heart is bound to us in understanding compassion.

Draw Near

Don’t hide your vulnerabilities from Jesus. He welcomes you just as you are, covering you in mercy.

Draw near to Him, confess your needs and unwrap your heart.

Nestle in His unconditional love and find your strength in surrendering weakness to Him.

An Unexpected Throne

The King of Kings was enthroned on a bed of hay, cradled in a trough where beasts fed. His first visitors were poor shepherds, not royalty.

Once again, Jesus upended human expectations of power and prestige.

He cares nothing for status, riches or achievement. Humility and love are the only credentials that impress Him. The Lord identifies with outcasts and elevates the lowly.

Throned in Your Heart

Is your heart a manger ready to receive the King this Christmas?

Make room to enthrone Him within. Clear out everything that competes for that sacred space.

Adore Jesus in the simple moments. He is knocking; open wide!

No Guest Room

Jesus was reluctantly born in a Bethlehem stable because there was no guest room for Mary and Joseph.

The true Lord of all was shockingly turned away to enter the world in despised poverty.

But this exclusion and inconvenience paved the way for later glory.

Christ’s ultimate sacrifice would tear down barriers to welcome all people into God’s family. No longer alienated, we have a home in Him.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Good News of Great Joy

Good News of Great Joy

Luke 1:30-31“But the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.'”

Imagine Mary’s shock when the angel Gabriel suddenly appeared and called her “highly favored” by God!

Just an ordinary young woman engaged to the village carpenter, she could hardly grasp Gabriel’s astounding message.

In an instant, her quiet life was powerfully interrupted by divine plans to birth the Messiah through her willing womb. Though the road ahead would be difficult, a joyful privilege awaited.

God Notices the Humble

God delights in choosing the humble and lowly to accomplish His great plans. Despite her humble state, the Lord selected Mary for the highest honor – to bear the Savior of the world.

Her beautiful surrender reminds us that God notices and exalts the faithful.

An Impossible Promise

Gabriel’s announcement went against all logic and human ability. A virgin conceive and bear the Son of God?

This promised conception could only be explained as a miracle of the Spirit.

Yet Mary responded in faith not doubt, exalting God’s power. She modeled bold trust in His supernatural ability to fulfill His Word, no matter how improbable. Her example challenges our closed minds.

Take God at His Word

When facing impossibilities, take God at His Word. Recall His miraculous works.

Praise Him as mighty to do the unimaginable, just as He promised. Set your gaze on the God of the impossible, not the obstacle.

Believe He will accomplish His purposes.

Name Above All Names

“Jesus” was a common name meaning “Yahweh saves.” As the divine Son in flesh, Jesus embodied the glorious truth that God had come to rescue His people from their sins.

This lowly infant cradled in a manger would fulfill the meaning of His name in cosmic proportions.

His death and resurrection would accomplish the greatest salvation mission history would ever know.

Our Savior

In times of trouble, take comfort in the powerful name of Jesus. He is still the mighty God who saves.

Call upon His name and experience His deliverance. Worship Him for ransoming your life from destruction. Jesus – the name above all names!

Undeserved Grace

Even in her humble state, the Lord called Mary “highly favored.” She did nothing to earn this status apart from saying yes.

Yet by pure grace, God selected her for an honor exceeding all others.

We too are highly favored not through effort but solely by God’s gracious choice to lavish His love upon the undeserving. In awe we receive His blessings and bear the fruit He enables by His Spirit.

Offer Songs of Praise

Like Mary, respond to God’s amazing grace with worship and gratitude. Sing joyful songs that you too are highly favored.

Proclaim His goodness for looking upon you in loving-kindness through no merit of your own. Rejoice in your honored place in His story.

If you like these daily devotionals; you may be interested in our daily
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YouTube videos.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration