Set Your Mind on Things Above

Picture in your mind the splendors of heaven - the radiance, the joy, the beauty beyond measure. Envision the coming Day when you'll see Christ face to face, perfected in His presence.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2)

Transcending the Temporal

As we go about our daily lives, it’s easy to become consumed by earthly concerns – jobs, money, possessions, problems.

These things demand our attention and weigh heavily on our minds. However, Paul exhorts us to lift our thoughts above the temporal things of this world.

Rather than focusing downward on the fleeting things on earth, we are called to gaze upward and set our minds on the eternal realities of God’s kingdom.

We must transcend the temporal mindset that traps us in trivial anxieties. Our perspective should be heavenly, not earthly.

Visualizing Our Eternal Destiny

What does it mean to set our minds on things above? Certainly we must think deeply about our Lord – His character, His promises, His works. But more so, we must visualize by faith the glorious future that awaits all God’s children.

Picture in your mind the splendors of heaven – the radiance, the joy, the beauty beyond measure. Envision the coming Day when you’ll see Christ face to face, perfected in His presence.

When our thoughts are occupied and enthralled by these coming eternal realities, our earthly troubles fade into proper perspective.

Living in Light of Eternity

Setting our minds above transforms how we live each day. Material possessions lose their grip as we realize our true treasures await in heaven.

Status and fame seem foolish pursuits when our names are already written for eternity in God’s book.

Even painful earthly troubles become light and momentary when weighed against the coming glory. By keeping our eyes fixed on the unseen eternal world, we can walk through this present darkness with hope, courage and purpose.

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