Let the Children Come to Me!

In Matthew 19:14, Jesus teaches a profound lesson about the Kingdom of Heaven. He says:

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

This verse reminds us of the importance of childlike faith and innocence in our relationship with God.

Jesus invites children to come to Him because they possess qualities that are highly valued in the kingdom of heaven. Children have a natural trust and dependency on their parents, and they approach life with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Jesus wants us to approach Him with a childlike faith, trusting Him wholeheartedly and relying on His guidance.

This verse challenges us to examine our own hearts and attitudes. Jesus warns against hindering children from coming to Him, emphasizing the importance of creating an environment where they can experience God’s love and grace.

We are called to nurture and encourage the faith of children, supporting them as they grow in their understanding of God and His kingdom.

As you reflect on this verse, embrace the simplicity and innocence of children in your relationship with God. Approach Him with a humble and trusting heart, believing that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who have childlike faith.

Seek to create an environment where children can encounter God’s love and experience His presence; learning from their example and be transformed by the childlike faith that Jesus invites us to embrace.