End of All Things is Near

Busyness, distraction, and worldly pleasures can easily numb us into a state of spiritual drowsiness. But Scripture reminds us that this world is fleeting, and Jesus' return is imminent.

The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” (1 Peter 4:7)

As followers of Christ, we are called to live with an eternal perspective, recognizing that this world is not our ultimate home. Our citizenship lies in the kingdom of heaven, where Jesus has prepared a place for us (John 14:2-3).

Time For Action is Now

With Christ’s return on the horizon, Peter urges us to prepare ourselves by being spiritually alert and clear-minded. The time for passivity and complacency is over.

We must actively pursue closeness with God through prayer, Bible study, community, and acts of service.

Paul echoes this sense of urgency when he writes, “…the hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).

Let us wake up, ask God to search our hearts, and align our priorities with His perfect will.

Investing in Eternity

Busyness, distraction, and worldly pleasures can easily numb us into a state of spiritual drowsiness. But Scripture reminds us that this world is fleeting, and Jesus’ return is imminent. Peter calls us to sober-mindedness – to live intentionally and keep an eternal perspective.

“It is possible for a Christian to be ‘intoxicated’ with the things of this life so that he cannot think clearly about spiritual matters.”

Warren Wiersbe

Rather than living for what we can amass here on earth, Jesus urges us to store up heavenly treasures that will last. We do this by stewarding our finances, gifts, and time in ways that further God’s Kingdom.

As Peter writes, “The end of all things is near.” Live with urgent obedience, radical generosity, and undivided devotion to Christ.

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