
Seeing Clearly: Overcoming Self-Righteousness

Seeing Clearly: Overcoming Self-Righteousness

Self-righteousness – the belief we’re superior to others – creates a blind spot hindering our connection with God and others.

Blindness of Self-Righteousness

Matthew 7:3“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”

Jesus uses a memorable image: someone trying to remove a speck from another’s eye while having a “plank” in their own. We can’t see clearly to help others if our own issues remain unaddressed.

Self-righteousness fosters hypocrisy, resentment, and isolation.

Signs of Self-Righteousness

Self-righteousness can be subtle. Here are some signs:

  • Constant Comparison: We judge ourselves superior or inferior based on achievements, looks, or opinions.
  • Disdain for Others: We look down on those with differing beliefs, labeling them as “sinners” or “enemies.”
  • Justifying Ourselves: We use our interpretation of scripture or tradition to justify actions and attitudes, ignoring other perspectives or God’s guidance.
  • Unwillingness to Admit Mistakes: We refuse apologies or blame others for our problems.
  • Echo Chambers: We avoid those who challenge us and surround ourselves with those who agree or praise us.

Overcoming Self-Righteousness

Conquering self-righteousness requires God’s grace and support from others. Here’s how to break free:

  • Confession and Forgiveness: Admit our imperfections, seeking God’s forgiveness and cleansing. We acknowledge His love and acceptance are based on grace, not merit.
  • Self-examination and Repentance: Regularly ask God to reveal hidden sins and self-righteous attitudes. Repent and seek renewal.
  • Openness to God’s Word and Others: Study scripture without manipulation, submitting to its authority. Learn from Christians with diverse backgrounds and respect their insights.
  • Humility and Servant-hood: Think of others more highly than ourselves, seeking to glorify God and serve others, not ourselves.
  • Love and Grace: Love others as God loves them, replacing judgment with compassion. Forgive as God forgives us, fostering fellowship and avoiding isolation.

Helping Others Overcome Self-Righteousness

Self-righteousness impacts our relationships. Here’s how to help others:

  • Modeling Christ-like Behavior: Show humility, grace, and love through words and actions. Don’t boast, but acknowledge God’s grace. Encourage and uplift others.
  • Truth Spoken in Love: Address self-righteousness gently and respectfully. Challenge and correct, but avoid attacking or accusing. Use persuasive words that bring healing.
  • Prayer: Pray with and for others, relying on God’s guidance.
  • Support and Fellowship: Walk alongside others, offering acceptance and encouragement. Celebrate achievements and support them through difficulties.

Self-righteousness is a hurdle, but God offers freedom. He replaces self-centeredness with Christ-centeredness, enabling harmonious relationships and a life reflecting His light.

Here now! Let me get that speck out of your eye!

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Beyond Rules: Jesus’ Call to True Righteousness

Beyond Rules: Jesus’ Call to True Righteousness

Matthew 5:20“For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Many grapple with achieving God’s standards and pleasing Him. Traditionally, righteousness is seen as following rules and rituals.

The Problem: External Righteousness

Jesus challenges this view in Matthew 5:20.

He says our righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees, known for meticulous rule-following. Their focus was external actions, neglecting the heart of the Law: love for God and neighbor.

This kind of righteousness is superficial and self-serving.

The Solution: Grace and True Righteousness

True righteousness isn’t achieved by our efforts. The answer lies in:

  • Grace: God’s grace forgives, cleanses, and empowers us. It transforms our hearts and enables us to live for Him. Righteousness comes from His work in us, not our own.
  • Jesus: He saves, teaches, and leads us. His sacrifice and intercession make us righteous, not by imitation, but by His presence within us.

Following Jesus’ Way

To live out this higher righteousness, we need to:

  • Examine Our Motives: Focus on our inner thoughts and attitudes, not just outward actions. We must avoid both outward sins and inward sins like anger, pride, or envy.
  • Love, Not Just Law: Seek the spirit of the Law, which is love. We practice the positive aspects of “doing good” and “showing mercy” alongside avoiding negativity like “lying” or “stealing.”
  • Internal and External: We demonstrate both internal signs of faith like humility and sincerity, and external acts like fasting, praying, and giving generously. Our goal is to please God, who sees our hearts, not impress others.

The Invitation: A Higher Calling

Jesus calls us to a deeper righteousness, one leading to the Kingdom of Heaven.

This call is not a burden but a blessing, a gift of true connection with God.

Prayer for True Righteousness

“Lord Jesus, I confess my sin and need Your grace. I believe You died for my sins and rose again for my righteousness. I accept Your call to a higher righteousness, surpassing that of the Pharisees, leading to Your kingdom. I surrender my life and follow Your way. Forgive, cleanse, and empower me. Be my Lord, Savior, and Example. Be my Righteousness, not by my imitation, but by Your indwelling. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer, congratulations! You’ve embarked on a life-changing journey.

Next Steps: Growing in Faith

  • Find a Bible-believing church for fellowship and growth.
  • Read the Bible and pray daily to deepen your relationship with God.
  • Share your testimony to inspire others to seek Jesus and His righteousness.

May God bless you on your path with Him.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Jesus, the Physician of Souls

Jesus, the Physician of Souls

 Mark 2:17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Many feel too far gone for God’s love, believing their sins are unforgivable. This can lead to avoiding Jesus and the Bible due to shame.

The Diagnosis

The Bible affirms we’re all sinners in need of God’s grace. God, in His immense love, sent Jesus to die for our sins and offer forgiveness. We are invited to come to Him “as we are,” for He heals, forgives, and transforms us (Mark 2:17).

Jesus didn’t call the righteous, but sinners. This doesn’t imply some are inherently righteous; rather, some recognize their need for God, while others remain self-righteous and closed to His grace.

Jesus came for those who acknowledge their spiritual illness and need a Savior.

The Prescription

How do we experience Jesus’ healing?

  1. Admit Your Need: You must confess your sins and acknowledge your shortcomings before God. You can’t save yourself; true healing comes from Him.
  2. Believe in Jesus’ Sacrifice: Trust that Jesus died for your sins and rose again, accepting His gift of salvation and eternal life.
  3. Receive His Healing: Allow Him to cleanse, heal, and restore you. Let the Holy Spirit fill you with love, renewing your mind and heart, transforming your desires and actions.

The Recovery

Responding to Jesus brings justification. God declares you righteous through Jesus’ work, accepting you as His child and offering peace and joy in His presence.

You also experience sanctification. God sets you apart for His purposes and makes you holy, enabling you to live a new life of obedience and service. He helps you grow in faith and love.

Finally, God promises glorification. He will one day complete His work in you, making you perfect. He will raise you from the dead, granting you a new body and welcoming you into His eternal kingdom.

The Invitation

Jesus calls you today, just as you are. He offers healing for your soul, forgiveness, and transformation. Will you answer?

A Prayer

“Lord Jesus, I confess I am a sinner and need Your grace. I believe You died for my sins and rose again. I receive Your healing for my soul. I surrender my life to You and follow You as my Lord and Master. Thank You for saving and changing me. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer, congratulations! You’ve made a life-changing decision. You’ve received the greatest gift – becoming a new creation in Christ.

Growing in Faith

  • Find a Bible-believing church for fellowship and growth.
  • Read the Bible and pray daily to deepen your relationship with God.
  • Share your testimony to inspire others to seek Jesus and His healing.

May God bless you on your journey with Him.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Faith and Forgiveness

Faith and Forgiveness

Mark 2:5 tells us, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.”

This verse highlights the powerful connection between faith and forgiveness.

Power of Faith

Faith is not simply intellectual assent; it’s complete trust and confidence in God and His promises. It’s the conviction of unseen realities and the assurance of things hoped for.

In Mark’s account, Jesus recognizes the faith of the four men who brought the paralyzed friend. He sees their unwavering belief, their persistence in overcoming obstacles, and their expectation of healing.

This shows us that faith is the key to pleasing God and receiving His blessings. It empowers us to overcome challenges, access His grace, and experience His presence.

Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness isn’t just overlooking an offense; it’s the release of a debt and the restoration of a relationship. It’s the embodiment of love and mercy.

Jesus, acknowledging the deeper need, forgives the paralyzed man’s sins before healing him physically. This demonstrates His authority, compassion, and offer of a new beginning.

Forgiveness has the power to heal our wounds – guilt, shame, bitterness, and isolation. It allows us to heal not just emotionally but also physically.

Demonstrating and Receiving Faith and Forgiveness

Faith and forgiveness are not passive concepts; they require active participation.

We can demonstrate faith by following the example of the four men: bringing our needs and the needs of others to Jesus, persevering in prayer, and believing and obeying His words.

Likewise, we can demonstrate forgiveness by following Jesus’ example. This means forgiving those who have wronged us, seeking forgiveness from those we’ve hurt, and extending forgiveness to ourselves and others.

Receiving faith and forgiveness starts with responding to Jesus’ invitation. We receive faith by accepting His gospel and promises, confessing our sins, and trusting Him as our Lord and Savior.

Forgiveness is received through His grace and sacrifice. We acknowledge His love and mercy, experience His peace and joy, and grow in His presence.

Reflecting and Revealing Faith and Forgiveness

Having experienced faith and forgiveness, we’re naturally compelled to share them with the world.

We reflect and reveal faith by sharing God’s word and love. We explain His message, invite others to join Him, and tell them about His works.

Similarly, we reflect forgiveness by showing God’s grace and mercy. We care for others, use our gifts in service, and offer prayers and blessings.

Faith and forgiveness are expressions of God’s power working in your life. They move mountains, heal wounds, and bring you closer to Him.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Finding Hope and Joy

Finding Hope and Joy

Malachi 4:2 speaks of a beautiful promise: “But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves” (NIV).

This verse offers a glimpse of the hope and joy God has in store for His people.

God’s Hope: A Light in the Darkness

The “sun of righteousness” symbolizes God’s presence, justice, mercy, and the promise of salvation.

Malachi assures us that for those who revere God, a time will come when He will intervene and bring an end to suffering. He will fulfill His covenant, ushering in a new era of peace and restoration.

This hope isn’t based on fleeting circumstances; it’s anchored in God’s unchanging character and faithfulness.

God’s Joy: Freedom and Abundance

The image of “well-fed calves frolicking” depicts the freedom and happiness God’s people will experience.

This joy comes from liberation from bondage, access to God’s provision, and the healing touch of His grace.

It’s a genuine and lasting joy rooted in God’s goodness and generosity.

Experiencing God’s Hope and Joy Today

This hope and joy aren’t reserved for the future; they are available now. We can experience them by:

  • Reverence: Acknowledging God’s greatness, worshiping Him sincerely, and honoring Him through our actions.
  • Grace: Confessing our sins, trusting His promises and forgiveness, and living in His presence, following His guidance.

Expressing God’s Hope and Joy in the World

Having experienced God’s love, we are called to share it with others:

  • Sharing His Word: Telling others about God’s works and promises, explaining His message, and inviting them to join His journey.
  • Showing His Love: Demonstrating care for the needs of others, using our gifts to serve, and offering prayers and blessings.

God’s hope and joy are like a radiant sun, dispelling darkness and bringing life.

As the hymn writer expresses, “Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love; hearts unfold like flowers before thee, opening to the sun above.”

Even in difficult times, God’s hope remains a constant source of strength, and His joy fuels our mission to share His love with the world.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration