
Unmasked Honesty: Approaching God with Raw Emotion

Unmasked Honesty: Approaching God with Raw Emotion

Matthew 26:36 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”

Alone with the Father

On the agonizing eve of His death, Jesus entered Gethsemane to pour out His heart to the Father. In this private sanctuary of prayer, He revealed raw vulnerability unseen by others.

Jesus models the importance of uncompromising honesty in prayer. God welcomes us approaching Him with total transparency of emotion. Our masks must come off.

Permission to Be Human

Pouring out distress in prayer frees us from pretense and self-sufficiency. Jesus asked His friends to intercede nearby while He wrestled and wept before God alone.

We need safe spaces to be human with God – to voice doubts, fears, confusion. Jesus understands. You have permission to bare your soul authentically to Him.

Lord, Receive My Unmasked Heart

Lord, I’m tempted to stuff down feelings and maintain control in prayer. Remind me You welcome raw honesty. Thank You for providing intimate access where I can be fully myself and pour out my unfiltered heart. Receive all that I bring.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Cease Striving – Find Rest

Cease Striving – Find Rest

Luke 12:22-23Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.”

Consumed with Worry

It’s easy to obsess over basic needs and become consumed with worry. But Jesus reminds us that fretting cannot add a single hour to our lives. Our worth is not defined by food, clothes, or success.

God knows what we need. When anxiety arises, we can release striving and rest in His care. He provides so we can invest in eternal pursuits. Don’t major on the minors.

Anxious Efforts are Futile

No amount of worrying will ultimately satisfy. It only breeds stress, fatigue, and discontentment. We are designed to rely on God, not our anxious efforts. But so often we forfeit peace.

Trade fruitless worrying for fruitful pursuits. Redirect energy away from obsessing over circumstance to focusing on Christ. He is our calm within the storms of life.

Lord, You Are Enough

Jesus, when worries about basic needs consume me, realign my focus onto You, the Bread of Life. Remind me that You hold my every moment. Anxiety is useless. Nourish my soul with Your love and fill me with supernatural peace. You are enough.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Childlike Wonder

Childlike Wonder

Luke 10:21At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.”

Believing Hearts

In a moment of exultation, Jesus rejoiced that His Father concealed truth from the worldly-wise but unveiled it to childlike hearts ready to believe. This reveals what delights God’s heart.

Wonder and wholehearted faith, more than intellect or status, prepare us to receive the things of God’s kingdom. He longs for us to approach Him with wide-eyed dependence like little children.

Posture of Receptivity

Come to God full of wonder, curiosity, and joyful expectation – eager to see all He wants to reveal. He loves to uncover truth to receptive hearts not restrained by pride or skepticism.

Ask God to give you a childlike heart that finds joy in seeking Him. Let go of the need to intellectualize everything. Let Him awaken wide-eyed faith like a little child.

Lord, Give Me a Child’s Heart

Father, remind me that intelligence and accomplishments cannot unlock spiritual truth – childlike receptivity holds the key. Give me the wonder, curiosity, and trust of a little child. Fill me with joyful expectation to receive all You want to reveal.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock
Guarding Against Deception

Guarding Against Deception

2 Corinthians 11:3 “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”

Serpent in the Garden

The serpent slithered and whispered, slyly questioning God’s command. Eve tuned her ear, debated his lies, and took forbidden fruit. With one bite, paradise perished as deception dragged humanity down.

Satan’s cunning scheme made trusting God seem unreasonable and restrictive. The serpent cast doubt on God’s goodness through clever half-truths. Led astray from childlike faith, Eve discovered the devastation of disobedience.

Centuries later, Paul warned against satanic deception hijacking devotion. The same hissing voice in Eden now stalks Christ’s Bride, seeking to seduce and lead astray.

Devious lies still parade as enlightenment. Without vigilance, even sincere hearts drift.

Stay Alert!

Paul urged caution because he knew how alluring deception can be. Its subtle slide seems harmless until we are deep in darkness.

Staying devoted to Christ requires purposeful alertness. We must test every thought and teaching against Scripture’s truth. The Spirit is given so we can discern between God’s voice and the serpent’s hiss.

Eve’s mistake reminds us that no one is above deception’s reach; be wary of thoughts breeding mistrust in God’s goodness. Lies may be packaged as revelations, but they lead only to brokenness.

Cling to the Shepherd

The surest protection against straying is clinging closely to the Good Shepherd. As we abide in Christ’s presence, our ears tune to His voice.

We learn the sound of truth. Only Jesus can be trusted fully and followed completely. When we lose sight of Him, we become vulnerable prey.

Stay near the Shepherd, beloved sheep. In His care, deception loses its power. Even the serpent cowers before the watchful eyes of the One who holds us fast.

Discern and Reject

By God’s grace, we can reject deception and enjoy undivided devotion to Christ. Immersing ourselves in Scripture builds spiritual discernment. Meeting regularly with other believers reinforces our defense.

And when twisted thoughts creep in, we capture them and make them obedient to Christ. We reject ideas that diminish His glory and grace.

Standing firm with watchful hearts, we avoid Eve’s error and embrace the unrivaled truth of our Savior.

If you like these daily devotionals; you may be interested in our daily
“One Minute with God”
YouTube videos.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Search Me, O God

Search Me, O God

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

In Psalm 139, David expresses awe at how intimately God knows us. The Lord scrutinizes our paths, our lying down, and our rising up. His hand is always upon us.

He discerns our thoughts from afar, knowing them fully before a word is on our tongue.

David says there is nowhere he could flee from God’s spirit and presence. Both height and depth are open before the Lord’s eyes.

Such omniscience could be terrifying – after all, nothing is hidden from God’s sight. But David does not find it oppressive.

Rather, he is comforted that God’s comprehensive knowledge of him is coupled with faithful love. The God who sees all is also the God who formed and knit us together in the womb.

Ask God to Search Your Hearts

Since God already sees all, David invites Him to keep searching deeply within.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart.”

Psalm 139:23

He welcomes the Lord’s examination because he knows it will lead to purity and restoration. Though God is fully aware of the contents of our hearts, He desires that we consciously open ourselves up to His refining work.

Asking God to search our hearts requires humility and courage.

Do we really want Him to dig up the sinful thoughts and motives we easily justify or ignore?

Are we ready to have Him chip away at prideful self-reliance and expose our deepest hurts and fears?

But the courageous prayer for God to search our hearts always results in blessings.

Offensive Ways

David specifically asks God to reveal any “offensive way” in him. The Hebrew word translated “offensive” connotes rebellion and wrongdoing.

These are the sins of both commission and omission – the wrong things we do as well as the good we fail to do.

When we harbor lies, nurse grudges, indulge in impurity, or operate out of selfish ambition, it grieves God’s Spirit. Defensive walls start rising up in our hearts, severing intimacy with Him.

But as the Lord graciously exposes the offensive ways in us, He extends mercy.

The wonder of the Cross is that Christ bore God’s wrath for our rebellion so we could be forgiven and cleansed.

When we confess and turn from offensive ways, the barriers separating us from God come tumbling down. Sweet fellowship with Him is restored.

The Way Everlasting

The fruit of God’s searching is “the way everlasting” – the path of righteousness that leads to eternal life.

As God excavates the offensive ways in us, He fills those empty spaces with more of His light and truth.

Sin’s stranglehold is broken; virtue and godliness take root. Our thoughts become more aligned with His thoughts; our desires are refined.

Walking in the way everlasting brings tremendous freedom and joy. The false selves we construct always end up enslaving us. But God wants to excavate our mess and shape our true identity as His beloved children.

Though the refining process can be painful, the destination of deeper intimacy with Christ makes it infinitely worthwhile.

If you like these daily devotionals; you may be interested in our daily
“One Minute with God”
YouTube videos.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith