Mark 10:21 – Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
What’s Holding You Back?
When the rich young ruler sought Jesus, Christ perceived the hidden barrier keeping him from full surrender – his wealth. Though morally upright, money owned his heart.
Jesus longs for our absolute affection and willingness to leave everything to gain Him.
What comfort, possession, or dream might you struggle to release? Identify potential competitors to God’s reign.
Trading Earthly Treasures
Jesus invites the young man to exchange fleeting riches for eternal reward by liquidating assets to bless the poor.
Helping the needy reflects Christlike compassion that stores up heavenly treasure.
As we detach from materialism, we gain deeper intimacy with God. He fills the gaps left by forfeited idols. The trade is always worth it!
Lord, You’re My Greatest Treasure
Jesus, reveal any subtle thing wrestling within me to lay everything at Your feet. Riches mean nothing compared to knowing and following You. Give me grace to cling to You alone as my greatest treasure and joy.
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