For many years I have been trying to put together a series of Bible Studies designed to help the Christian understand their true position in Christ.
Finally, I have set aside the time and put them altogether, The studies were born out of my own desire to understand the power of prayer, and how this meshes with our relationship to Jesus.
My experience in pastoral ministry took place in rural Pennsylvania; nestled in the mountains of Cameron County, the heart of the Pennsylvania Wilds.
A small community with big problems
Like many small rural communities, the one my wife, Sherri and I served, had its fair share of problems. Having lived in the community for many years, we knew in detail the problems associated with the town; problems of drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide and sexual abuse. These issues were far more common than folks there care to admit.
As pastors in this community, we saw firsthand the hurt and pain the devil had inflicted upon the community, and we began earnestly to pray for the deliverance of this town.
For many years, every Sunday morning, Sherri and I would head to an overlook that provided a stunning view of our little town, and we would pray there.
On one particular occasion, I went alone and began praying over the town; what happened that day would change my life forever!
An encounter with God on the mountain
I stood where I could see the whole town and began praying against the powers and principalities that had been enslaving the people in my community.
Determined to see a breakthrough, I was passionately praying aloud, fists punching at the sky as if pounding on the devil himself!
It was then the most unexpected thing happened; the Lord seemed to draw near, I could sense His Presence, and while I was praying, He asked me a question. To the best of my recollection, here is how the conversation unfolded.
The Lord said to me; “Rock, what are you doing?”
I was somewhat taken aback, it seemed obvious to me what I was doing, so I answered the Lord; “I am praying.”
He said in the kindest way possible; “Why are you praying like that, punching at the sky?”
I was not sure what He was getting at, and I really did not know how to answer, so I responded; “This is how I do it.”
There was a pause, and then he asked me another question; “Rock, where are you?”
I am getting even more confused now, and all I could do was to say; “I’m here, Lord!” There was another pause, and then He rephrased the same question,
“Rock, spiritually where are you?”
I responded by saying, “I’m with you, Lord.” It was then that the Scripture from Ephesians 2:6 (And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus) came rushing to my heart.
The Lord asked me again; “Rock, where are you?”
I responded; “I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms” What the Lord said next would forever change my life and ministry!
The Lord said to me; “Rock, stop praying with your fists pounding at the sky, as if you were fighting an enemy that you are in subjection to. Start praying from your true position in Me.
God taught me to pray Upside Down
Instead of praying with a down-side up mentality, pray from the up-side down; from the heavenly realm where you are seated; the battle is not over your head, but is under your feet.”
Wow, stunned by what had just taken place, I realized that much of my prayer life took place without recognizing the authority with which one could pray.
I learned that I do have authority and that I can pray expecting powerful answers. That day on the mountain changed everything!
It was out of this encounter with the Lord on that mountain, the idea of Praying Up-side Down and consequently the name of our ministry; Faith Up-side Down came to fruition.
The Faith Upside Down Bible Study Series will help you to understand the truth of who you are in Christ and you will discover the powerful position you have, and your prayer life will take on new passion and power!
You can check out our new series at Pray Upside Down.