New Life

During those cold, frigid days of winter, something is stirring deep in the ground. The unseen work of the hand of God is moving, stirring and preparing for an explosion of life!

I enjoy spring, the explosion of greenery; I like wild leeks, rainy weather, and the smell of mud rushing down swollen streams.


I savor the sweet smell of smoke pouring out of the sugar shacks, as the Sugar-Mapler’s boil their sweet brew! I delight seeing the farmer plowing fields getting ready to plant.


I love the way the mountains try to hold their bounty of snow; little pockets of white, peaking out behind the rocks, as winter slowly loses its cold grip on the landscape.


The coming spring season always reminds me of new life. The icy cold grip of winter kept the landscape barren and fruitless; we wondered if it will ever end!


During those cold, frigid days of winter, something stirs deep in the ground. The unseen work of the hand of God is moving, stirring and preparing for an explosion of life!


The same is true regarding the cold heart of man, which remains fruitless, hopeless, and barren. We wonder if there will ever be any change.


You can rest assured that God is working in the dark, cold recesses of those barren hearts. Something is stirring; new life is getting ready to break forth in a profusion of love, mercy and grace!


If you have been praying for someone with a seemingly cold, lifeless heart, do not stop! Persistent prayer brings the warmth of God to that person.


It is your unfailing devotion to the Savior, and your constant, insistent prayer, which causes the ground of that heart to thaw.


In due time, new life with emerge and the fruit will be stunning!


“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”    ~ Ezekiel




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