
Raised from the Dead

Raised from the Dead

Acts 2:24But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.

Agony of Death

Death is often agony. When illness slowly drains the life from a loved one, it’s agony.

When an accident suddenly snatches away a child, it’s agony.

When violence ends a life unjustly, it’s agony.

Death was not part of God’s original perfect creation. It slithered into the world through human rebellion against God’s loving authority. Ever since, death has held humanity in its icy grip of pain, grief and fear. Its skeletal shadow stalks every life.

Christ’s Agony

Jesus was no stranger to the agony of death. He wept at Lazarus’ tomb. He cried out when his friend died. He knew the stinging sorrow of loss and grief.

Jesus’ own death was infinitely more agonizing. As he hung dying on the cross, the sins of all humanity were laid upon his innocent shoulders.

The beloved Son endured the Father’s wrath for our transgressions. Though innocent, he suffered shame, abandonment and assault from evil powers.

The Savior’s anguished cry reveals the torment of carrying our sins to death itself.

Freedom from Death

But the grave could not keep Jesus! On the third day, God’s power raised him back to life. The bands of death were shattered forever by Christ’s resurrection victory.

He rose again to live eternally, the first-fruits of new resurrection life for all who trust in him.

For those who believe, Jesus’ resurrection completely transforms death’s agony into hope. His resurrection proves that death does not have the final word.

At the last day, those who follow Jesus will also rise again, raised to eternal life with glorified bodies.

United with Christ, we need no longer fear death or the agony of the grave!

Living Resurrection Hope

The promise of Jesus’ resurrection floods our lives with living hope. As we walk each day with our risen Lord, his overcoming life flows through us by the Holy Spirit.

No circumstance or suffering can ultimately defeat us, because his resurrection life carries us through.

May the reality of Christ’s resurrection free you from the agony and fear of death. Jesus is alive forevermore!

Fix your hope fully on his grace and victory. He will raise you to life eternal on the day he returns.

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Treasure in Jars of Clay

Treasure in Jars of Clay

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Followers of Jesus contain a treasure inside – the light of the gospel and power of the Holy Spirit. This wealth of purpose, hope and supernatural life far exceeds any earthly riches.

Surpassing Power

The power at work in us is all-surpassing, divine, and unlimited. It accomplishes more than we could imagine. This resurrection power raised Jesus from the dead!

Jars of Clay

But this treasure resides in simple clay jars – fragile human vessels. We are weak, flawed, and breakable. Yet God chooses to entrust us with His priceless truth and power.

To God Be the Glory

The treasure in jars of clay reveals God’s power comes from Him alone, not us. In humility, we rely on His strength working through our weakness, that He alone may be glorified.

Posted by onthesolidrock
Walking in Goodness

Walking in Goodness

In the compact yet profound verse of 3 John 1:11, we discover a valuable insight that resonates with the essence of a well-lived life. The verse encourages us to imitate what is good, reminding us of the importance of embracing virtue and embodying positive examples.

Embracing Positive Imitation

The verse encourages us to imitate goodness, echoing the principle of learning by example. Just as an apprentice watches and mimics a skilled craftsman to refine their craft, we are called to observe and replicate the traits of goodness in our lives. This isn’t about mimicry for its own sake, but about allowing the virtuous qualities we see in other believers to take root within us.

The Power of Influence

Implicit in this verse is the notion of influence – the idea that our actions and character can impact those around us. Like ripples spreading across a pond, our choices resonate in the lives of others. By imitating what is good, we become agents of positive change, inspiring others to pursue godliness in their own journeys.

A Call to Discernment

The verse also nudges us toward discernment. Not everything that appears good is truly virtuous. Just as a connoisseur distinguishes between genuine and imitation, we are called to discern what embodies authentic goodness. This involves aligning our choices with godly values and biblical principles rather than mere trends or appearances.

Walking the Path of Goodness

Reflecting on 3 John 1:11, consider the trail of goodness you leave behind. Are you purposefully cultivating a life that’s worth imitating? Be mindful of the influences you absorb and project, knowing that your choices, will be imitated by someone close to you; a child, a sibling, a dear friend. Walk carefully; someone is watching you!

Posted by onthesolidrock
Beauty of Contentment

Beauty of Contentment

Contentment, as depicted in this verse, is not a passive resignation to life’s circumstances. Instead, it’s a disposition that stems from a deep well of spiritual understanding.

Paul’s message here, directs us towards a profound truth: true wealth is found not in accumulating material possessions, but in the treasure of contentment.

Unveiling Spiritual Abundance

The verse subtly reveals the notion of spiritual abundance. While our culture often equates wealth with material possessions, this verse re-frames the concept. Spiritual abundance isn’t about acquiring more, but rather about discovering the riches of a heart aligned with God’s purposes.

As you contemplate 1 Timothy 6:6, consider the canvas of your life. Are you painting strokes of contentment and gratitude, or are you fixated on the pursuit of fleeting riches?

True spiritual wealth lies not in the pursuit of endless desires, but in the joyful contentment that springs from a heart in tune with God.

Posted by onthesolidrock
Guided by Wisdom

Guided by Wisdom

In the pages of 1 Kings 2:3, we encounter a timeless nugget of wisdom that resonates deeply with our journey of faith. King David, nearing the end of his earthly pilgrimage, imparts to his son Solomon a profound insight that echoes through the corridors of history.

He encourages Solomon to walk faithfully in the ways of the Lord, observing His decrees, commands, laws, and regulations. Solomon did this for a while; but later in life he chose a different path; a path that was full of grief and pain. We would do well to heed the advice of Solomon’s father; but let’s now fall away!

Walking in God’s Ways

At the heart of David’s counsel lies the call to follow in the footsteps of the Almighty. It’s not a mere suggestion but an invitation to shape our lives around the principles and teachings of God. Just as a skilled artist imitates a master’s strokes to learn and grow, we are invited to emulate our God.

Through a life steeped in God’s precepts, we find a framework for decision-making and conduct that aligns us with His eternal purposes.

A Heart of Obedience

The verse highlights the significance of obedience – not as a rigid adherence to rules, but as a heart-response to the goodness and sovereignty of God. Obedience, in this context, is a joyful surrender to God’s guidance.

It’s a recognition that His wisdom far surpasses our limited human understanding. Much like an apprentice who yields to the guidance of a seasoned mentor, we too yield to God’s wisdom, trusting that His ways are higher and His plans are perfect.

A Journey of Transformation

David’s words set the stage for a transformative journey. As we walk in God’s ways and heed His commands, our lives become a canvas for His grace and truth to be displayed. Just as a student progresses from the basics to mastery through diligent study and practice, our spiritual journey unfolds progressively.

We are shaped, refined, and molded into vessels that reflect God’s character. This journey isn’t static; it’s dynamic, inviting us to draw closer to God with every step we take.


As we reflect on this verse, let’s remember that we are not mere spectators but active participants in God’s unfolding story.

Walk in God’s ways, nurture a heart of joyful obedience, and embrace the transformative journey that leads us ever closer to His heart.

Posted by onthesolidrock