
Judgment Begins at God’s Household

Judgment Begins at God’s Household

1 Peter 4:17For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

This verse reminds us that the time for judgment is now. This is a sobering reality that calls us to closely examine our lives and ensure we are living according to God’s will.

Judgment Begins with God’s Household

The verse emphasizes that judgment begins with God’s household, meaning we as Christians must be especially careful to live in a way that is pleasing to God.

We are called to be an example to others, showcasing what it means to walk in obedience to God’s commands.

Rather than judging others, we must focus on our own lives and make the necessary adjustments to align with God’s perfect standards.

Outcome for Those Who Do Not Obey

The verse also warns that there will be consequences for those who do not obey the gospel of God.

A stark reminder of the importance of taking judgment seriously and doing everything in our power to share the good news of salvation with others.

We must be a light in the darkness, guiding people towards the life-transforming message of the gospel.

Living a Life Pleasing to God

In light of these truths, we must diligently examine our hearts and actions to ensure we are living a life that is pleasing to God. This requires a posture of humility, constantly seeking to grow in our love and devotion to the Lord.

As we align our lives with God’s will, we will become living testimonies of His transformative power, inspiring others to follow the same path.

As part of God’s household, you must take this message to heart, striving to live in a way that honors Him and brings glory to His Name. By doing so, you will fulfill your calling to be salt and light in this world, leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock
Value of Wisdom

Value of Wisdom

“And he said to the human race, ‘The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.” Job 28:28

Wisdom Begins with Reverence

In a world obsessed with wealth, power, and pleasure, we need to refocus on what holds real value. This verse teaches that true wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord.

More than mere respect, the fear of the Lord is deep awe, reverence, and submission to God. It’s recognizing His unmatched greatness and bowing humbly before Him.

Do you approach God with a trembling, obedient heart?

Proper fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. It realigns our priorities and perspectives. When we stand in awe of the Almighty, earthly troubles grow smaller. Pursuit of selfish gain loses appeal.

Focusing our minds on His majesty floods our hearts with priceless wisdom. Ask the Spirit today to instill godly fear and wisdom within you.

Understanding Through Obedience

The second half of this verse equates understanding with shunning evil. As we walk closely with God, listening to His voice, wisdom produces moral discernment. We gain ability to spot wickedness and walk the other way.

Understanding guards us from foolish choices and the heartache they bring. We develop spiritual instincts to flee anything disruptive to our intimacy with Christ. But this understanding only flourishes through obedience.

As James 1:22 states, we must “be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” Active surrender to God allows Him to sharpen our discernment.

Obedience and wisdom feed one other in a beautiful cycle. Are there areas of obedience God is calling you to? Take steps to submit today. Watch understanding blossom!

Greater Worth than Riches

Proverbs 8 lavishes praise on the excellency of wisdom, declaring it more valuable than rubies, gold, or silver. All the money in the world cannot purchase wisdom! It springs from a heart surrendered to the fear of the Lord.

A life applied in obedience to God blooms with discernment and insight no amount of wealth can replicate. Don’t envy those with overflowing bank accounts or prominent positions. Covet instead the priceless wisdom only God provides to the humble and obedient.

He is eager to grant it to those who earnestly seek Him. Treasure time spent in the Word, in prayer and worship, allowing healthy fear to take root. This is investment into eternally precious wisdom!

Pillars of Spiritual Maturity

As we journey through life with Christ, may we build our homes on the twin pillars of godly fear and spiritual understanding. One leads to the other in a cycle of growth and maturity.

When we awake with an awe-filled heart, eager to revere and obey God, He directs our paths and grants keen discernment. As we then walk out that obedience, the wisdom He imparts strengthens our resolve to honor Him above all.

This day, commit yourself fully to this beautiful process. Determine to treasure nothing above intimacy with God. The rewards of wisdom He bestows on the faithful heart are beyond measure!

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock
Childlike Wonder

Childlike Wonder

Luke 10:21At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.”

Believing Hearts

In a moment of exultation, Jesus rejoiced that His Father concealed truth from the worldly-wise but unveiled it to childlike hearts ready to believe. This reveals what delights God’s heart.

Wonder and wholehearted faith, more than intellect or status, prepare us to receive the things of God’s kingdom. He longs for us to approach Him with wide-eyed dependence like little children.

Posture of Receptivity

Come to God full of wonder, curiosity, and joyful expectation – eager to see all He wants to reveal. He loves to uncover truth to receptive hearts not restrained by pride or skepticism.

Ask God to give you a childlike heart that finds joy in seeking Him. Let go of the need to intellectualize everything. Let Him awaken wide-eyed faith like a little child.

Lord, Give Me a Child’s Heart

Father, remind me that intelligence and accomplishments cannot unlock spiritual truth – childlike receptivity holds the key. Give me the wonder, curiosity, and trust of a little child. Fill me with joyful expectation to receive all You want to reveal.

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“One Minute with God”

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Light of the Gospel

Light of the Gospel

2 Corinthians 4:6 “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

In the beginning, God created light to pierce the darkness that shrouded the formless void. With His powerful word, brightness exploded into the blackness. God called forth light.

Later, the hearts of humankind were darkened by sin. Mankind groped in the shadows, unable to grasp the knowledge of God’s glory.

But once again God powerfully proclaimed “Let there be light!” This time, the light illuminated our shadowy hearts.

The same God who created physical light now shined His glorious light into our inner darkness. This spiritual light reveals the truth and hope of Jesus Christ to lost souls wandering in night’s gloom.

Brightness of the Gospel

The light God sent is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through Christ, the radiance of God’s glory and nature is made known to us. Without this light, we are blind to the beauty of God’s love and salvation.

But by God’s Word, the brilliance of this good news floods eyes once darkened by deception and ignorance.

Christ’s light allows us to perceive and receive the free gift of grace. Now we walk in the glowing truth of God.

Like the sun rising after a long night, the gospel illuminates our path so we can know and enjoy God. What matchless light!

Reflecting God’s Light

Scripture calls Christ “the light of the world” and exhorts us to also be light. When we receive Christ, we begin reflecting His illuminating truth to others trapped in darkness. His light within starts shining through us.

As reflections of God’s truth, we carry the hope of the gospel into dark places plagued by suffering and deception.

Even a small light overpowers immense darkness. The Spirit helps our feeble flames grow into a bonfire of Christ’s love.

In a world searching for light, we mirror the Son by sharing the good news that gives light and life.

Walk as Children of Light

God’s Word urges us to live as children of light, bearing the fruits of goodness, righteousness and truth. When the light of Christ shines in us, it changes how we walk through this dark world.

We must reflect this light consistently, not hiding or extinguishing it. As Christ is the unwavering morning star, we are called to shine steady rays of hope despite surrounding gloom.

Even on the darkest nights, the flame of the gospel within reminds us we are not alone. We walk confidently with the Light of the World.

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Posted by onthesolidrock