Luke 18:8 – I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
Delayed Return
Jesus told his followers the parable of the persistent widow to illustrate the importance of praying and not giving up.
At the end of the parable, He wonders aloud if at His return He will find people persisting faithfully in prayer. The implication seems to be that His return and the final establishment of God’s kingdom will be delayed.
From our limited human perspective, Jesus’ coming again feels delayed. Generations of believers have lived with the expectation that it could happen in their lifetime.
Yet century upon century passes without the consummation of all things. Like the persistent widow, the faithful feel worn down waiting for God to act decisively.
Corruption of the World
Jesus hints at one reason for His delayed return being that it provides time for more people to repent. God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish. However, the extra time also allows evil to spread widely.
Without the Son of Man’s intervention, injustice and unbelief corrode society like a cancer.
No human effort can permanently stem the tide. The world’s terminal condition necessitates divine action.
Need for Faithfulness
While we cannot control when Jesus returns, He calls us to faithfully persist in prayer and godly living no matter how long it takes.
It is easy to lose heart, give in to apathy and become distracted with secondary matters. Jesus’ question confronts us: When the Son of Man comes, will he find this kind of persevering faith on the earth?
We must press on faithfully, not doubting the Son of Man’s eventual return. The corrupt world’s night is far gone. The day is near. Keep praying!
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