John 5:25 – “Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.”
Apart from Christ, the Bible describes us as spiritually dead – cut off from the life and light of God.
No matter how energetic, successful or morally upright, we remain dead in our sins, alienated from our Creator.
Left in this condition, we are powerless to save ourselves. Just as the physically dead cannot raise themselves, only God’s intervention can revive our dead souls. We need the voice of the Son of God to pierce our darkness.
Hear and Live!
The glorious news of this verse is that those who hear the voice of Jesus receive resurrection life!
His words alone have the authority and power to penetrate our graves of sin and unbelief and flood our hearts with His indestructible life.
Hearing His Voice
How do spiritually dead people hear the voice of the Son of God?
We hear Him today through His living Word recorded in Scripture and His Spirit who illuminates its truth to our hearts and minds.
Jesus, the Word made flesh, continues to speak through the Bible’s pages.
As we read His words, He reveals truth about Himself, sin, salvation and eternal life. His voice cuts through our darkness to awaken faith and understanding.
Ears to Hear
Incline your ear to hear Christ’s voice today in the Word. Approach humbly, asking His Spirit to heal your deafness and grant repentance, wisdom, and faith.
His resurrecting voice still calls sinners to abundant life!
From Death to Life
Responding in faith to the voice of Jesus brings instantaneous results – we cross from death to life!
His words carry the same authority and power that called Lazarus from the tomb. His voice imparts spiritual life and transformation.
When we hear and believe, we are reborn as children of God. His Spirit comes to indwell us and we begin an eternal relationship with our loving Father. By His voice we become new creations!
His sheep learn to recognize His voice through regular time in the Word, prayer and obedience. He leads us graciously, and we follow.
Gospel Hope
This astonishing promise is too good to keep to ourselves.
If Jesus’ voice has called you from death to life, tell others! Make the most of every opportunity to share this hope.
Your simple testimony of what His Word has spoken into your heart carries power. Christ is still calling the dead to rise through the faith of those who have heard and live.
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