Life can be overwhelming at times. We all face situations that leave us feeling weak or uncertain.
But in Isaiah 12:2, we find a powerful reminder that we don’t have to rely on our own strength. God is our strength, our salvation, and our source of confidence.
“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.”
Isaiah 12:2
God is Our Strength
Isaiah’s declaration in this verse is a bold one: “The Lord himself is my strength.”
When we trust in God, we’re not depending on our own abilities or resources. Instead, we’re leaning on the Creator of the universe, who is all-powerful and ever-present.
This doesn’t mean we won’t face challenges, but it does mean we have a source of strength that never runs dry.
Trusting and Not Being Afraid
The verse also calls us to trust and not be afraid. Fear is a natural response to uncertainty, but when we place our trust in God, fear loses its grip on us.
Trusting God doesn’t mean we’ll never feel afraid, but it does mean we have a foundation of faith that can carry us through those fearful moments.
God’s strength and salvation are more than enough to handle whatever comes our way.
God Our Salvation
Isaiah repeats the truth that God has become his salvation. This isn’t just about eternal life, though that’s certainly part of it.
God’s salvation is also about the here and now—He saves us from our struggles, our fears, and our weaknesses.
When we acknowledge that God is our salvation, we’re recognizing that He is actively working in our lives, bringing us through difficulties and leading us to a place of peace.
Peace and Confidence in God
There’s a deep sense of peace that comes from knowing God is our strength and salvation. It allows us to face life’s challenges with a calm heart, knowing that we’re not alone.
This peace isn’t based on our circumstances, but on the unchanging nature of God. He is faithful, and His strength is always available to us.
Unshakable Trust
Isaiah 12:2 encourages us to live with unshakable trust in God.
This kind of trust doesn’t come naturally—it’s something we develop over time as we experience God’s faithfulness in our lives.
As we continue to trust in Him, we find that our fears diminish and our confidence grows. We learn that no matter what happens, God is our strength and our salvation.
Isaiah 12:2 is a powerful reminder to trust in God for strength and salvation. When we do, we find peace, confidence, and the ability to face life’s challenges without fear.
Commit to trusting in God, knowing that He is your strength and your defense, and that He will always be your salvation.

Upside Down: 15 Week Bible Study
You Have Been Seated with Christ in the Heavenly Realms
God’s great hope for us is not simply the forgiveness of sins and a place in heaven when we die; but rather, He wants us totally restored, in heart, mind and soul . . . NOW!
As we enter into this amazing adventure with God, we soon recognize that we are a part of something tremendous, something that is beyond our earthy perspective, and we are transported into the heavens with Christ; we live, breathe, and find our being in Him!
This Bible study will help you rediscover how it all began, what happened in the Garden of Eden, who is the Devil really, and what is he up to today.
- Head into the heavenly realms and discover profound truths concerning your relationship with God, and His incredible plan for you.
- Search your heart, preparing for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. In this study, you will enter into God’s armory, suiting up with the whole armor of God.
- Discover the Keys to the Kingdom given to you, and learn what they unlock; discovering your true nature in Christ, the authority given, the Sword of the Spirit, the covering armor, and the mission ahead, you will truly learn to pray . . . Upside Down!
Get your copy today! – Pray Upside