The Silent Lamb

No one took Jesus' life from Him. He chose to lay it down in obedience to the Father so we could be saved.

Isaiah 53:7He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

Bearing Injustice

Though completely innocent, Jesus endured horrific oppression and affliction.

He suffered injustice in silence, absorbing punishment not meant for Him.

The Lamb’s Humility

As a sheep surrenders to the shearers, Jesus willingly gave Himself up to be slaughtered for our sins.

His humility silenced all claims to personal rights.

Willing Obedience

No one took Jesus’ life from Him. He chose to lay it down in obedience to the Father so we could be saved.

His death fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy.

Our Sacrificial Lamb

Praise God that Jesus, the Lamb of God, gave Himself silently and willingly so we might live!

His sacrifice achieves what religion never could – full atonement.