Hebrews 9:28 – “So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”
When Jesus came to earth the first time, it was to deal with sin. Though completely innocent, he bore the sins of the world when he died on the cross.
His sacrifice made purification possible for all who believe in him.
Jesus’ first coming was marked by humility – he left the glory of heaven to be born into poverty, live as a servant and die a criminal’s death. The Son of God gave his life to purchase our salvation.
The Second Arrival
This verse promises another coming. When Jesus appears a second time, it will not be to deal with sin again. That work is fully accomplished!
He will return as a conquering King to bring full salvation to all who have put their trust in him.
At his second coming, Jesus will complete God’s plan of redemption. He will raise the dead to life, judge all people, defeat evil forever and usher his faithful ones into eternal joy in a restored creation.
What an awesome day that will be!
Eager Expectation
As followers of Jesus, how should we respond to his promised return?
We are called to live in a state of constant readiness for his arrival. Just as faithful servants watch for their master’s homecoming, we must actively watch and prepare for Jesus’ second coming.
This readiness involves righteous living, eager worship, hearts focused on Christ and lives oriented around his kingdom.
It means shining as lights of hope in a dark world. As we long for Jesus’ return, our love and witness become powerful testimonies to God’s amazing grace.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Our eagerness for Christ’s return springs from a deep love relationship with Him. We yearn to see Jesus face to face, free from sin and imperfection.
We long for the new creation He will bring. Come, Lord Jesus!
May this be the cry of our hearts, whether He comes today or many years from now. No matter how long we wait, we know he is coming soon!
Certain Hope
The validity of our faith hinges on the promise of this verse – that Jesus will literally, bodily, visibly return to earth in power and glory. All creation eagerly awaits this breathtaking moment. Though His coming seems delayed, it is sure. At the appointed time, we will see our Savior face to face!
Come Quickly, Lord
No eye has seen the wonders and joys being prepared for us in eternity with Christ! As we eagerly await Jesus’ return, life’s trials and pains are bearable because we know they are temporary.
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