
Self Examination

Self Examination

2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?

Heart Checkup

It’s easy to go through life without taking time to examine our inner self. Like neglecting routine health checkups, we may feel fine on the outside but have unchecked issues brewing on the inside.

That’s why this verse challenges us to take our spiritual pulse – to openly look within and evaluate the condition of our hearts.

Just as a doctor checks vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure, we need to regularly assess indicators of our spiritual health.

  • Are we pursuing intimacy with God through prayer, scripture and worship?
  • Do we readily repent when convicted of sin?
  • Are spiritual fruits like love, joy and peace evident in our lives?

Examining these aspects helps reveal the state of our connection to Christ.

Mirror Test

Introspection is difficult. We often avoid looking closely at our reflection in the mirror of God’s truth.

Careful self-examination may reveal complacency, pridefulness, or areas of disobedience. Yet scripture calls us to honestly assess ourselves in light of God’s standards.

His Word is a mirror that shows us who we really are.

This verse reminds us to hold ourselves accountable; we need God’s Spirit to reveal blind spots in our lives. His conviction leads to confession, keeping our hearts tender and responsive to His transforming work in us.

As we surrender to His lordship, our lives come into tune with His will and His ways.

Running Diagnostics

We don’t have to guess about the condition of our spiritual life. This passage encourages a diagnostic self-check, prompting raw honesty before God. Opening our hearts to His examination positions us for growth and change.

Ask God to search your heart and reveal anything that shouldn’t be there. Listen for His gentle conviction and willingly walk in repentance.

His Word promises that if we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive and purify us. God longs for intimacy with us and obedience brings great joy to His heart.

1 John 1:9

As we run regular checkups on our spiritual health, we’ll experience fresh grace, renewed passion and the blessings of an unhindered relationship with Him.

The Great Physician

Ultimately this verse points us to Christ, the master healer of our souls. Only He can diagnose the deepest needs of our hearts and bring true transformation. His unfathomable love compels us to live fully for Him.

Actively pursue spiritual checkups as a vital part of your walk with God. His searching and cleansing light leads to wholeness, freedom and abundant life.

Your Great Physician stands ready to heal and restore your heart to the fullness He intended.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Discipline, Faith, Humility