
Don’t Get Led Astray: Finding Truth in a World of Confusion

Don’t Get Led Astray: Finding Truth in a World of Confusion

Let’s be honest, navigating life can be confusing. There are a million voices out there, each one offering a different opinion on everything from the best way to make coffee to the meaning of life.

As Christians, we have the added layer of deciphering truth claims, within the never-ending landscape of religious beliefs.

The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, addresses this very issue. In 1 Corinthians 15:33, he warns:

“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’

1 Corinthians 15:33

Why Does This Verse Matter?

This short verse packs a powerful punch. It reminds us that the people we surround ourselves with have a profound impact on who we are and the choices we make.

Just like a sponge absorbs water, we absorb the attitudes and behaviors of those we spend time with.

Think about it. If you constantly hang out with negative people who gossip and complain, it’s easy to find yourself slipping into those same patterns.

On the other hand, surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people who encourage your faith journey can do wonders for your spiritual growth.

Finding Your Tribe

So, how do we find these positive influences, these wise companions Paul talks about?

The good news is, you’re not alone! The church is meant to be a community of believers, a place where we can support and encourage each other.

Get involved in a Bible study group or volunteer for a ministry that aligns with your passions.

But it goes beyond just showing up. Be intentional about building relationships with people who share your values and who will challenge you to grow in your faith.

Look for those who are actively seeking truth and living a life that reflects their beliefs.

Power of Scripture and Prayer

Remember, the Bible is your ultimate source of truth. When faced with confusion, turn to scripture for guidance. There’s a reason it’s called God’s word – it holds the power to illuminate our path and lead you closer to Him.

Prayer is another essential tool. Talk to God, ask for His wisdom and discernment. He promises to guide those who seek Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Remember, you are not on this journey alone! Surround yourself with wise companions, immerse yourself in scripture, and pray for discernment.

By doing so, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of life and find the truth that sets you free (John 8:32).

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Discipline
Hallelujah! Praising God for His Salvation

Hallelujah! Praising God for His Salvation

Can you imagine the thunderous roar echoing through the halls of heaven? The apostle John gives us a glimpse into this glorious scene in Revelation 19:1

“After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.'”

Just picture it – an innumerable host of angels and redeemed saints, lifted in perfect praise to the Almighty God. Their voices unite in a triumphant “Hallelujah,” an ancient Hebrew expression meaning “Praise the Lord!”

Reason for Rejoicing

Why such unbridled celebration? Because salvation has been won!

The forces of evil have been defeated once and for all. God’s unmatched power and glorious victory shine forth, giving all praise, honor, and worship to Him alone.

This verse encapsulates the central message of the gospel – the good news that through Christ’s sacrifice, we can experience salvation and eternal life with our Creator. No wonder heaven erupts in praise!

Our Hallelujah on Earth

While we cannot join the heavenly throng in person yet, we can still lift our own “Hallelujah” here on earth.

When we accept God’s gift of salvation through faith in Jesus, we are forgiven, redeemed, and given new life in Him.

Each morning we wake up as children of the King is another day to sing His praises. Every breath is a reason to rejoice in the One who saved us from sin and death.

We are freed to live joyfully for His glory until that day when we can lend our own voices to the eternal “Hallelujah” chorus in heaven.

A Lifestyle of Praise

Praising God for our salvation isn’t just a feeling or a moment – it’s a lifestyle we’re called to live every day.

In your thoughts, words, and actions, may you continually overflow with gratefulness to the Lord for His indescribable gift. Let’s make “Hallelujah” your anthem now until you can join the chorus forever.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Joy
God’s Enduring Word

God’s Enduring Word

Luke 21:33 tells us, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (NIV).

This verse highlights a profound truth: God’s word transcends time and circumstance.

Eternal Nature of God’s Word

God’s word isn’t limited by time or space. It’s unchanging and independent of human opinions. Unlike the temporary physical world, God’s word endures forever.

Jesus emphasizes this by stating that even heaven and earth will eventually fade, but His words – spiritual and eternal – will remain.

This assures us that God’s word is a more reliable source of truth than anything we can perceive with our senses.

Unmatched Power of God’s Word

God’s word isn’t mere words on a page; it’s alive and active (Hebrews 4:12). It has the power to create, heal, convict, transform, save, and sanctify.

Jesus describes His words as “spirit and life” (John 6:63). They have the capacity to bring about new beginnings, restore what’s broken, bring conviction of sin, and lead to spiritual transformation.

God’s word offers what we deeply need and long for.

Trusting and Obeying

Trusting God’s word is essential. It’s not something we can ignore, doubt, or pick and choose from. We must embrace and obey it.

Jesus compares those who hear His words and put them into practice to a wise person who builds their house on a solid foundation (Matthew 7:24). God’s word provides a secure foundation for our lives, guiding our decisions and offering a wise investment for our future.

Ultimately, God’s word presents us with a choice and a challenge. It shapes our destiny and tests our faithfulness. It’s an opportunity and a responsibility we cannot neglect.

Treasuring and Sharing

God’s word is a priceless treasure we shouldn’t keep to ourselves. It’s meant to be shared and spread.

Jesus uses the illustration of a merchant seeking a pearl of great value (Matthew 13:45-46). He emphasizes that God’s word is a precious treasure worth seeking and acquiring. Just as the merchant sold everything he had to buy the pearl, we should value God’s word above all else.

God’s word is both a gift we’ve received and a mission we’ve been entrusted with. It’s a treasure to cherish and distribute to the world around us.

God’s word is eternal, powerful, trustworthy, and priceless. It’s the ultimate source of truth, guidance, blessing, and purpose.

Cultivate a love for God’s word and allow it to guide your life.

As the psalmist proclaims, “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105)

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Putting Away All Malice

Putting Away All Malice

“But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.” (Colossians 3:8)

Examining Our Hearts

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul instructs believers to meticulously examine their hearts and cast off any sins that have taken root. Although we have been made new in Christ, vestiges of our old nature still rear their ugly heads.

As redeemed saints, we must be brutal in ripping out these sins from our lives. Paul lists several specific ones – unchecked anger, raging fury, spiteful malice, abusive speech.

Like persistent weeds, they can quickly overrun our souls if not eliminated.

Malice in Our Midst

Malice is an especially dangerous weed – its roots dig down deep into the soil of our inner being. It springs up slowly, often unnoticed, but silently chokes out the fruit God desires.

This bitter root produces resentment, jealousy, distrust, and hatred towards others.

Even fellow believers can become targets of our malice. We begin viewing them through suspicious eyes, questioning their motives.

We withdraw, murmur, divide. Unchecked, malice metastasizes, poisoning our fellowship. As God’s chosen ones, we must purge this evil from our midst.

Cultivating Clean Hearts

Eradicating malice requires brutal honesty and courage. We must allow the light of Christ to shine into the hidden crevices of our hearts, exposing malicious motives.

Repentance and forgiveness will wash away past offenses.

Moving forward, we must nurture hearts soft to the leading of the Spirit, quick to extend grace. As malice withers in fertile soil of love, joy and peace will blossom, enriching all our relationships.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Sovereign Lord

Sovereign Lord

“Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.” (Acts 4:24)

As we read this verse, we are reminded of the awe-inspiring power of our God. He created absolutely everything – from the vast expanses of outer space, to the deepest oceans, to the tiniest microorganisms.

His creative abilities know no bounds. When we ponder the intricacies of His creation, it can only fill us with wonder.

Our Sovereign Lord holds ultimate authority over all He has made. He governs the universe and sustains all of life by His divine power. We can take great comfort in knowing that such an all-powerful Being cares deeply for us.

Even when chaotic storms arise in our lives, we need not fear, for our Lord reigns over every detail.

Unshakable Kingdom

What confidence and hope this truth instills in us as children of God! Though worldly kingdoms and rulers will crumble in due time, our Sovereign Lord’s kingdom shall never be shaken.

While others scramble after temporary power and riches, we can live at peace knowing our eternal destiny rests securely in His hands.

No agenda conceived in the halls of governments can overturn His purposes. No military force can overwhelm His angelic armies.

There is no philosophical argument can undermine the truth of His Word. Our Lord sits enthroned in the heavens; His rule and reign shall continue unhindered forever.

Our Eternal Security

We must continually renew our perspective and align our thoughts with this transcendent reality. When we face hardships, let us remember the one who spoke light into existence can certainly illuminate our darkness.

When we feel weak, let us draw strength from He who flung stars into space and still sustains them. Our security rests in Him alone.

As adopted heirs to His kingdom, we need not strive for status, provision or stability – these are gifts granted by His grace.

Our calling is simply to align our hearts with His – to love Him, trust Him, worship Him. He shall supply all our needs, now and for eternity.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Prayer