
Embracing God’s Perfect Timing

Embracing God’s Perfect Timing

“For he says, ‘In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.’ I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2, NIV)

Importance of Timing

In life, timing is everything. Whether it’s catching a flight, meeting a deadline, or taking advantage of an opportunity, the right timing can make all the difference.

The same is true in our spiritual lives. God’s timing is perfect, and he invites us to embrace it.

Time of God’s Favor

The apostle Paul reminds us that there is a specific time when God’s favor is poured out. It’s not a constant or indefinite period, but a specific moment when God’s grace and salvation are available in abundance.

This “time of favor” is a window of opportunity that we must recognize and seize.

Urgency of the Present

Paul’s message is clear: now is the time of God’s favor.

The day of salvation is upon us, and we must respond with a sense of urgency. Too often, we postpone or delay our response to God’s call, thinking that there will always be more time.

But the truth is, we don’t know how long this window of opportunity will remain open.

Embracing the Present

Rather than postponing or delaying, we must embrace the present moment and respond to God’s invitation of grace and salvation.

This means putting aside our excuses, our hesitations, and our distractions, and focusing our hearts and minds on the One who loves us and desires our eternal well-being.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith
Fulfillment of God’s Law

Fulfillment of God’s Law

“Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.”Romans 10:4 (NIV)

The Pursuit of Righteousness

Throughout history, humanity has sought to achieve righteousness through various means.

The law, given by God to the Israelites, outlined a path to righteousness, but it ultimately proved insufficient.

Despite our best efforts, we consistently fell short of meeting the demands of the law.

Christ: The Fulfillment of the Law

In this verse, the apostle Paul declares that Christ is the culmination of the law, the ultimate fulfillment of its purpose.

By living a sinless life and sacrificing Himself on the cross, Jesus fulfilled the law’s requirements and paved the way for true righteousness.

Righteousness through Faith

The remarkable truth is that Christ’s fulfillment of the law enables us to find righteousness through faith in Him.

We no longer need to rely on our own efforts to achieve righteousness but can receive it as a gift through our belief in Jesus Christ.

A Life of Freedom and Fulfillment

When we place our faith in Christ, we experience a profound transformation.

We are no longer bound by the weight of our sin and the constant pursuit of righteousness through our own works. Instead, we are set free to live a life of fulfillment, guided by the Holy Spirit and empowered by God’s grace.

This freedom allows us to find true purpose and meaning in our relationship with Christ. We no longer strive to earn God’s favor but can rest in the assurance of His love and acceptance.

We can live each day with joy, knowing that our righteousness is not dependent on our own efforts but on the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Christ’s fulfillment of the law has opened the door to righteousness for all who believe.

Through faith in Him, we can experience true freedom and fulfillment, no longer bound by the pursuit of righteousness through our own works.

Embrace this truth and live in the joy and freedom that comes from finding our righteousness in Christ.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Holiness
Embracing Freedom: Living Under Grace

Embracing Freedom: Living Under Grace

“Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed.”Galatians 3:23 (NIV)

Imprisoned by the Law

Before the coming of Christ, we were held captive by the law – a system of rules and regulations that, while intended to guide us, ultimately became a prison of sorts.

The law exposed our inability to live up to its demands and left us feeling condemned, trapped in a cycle of sin and guilt.

Revelation of Faith

But then, something remarkable happened: the faith that was to come was revealed. Jesus, the Son of God, broke into our captivity and opened the way to freedom.

Through His life, death, and resurrection, He fulfilled the law and offered us a new way to live – a way of grace and faith.

Stepping into Freedom

Embracing this freedom is not a license to sin or to disregard God’s standards. Rather, it’s an invitation to step out of the prison of the law and into the wide-open spaces of God’s grace.

In Christ, we are no longer bound by the constant demand to measure up, but are empowered to live according to a new principle – the principle of love.

Living Under Grace

Living under grace means allowing the love of God to transform us from the inside out. It means resting in the security of our salvation, not by our own efforts but by the finished work of Christ.

As we lean into this grace, we find that our hearts are changed, and obedience becomes a natural expression of our love for God, not a burdensome duty.

Through Christ, we have been set free from the bondage of the law and invited into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

Embrace this freedom and live as those who are truly free, empowered by grace to love God and others with all your heart.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Humility, Trust
Power in the Name

Power in the Name

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (Acts 3:6)

When Peter and John encounter a lame beggar outside the temple, they demonstrate the authority and power available to all believers through the name of Jesus.

Though they possessed no money to assist him, they offered far greater riches through Christ – miraculous healing in an instant!

Expect the Impossible

Jesus assured His followers, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move” (Matthew 17:20-21).

As we call upon Christ’s name in faith according to His will, we open the door for the supernatural, limitless resources of heaven to meet earthly impossibilities.

This exciting spiritual truth applies to our physical bodies, relationships, jobs, ministry efforts, cities and nations. Through invoking Jesus’ authority in the unseen realms, we gain access to His resurrection miracle-working power.

“God’s power is always available where the name of Jesus is proclaimed.” Derek Prince

Let us call upon His name with bold expectancy today!

An Open Invitation

In Acts 3, Peter extends an invitation to the gathered crowd who are astonished at the healing they’ve witnessed.

He urges them to repent, turn to God and times of refreshing will come (v.19). The healing of the lame man was intended to point to spiritual restoration.

Similarly, God wants miracles to draw people to Himself – the ultimate source of life and power.

As conduits of His grace, we are privileged to bring the refreshment, renewal and salvation found solely in Jesus. May the power unleashed through Christ’s name open many eyes to His worth.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Prayer
Unshackled Grace

Unshackled Grace

“Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.”Acts 13:38 (NIV)

In the bustling marketplace of life, we carry burdens—hidden chains that weigh down our souls. Guilt, shame, regrets—they cling to us like shadows.

But here, in the heart of Acts, a clarion call resounds: forgiveness. Not a mere pardon, but a sweeping liberation—an unshackling of our deepest wounds.

Prisoner Set Free

“Through Jesus…

Imagine the scene: a weary traveler, stumbling under the weight of guilt. His past, a prison cell; his sins, iron bars. Yet, the proclamation echoes through the ages: forgiveness.

Not earned, not deserved, but freely given. The shackles fall, and the prisoner stands—redeemed, restored. The cross, once an instrument of death, becomes the gateway to life.

The tomb, empty; the grave clothes, discarded. The risen Christ extends nail-scarred hands—inviting us into the dawn of grace.

Whisper of Mercy

“The forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.”

Grace whispers in the quiet corners of our hearts. It speaks of second chances, of redemption woven into our brokenness.

The tax collector, the adulteress, the doubter—all find solace at the foot of the cross. The slate wiped clean, the ledger erased. The Pharisee’s judgment silenced; the sinner’s tears embraced.

The Gospel, not a legal transaction, but a love story—a divine romance. Forgiveness, not a distant concept, but a living reality. The proclamation echoes still: You are forgiven.

Unshackled Life

“Through Jesus…”

As pilgrims on this grace-soaked journey, we walk unshackled. Our souls, once imprisoned, now dance in the light of forgiveness. We extend grace to others, for we know the cost—the crimson price paid on Calvary.

Our words, seasoned with mercy; our actions, dripping with compassion. We bear witness to the proclamation: forgiveness. It’s not a theological abstraction; it’s our heartbeat.

We live as liberated souls, marked by grace, pointing others to the One who sets captives free.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Forgiveness