
Embracing Freedom: Living Under Grace

Embracing Freedom: Living Under Grace

“Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed.”Galatians 3:23 (NIV)

Imprisoned by the Law

Before the coming of Christ, we were held captive by the law – a system of rules and regulations that, while intended to guide us, ultimately became a prison of sorts.

The law exposed our inability to live up to its demands and left us feeling condemned, trapped in a cycle of sin and guilt.

Revelation of Faith

But then, something remarkable happened: the faith that was to come was revealed. Jesus, the Son of God, broke into our captivity and opened the way to freedom.

Through His life, death, and resurrection, He fulfilled the law and offered us a new way to live – a way of grace and faith.

Stepping into Freedom

Embracing this freedom is not a license to sin or to disregard God’s standards. Rather, it’s an invitation to step out of the prison of the law and into the wide-open spaces of God’s grace.

In Christ, we are no longer bound by the constant demand to measure up, but are empowered to live according to a new principle – the principle of love.

Living Under Grace

Living under grace means allowing the love of God to transform us from the inside out. It means resting in the security of our salvation, not by our own efforts but by the finished work of Christ.

As we lean into this grace, we find that our hearts are changed, and obedience becomes a natural expression of our love for God, not a burdensome duty.

Through Christ, we have been set free from the bondage of the law and invited into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

Embrace this freedom and live as those who are truly free, empowered by grace to love God and others with all your heart.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Humility, Trust
Secret Things Belong to the Lord

Secret Things Belong to the Lord

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29, NIV)


This verse comes from a book that records the words and deeds of Moses, the leader and lawgiver of Israel. In this book, he reviews the history and the covenant of God with His people, as they prepare to enter the promised land.

He reminds them of the blessings and curses that will follow their obedience or disobedience to God’s commands.

In chapter 29, he renews the covenant with them, and warns them of the consequences of breaking it. He also acknowledges that there are some things that only God knows, and some things that He has revealed to them.

The Message

What can we learn from this verse and its context? First, we can learn that God is sovereign and mysterious. He has the secret things, meaning that He has the knowledge and the power that are hidden from us.

He knows the end from the beginning, and He controls all things according to His will. He is the one who makes and keeps the covenant, and He is the one who judges and saves.

He is the one who reveals and conceals, and He is the one who speaks and acts.

Second, we can learn that God is gracious and faithful. He has the things revealed, meaning that He has the knowledge and the power that are given to us.

He has revealed Himself to us, and He has revealed His will to us. He has given us His law, His promises, His warnings, and His instructions. He has given us His presence, His guidance, His protection, and His provision.

He has given us His Son, His Spirit, His Word, and His Church.

Third, we can learn that God is holy and righteous. He has the words of this law, meaning that He has the standard and the expectation that are required of us.

He has given us His commands, His statutes, His decrees, and His ordinances. He has shown us His ways, His works, His wonders, and His signs.

He has called us to love Him, to obey Him, to trust Him, and to serve Him.

How can we apply this verse and its message to our lives? Here are some suggestions:

Revere God

Acknowledge that God is sovereign and mysterious, and that He deserves our awe and respect.

Do not try to manipulate God, but accept His wisdom and authority. Do not doubt or question God, but worship and praise Him.

Do not ignore or neglect God, but seek and honor Him.

Receive God

Recognize that God is gracious and faithful, and that He offers us His love and mercy.

Do not reject or resist God, but welcome His revelation and gift. Do not take for granted or abuse God, but appreciate and cherish Him.

Do not forget or betray God, but remember and thank Him.

Respond to God

Realize that God is holy and righteous, and that He expects us to be His obedient and faithful people.

Do not disobey or rebel against God, but follow His commands and instructions. Do not disregard or compromise with God, but heed His warnings and promises.

Do not disappoint or dishonor God, but please and glorify Him.

The secret things belong to the Lord, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children. This is the message of Deuteronomy 29:29, and this is the message of the covenant. Let us heed it and live by it.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Footsteps of the Faithful

Footsteps of the Faithful

In John 17:6, Jesus offers profound insights into the nature of faith and discipleship. This verse, though concise, carries a wealth of wisdom.

“I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.”

Revelation and God’s Elect

In this verse, Jesus speaks of revealing God to those chosen out of the world.

It echoes the concept of God’s elect, those set apart for a divine purpose. It’s a reminder that our faith journey isn’t merely a random occurrence; it’s a part of God’s sovereign plan.

Divine Initiative – Human Response

Jesus emphasizes that these individuals “have obeyed your word.” Here, we see the harmonious interplay between divine initiative and human response. God calls, and we respond in obedience.

It’s a dance of faith that characterizes our relationship with Him.

Significance of Revelation

Revelation is at the heart of our faith. It’s through God’s self-disclosure that we come to know Him. Jesus, in His earthly ministry, revealed God in ways that profoundly impacted His disciples.

Today, we also have the privilege of encountering God through His Word and the Holy Spirit.

God’s Chosen

John 17:6 invites you to reflect on your journey as God’s chosen one. It reminds you that your faith isn’t a solitary pursuit but a response to God’s revelation.

As you walk in obedience to His Word, continue to be part of the beautiful narrative of God’s redeeming love, just like those early disciples who followed Jesus.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Blessing of Revelation

Blessing of Revelation

Have you ever read a verse in the Bible that made you stop and ponder its meaning? For me, one such verse is Revelation 1:3, which says;

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it because the time is near.”

This verse reminds us of the incredible blessing that comes from engaging with the Book of Revelation.

1. Reading Aloud: A Transformative Experience

The verse begins with the phrase, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy.”

Reading aloud has a unique power to engage our minds, hearts, and spirits in a transformative way. As we speak the words of Revelation, we immerse ourselves in its rich imagery, prophecies, and teachings.

Our voice gives life to the text, allowing us to internalize its message more deeply. Why not take the time to read them aloud, allowing their truth to resonate within us and those who may be listening in?

Taking to Heart

The verse goes on to say, “Blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it.” It’s not enough to simply read or hear the words; we must also take them to heart.

This means allowing the message of Revelation to shape our beliefs, values, and actions. It calls us to embrace the challenges, warnings, and promises contained within its pages.

When we approach Revelation with an open heart and a desire to understand and apply its teachings, we position ourselves to receive the blessings that come from aligning our lives with God’s purposes.

Imminence of the Time

The verse concludes with the phrase, “because the time is near.” This reminds us that the message of Revelation is not distant or irrelevant but rather speaks directly to our present reality.

It invites us to live with a sense of urgency, knowing that God’s ultimate plan for the world is unfolding before our eyes. As we engage with Revelation, we gain insight into the spiritual battles, triumphs, and challenges that we may encounter in our own lives.

It reassures us that God is in control, even in the midst of chaos, and that His purposes will ultimately prevail.

Revelation 1:3 offers us a glimpse into the profound blessings that come from engaging with this remarkable book. By reading aloud, hearing, and taking to heart its message, we position ourselves to receive the transformative power of its teachings.

Approach the Book Revelation; indeed ALL of SCRIPTURE with reverence, allowing its truths to shape your life and draw you closer to God; for the Great Day of the Lord draws near!

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Wisdom and Revelation

Wisdom and Revelation

Ephesians 1:17 captures the apostle Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers, desiring that God would grant them spiritual wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him:

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”

This verse highlights the importance of deepening our understanding of God and His ways through the work of the Holy Spirit. It reminds us that true knowledge of God is not merely intellectual but involves a personal, experiential encounter with Him.

God of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Ephesians 1:17 begins by acknowledging God as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, highlighting the relationship between God the Father and His Son.

It affirms the deity of Jesus and emphasizes His unique role in our salvation. Recognizing Jesus as Lord and understanding His identity as the Son of God is foundational to our faith and knowledge of God.

We approach God the Father through Jesus, knowing that He (Jesus) is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The verse establishes the authority and importance of Jesus Christ in our pursuit of spiritual wisdom and revelation.

Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

The prayer in Ephesians 1:17 expresses the desire for believers to be filled with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. This refers to the work of the Holy Spirit in illuminating our understanding, opening our eyes to spiritual truths, and deepening our knowledge of God.

Spiritual wisdom goes beyond human intellect and reasoning. It is the insight and discernment that comes only from the Holy Spirit, enabling us to comprehend the mysteries of God and His plan for our lives.

Revelation refers to God’s self-disclosure and the unveiling of His truth to our hearts. It is through the Spirit’s work that we can truly know God intimately and experience His presence and guidance in our lives.

Knowing Him Better

The ultimate purpose of asking God for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation is for us to know God better. It is not just about acquiring knowledge about God but developing a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him.

Knowing God involves experiencing His love, grace, and transforming power in our lives. It is a lifelong journey of growing in faith, seeking His presence, and conforming to His image.

As we seek the Spirit’s Wisdom and Revelation, our knowledge of God expands, our love for Him deepens, and our desire to walk in His ways increases. We are drawn into a closer communion with Him and are transformed by His presence; and this is a very good thing indeed!

Seek the Spirit of God to grant you deeper insight and understanding of Him. Cultivate a personal relationship with God, knowing Him not just intellectually but experientially.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Harvest Time

Harvest Time

I think October is the most exciting month of the year! The beautiful autumn leaves bursting with color, as they prepare to fall to the earth, the crisp, cool mornings, the fields full of corn being harvested, the sights and smells of October give our senses an overload.


What wonder! What beauty!


October is the month when the harvest is in full swing. Farmers are gathering their crops, those who have labored through the spring and summer months are busy gathering the fruit of their labors.


The pumpkins and squashes are ripening, the potatoes need to be dug. Many households are busy canning and preparing the harvest for the long winter months that lay ahead.


What exciting days!


I am reminded of the year that we (The Pifer Family) decided to plant about 4 acres of potatoes.


I’ll never forget the incredible work that went into that project. First, we secured a field, and then dad plowed the whole thing with his little Farmall Cub tractor, and if I remember right, a little fertilizer was added as well.


Then, we bought what seemed like tons of seed potatoes, and we sliced each one and then set out about the task of placing them about 12 inches or so apart in rows, it seemed like forever (especially when you are about 13 years old)


Once the field was sown, we had little to do but wait. Occasionally we went over and made sure the bugs were not attacking what we had sown, but apart form that, we just waited.


The summer sped by, and finally, the days of harvest came. We began to dig potatoes, and more potatoes, and still more! I don’t know how many we took in that year, but it was a lot!


As we dug potatoes, we found out that some were rotten, but as we gathered them in, we had no time to separate them, we just picked everything and then sorted later.


We had potatoes! We sold potatoes, we gave potatoes away, we had potatoes with every meal!


That story reminds me of another harvest that is about to take place, a harvest of infinitely greater value than a thousand acre potato patch, it is “The Harvest!”


God has been planting His seed for a great many years now, and the fields are white and ready to be picked.  Jesus gave some pretty good indicators as to when that would take place, and as we watch with eager anticipation of that great Day, we see the world stage is set, and the people and places are getting ready.


You can almost hear the harvesters getting ready, sharpening their sickles, getting ready for the call.


I hope you are waiting with eager anticipation of that great Day. If thoughts of that Day of Harvest frighten you, perhaps you are not ready.


When the time comes for Jesus to return, all fruit will be gathered, ready or not, and then, just like our great potato harvest, each will be sorted, those that are rotten, will be tossed out, but those that are ripe, will be gathered together to be used by God in that remarkable place called Heaven.


I can’t wait! How about you? Are you ready for the Harvest?


Revelation 14:14-16

I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one “like a son of man” with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.

Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.

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