provision and purpose

Overflowing Grace

Overflowing Grace

Have you ever felt like you just don’t have enough? Enough time, enough money, enough energy? It’s a common human experience.

But what if I told you there’s a secret to having more than enough? It’s not about working harder or saving more; it’s about tapping into an endless source of abundance – God’s grace.

Promise of Abundance

Today, we’re going to explore 2 Corinthians 9:8, a verse packed with incredible promise:

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8

That’s a mouthful, isn’t it? But let’s break it down. God is saying, “I can give you more than enough of everything you need, all the time. And because of that, you’ll have plenty to share with others.”

It’s like having an overflowing cup. No matter how much you pour out, it’s always full. That’s the kind of abundance God wants for His children.

More Than Enough

This verse isn’t just about money, although that’s certainly part of it. It’s about every area of our lives. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities. Or maybe you’re struggling with relationships.

Whatever it is, God promises to provide all the grace you need to handle it.

It’s important to understand that this abundance isn’t based on our own merit or ability. It’s a gift from God, given freely through His grace. It’s like receiving an unexpected windfall. You didn’t earn it, but you’re grateful to receive it.

Living Abundantly

So, how do we experience this abundant life? It starts with believing God’s promise. Trust that He will provide for your every need.

Then, live generously. As your cup overflows, share your blessings with others. Whether it’s your time, talents, or resources, there are countless ways to make a difference.

Remember, abundance isn’t about hoarding; it’s about sharing. The more you give, the more you receive. It’s a beautiful cycle of generosity and gratitude.

Live it Out

Living a life of abundance is possible, but it requires a shift in our perspective. Instead of focusing on what we lack, let’s focus on the limitless grace of God.

When we trust Him as our provider, we’ll discover a fullness of life that surpasses our wildest dreams.

“Lord, thank You for Your promise of abundant grace. Help me to trust You as my provider and to live generously. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Upside Down: 15 Week Bible Study

 You Have Been Seated with Christ in the Heavenly Realms

God’s great hope for us is not simply the forgiveness of sins and a place in heaven when we die; but rather, He wants us totally restored, in heart, mind and soul . . . NOW!

As we enter into this amazing adventure with God, we soon recognize that we are a part of something tremendous, something that is beyond our earthy perspective, and we are transported into the heavens with Christ; we live, breathe, and find our being in Him!

This Bible study will help you rediscover how it all began, what happened in the Garden of Eden, who is the Devil really, and what is he up to today.

  • Head into the heavenly realms and discover profound truths concerning your relationship with God, and His incredible plan for you.
  • Search your heart, preparing for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. In this study, you will enter into God’s armory, suiting up with the whole armor of God.
  • Discover the Keys to the Kingdom given to you, and learn what they unlock; discovering your true nature in Christ, the authority given, the Sword of the Spirit, the covering armor, and the mission ahead, you will truly learn to pray . . . Upside Down!

Get your copy today! – Pray Upside Down

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration