
Guided by God’s Wisdom

Guided by God’s Wisdom

Promise of Divine Guidance

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:8 (NIV)

In this verse, we are given a beautiful promise from God: that He will be our guide, our teacher, and our counselor, leading us in the path we should take.

Need for Guidance

Life’s journey is often filled with uncertainty, confusion, and difficult choices. We can easily lose our way, stumbling through the darkness without a clear sense of direction.

But we are not alone in this journey. God, in His infinite wisdom and love, offers to guide us.

Wisdom of God’s Counsel

God’s guidance is not a mere set of instructions or a map to follow blindly. It is a personal, loving counsel that takes into account our unique circumstances and needs.

With His loving eye upon us, God offers wisdom that is tailored to our specific situation, helping us navigate the complexities of life.

Path of Trust

To receive God’s guidance, we must cultivate a heart of trust. We must be willing to surrender our own limited understanding and lean on His wisdom.

As we walk in obedience and faith, God will illuminate the path before us, step by step, leading us into the fullness of His plan.

It takes humility to recognize our need for divine guidance and the courage to trust in God’s wisdom as we journey through life. For in doing so, we can experience the joy and peace of walking in the path He has prepared for us.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Humor
Encountering the High and Exalted One

Encountering the High and Exalted One

Majestic God

“For this is what the high and exalted One says—He who lives forever, whose Name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”” Isaiah 57:15 (NIV)

In this verse, we are introduced to a God who is both high and exalted, yet also intimately present with those who are humble and lowly in spirit.

Exalted One

God is described as the “high and exalted One” who “lives forever” and whose “Name is holy.”

These words paint a picture of a God who is supreme, sovereign, and transcendent. He is far above and beyond our understanding, dwelling in a “high and holy place.”

Intimate Presence

Yet, despite His majestic nature, God chooses to live and abide with those who are “contrite and lowly in spirit.”

He does not remain distant or aloof but instead comes near to the humble and brokenhearted, reviving their spirits and hearts.

Reviving Power

This is a profound truth: the God of the universe, the Creator of all things, stoops down to dwell with those who acknowledge their own limitations and brokenness.

He does not demand perfection or self-sufficiency but instead offers His reviving presence to those who recognize their need for Him.

As we gaze upon the majesty of God, we are invited to approach Him with humility and reverence; we also take comfort in knowing that He is not a distant deity but a loving Father who desires to revive our spirits and heal our hearts.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Humility, Thankfulness, Trust
Love Without Limits

Love Without Limits

1 John 3:17If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?

How we respond when confronted with suffering reveals much about our hearts. Do we turn away untouched or allow God’s love to overflow in practical aid?

This verse is a sobering wake-up call to get real about whether our lives demonstrate Christlike compassion.

Talk is Cheap

While good intentions and emotions have value, godly love goes further to generously meet tangible needs.

As Christ followers, we’re called to more than offer encouraging words, but to give sacrificially of our time, resources and energy. True faith serves with sleeves rolled up.

Overcoming Indifference

It’s tempting to become desensitized to the poverty around us. We must actively resist apathy, believing each person matters profoundly to God.

When we embrace opportunities to care for the hurting, we reflect His limitless love that leaves no one behind.

Love On The Move

May our hands and feet follow where Jesus leads – binding wounds, feeding the hungry, welcoming outcasts.

As we grow in generosity and mercy, the world will better glimpse the Savior’s heart of compassion. Our lives must back up the message that God loves without limits.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration