
The Inexhaustible Christ

The Inexhaustible Christ

John 21:25Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

More Than We Can Fathom

John acknowledges in this verse that he only recorded a tiny sampling of Jesus’ teachings and miracles. If everything was written, the world couldn’t contain the libraries needed!

This highlights the beautiful truth that we will keep discovering new dimensions of who Christ is throughout eternity. We will never exhaust learning about our infinite, awesome God.

Fresh Encounters with Jesus

No matter how long we’ve walked with Christ, we’ve still only grasped the tiniest sliver of His fullness. This means there is so much more of Himself for us to encounter! We will always be discovering new dimensions of Christ

Even familiar Bible stories contain hidden depths. Keep seeking Jesus afresh. He has so much more to show you about Himself through Scripture.

Growing in Awe

The inexhaustible riches found in Christ compel us to continue digging into His Word. The more we learn, the more our worship grows. Our increasing knowledge fuels deeper awe and adoration.

Lord, I Long to Know You More

Jesus, remind me that I’ve only begun to discover who You are. Instill fresh hunger in me to encounter new dimensions of Your beauty through Scripture. As I learn more, grow my worship and fascination with You.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration