Luke 15:7 – I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
The Lost Being Found
In Luke 15, Jesus tells three parables about things that were lost being found – a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son.
The stories illustrate God’s joy when even just one sinner repents and turns to him.
Jesus says there is rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents. Heaven celebrates each time someone lost is found!
A Dramatic Rescue
Picture the intensity of the search when the shepherd realizes one sheep is missing. He urgently leaves the entire flock to comb the wilderness until he locates that lone, lost sheep.
When he finally finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and returns home eager to tell everyone the good news.
In the same way, God intensely seeks out each individual who is lost in sin, rescuing them through Christ.
The Extravagant Party
In the story of the prodigal son, when the wayward young man finally returns home, the father throws an enormous feast to celebrate. No expense is spared.
The lavish party expresses the great joy in heaven over a sinner changing their life’s direction.
God spares no effort or resource to reclaim his lost children. Each heart that turns to him prompts a celebration.
Our Part in the Rejoicing
As followers of Christ, we play a role in these stories.
We are the search party helping the shepherd comb the wilds for lost sheep. We are the woman sweeping diligently until she finds the lost coin. We are the older brother inviting in the prodigal sibling, extending grace and forgiveness.
Our actions and attitudes bring joy to heaven when they contribute to someone being found.
Be sure and join wholeheartedly in heaven’s celebration whenever the lost are found.
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