intimacy with god

Value of Wisdom

Value of Wisdom

“And he said to the human race, ‘The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.” Job 28:28

Wisdom Begins with Reverence

In a world obsessed with wealth, power, and pleasure, we need to refocus on what holds real value. This verse teaches that true wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord.

More than mere respect, the fear of the Lord is deep awe, reverence, and submission to God. It’s recognizing His unmatched greatness and bowing humbly before Him.

Do you approach God with a trembling, obedient heart?

Proper fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. It realigns our priorities and perspectives. When we stand in awe of the Almighty, earthly troubles grow smaller. Pursuit of selfish gain loses appeal.

Focusing our minds on His majesty floods our hearts with priceless wisdom. Ask the Spirit today to instill godly fear and wisdom within you.

Understanding Through Obedience

The second half of this verse equates understanding with shunning evil. As we walk closely with God, listening to His voice, wisdom produces moral discernment. We gain ability to spot wickedness and walk the other way.

Understanding guards us from foolish choices and the heartache they bring. We develop spiritual instincts to flee anything disruptive to our intimacy with Christ. But this understanding only flourishes through obedience.

As James 1:22 states, we must “be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” Active surrender to God allows Him to sharpen our discernment.

Obedience and wisdom feed one other in a beautiful cycle. Are there areas of obedience God is calling you to? Take steps to submit today. Watch understanding blossom!

Greater Worth than Riches

Proverbs 8 lavishes praise on the excellency of wisdom, declaring it more valuable than rubies, gold, or silver. All the money in the world cannot purchase wisdom! It springs from a heart surrendered to the fear of the Lord.

A life applied in obedience to God blooms with discernment and insight no amount of wealth can replicate. Don’t envy those with overflowing bank accounts or prominent positions. Covet instead the priceless wisdom only God provides to the humble and obedient.

He is eager to grant it to those who earnestly seek Him. Treasure time spent in the Word, in prayer and worship, allowing healthy fear to take root. This is investment into eternally precious wisdom!

Pillars of Spiritual Maturity

As we journey through life with Christ, may we build our homes on the twin pillars of godly fear and spiritual understanding. One leads to the other in a cycle of growth and maturity.

When we awake with an awe-filled heart, eager to revere and obey God, He directs our paths and grants keen discernment. As we then walk out that obedience, the wisdom He imparts strengthens our resolve to honor Him above all.

This day, commit yourself fully to this beautiful process. Determine to treasure nothing above intimacy with God. The rewards of wisdom He bestows on the faithful heart are beyond measure!

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock
Unbreakable Bond

Unbreakable Bond

My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. (John 10:29)

The Bible contains an amazing promise from Jesus that should give every Christian great comfort and confidence. Jesus says in the Gospel of John that God the Father has given believers to Him as a gift, and that no one can ever take us out of God’s hand.

Salvation Comes from God’s Grace

First, Jesus tells us that Christians belong to Him because God the Father has given them to Him. This means that our salvation does not depend on anything we do to earn it. Instead, it depends completely on God’s grace and love towards us.

Before time began, God chose us and set His love upon us. He saved us and adopted us as His own dear children, not because we were worthy, but because He is so gracious and kind.

Since our salvation comes as a free gift from God, we can be sure that He will not change His mind later and turn His back on us. He knew all our flaws and failures ahead of time, and he saved us anyway.

His love lasts forever, because God Himself lasts forever. Our security is based on God’s faithful promise, not our own efforts.

God Rules Over All Things

Jesus also reminds us that God His Father is greater than all. As the eternal Creator of the universe, God has supreme power and authority over all that exists.

No one can compete with Him or threaten Him in any way. Every king and every ruler must ultimately give account to God.

This means that God has the power to protect us and keep us safe no matter what may come against us. No enemy, no sickness or tragedy, no hardship or danger is too much for God to handle or shield us from.

God is mightier than any force in heaven or on earth. We can take refuge in him because nothing can overcome His strength and love for His people.

No One Can Snatch Us from God’s Grip

Not only is God supremely powerful, Jesus says, but He also holds on tightly to those who believe in Him. No one can snatch us out of His hand—we are gripped firmly by the Almighty Creator who loves us!

Just as a loving parent holds onto a small child to keep them from wandering into danger, God cradles us in His mighty hands. He keeps his eye always on us, guiding our steps. He surrounds us constantly with His comfort, strength and love.

We do not keep ourselves safe from enemies or hardship through our own power. We rely fully on God’s power and faithfulness towards us. Our confidence comes from understanding that the eternal, almighty Creator of the universe has promised to hold onto us tightly forever.

He will never forget us or let us slip through His fingers. His grip on our lives will never loosen or grow weak.

United with God Forever

This intimate bond between God and His people was made possible through Jesus. Jesus is God in human form who lived among us. He died and rose again to pay for our sins, making reconciliation between God and man possible.

Now Jesus invites us to be united with Him and with God the Father in a relationship of love. He wants us to know Him, enjoy close friendship with Him, and reflect His love out into the world.

Because of Jesus, Christians do not relate to God merely through laws or rituals. We have intimacy with God—we are united to Him by Jesus Christ our Lord! God embraces us as His own dear children and promises to keep us safe, loved, and secure in His hands forever.

Understanding this incredible privilege should inspire our deep love, gratitude and reverence for God our Father, now and for all eternity.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration