Deuteronomy 8:3 “He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
After leaving Egypt, the Israelites wandered the wilds of Sinai with grumbling stomachs, but God purposefully allowed them to hunger in order to teach dependence on Him.
In our deprivation, will we keep railing against God’s provision? Or will we humbly acknowledge our need for Him to fill and sustain us daily? Thankfully, He promises to satisfy the famished soul.
Fed with Manna
To meet their hunger, God miraculously rained down manna from heaven. This mysterious, flaky substance appeared daily to nourish His people, with a double portion arriving before the Sabbath.
The bread of heaven nourished the Israelites physically, but God intended a deeper lesson – man does not live by physical food alone, but by God’s Word.
Feasting on God’s Word
Beyond physical hunger, we all have an innate hunger for purpose, meaning, and belonging. These deep needs can only be satisfied by feasting on the living Word of God.
More than food, we require the fulfillment of hearing God’s voice guiding us as beloved children; we must feast on the bread of life daily!
Develop a Taste for God’ word
The Israelites at first disdained manna and longed to return to Egypt. But as they relied on God’s provision, their tastes adjusted. Soon they found manna sweet and satisfying.
You are invited to partake of the abundant feast God has prepared in His Word. As you fill up on the bread of life, you will discover lasting nourishment and delight.
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