1 Peter 1:21 – Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
Christ is the bedrock of our faith. Fixing our gaze on His resurrection power, we find eternal hope.
As we encounter His transforming grace, our character is increasingly glorified and conformed to His holy image.
From Despair to Hope
Before knowing Jesus, we had no lasting hope. But in Him, despair is swallowed up by confident assurance. With our future secured in God’s hands, we walk steadily on, fears calmed.
Reflecting God’s Character
As we behold Jesus’ glory, we are remade from the inside out. Pride, greed and sin give way to humility, generosity, and righteousness. We were saved for a purpose – holiness.
Our Living Hope
No matter the circumstance, we can cling to hope because of Christ’s defeat of death and exaltation.
Our faith rests securely in the God who raises the dead! What wondrous hope is ours!