faith in Jesus

Trusting in Christ: The Promise of No Shame

Trusting in Christ: The Promise of No Shame

In a world where fear of failure and rejection often looms large, Romans 10:11 offers a comforting promise.

This verse assures us that when we put our trust in Christ, we will never be put to shame.

“As Scripture says, ‘Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.’”

Romans 10:11

Power of Belief

Believing in Christ is more than just acknowledging His existence; it’s about trusting Him with our lives, our hopes, and our futures.

Romans 10:11 tells us that this kind of belief comes with a guarantee—we will never be put to shame.

This promise is not just about avoiding embarrassment; it’s about the deep assurance that God will never let us down.

Shame vs. Confidence

Shame is a powerful emotion that can hold us back from fully living out our faith. It often comes from fear of what others think or from past failures.

But Romans 10:11 offers a different perspective. When we trust in Christ, we have a solid foundation that removes the fear of shame.

Our confidence doesn’t come from our own abilities but from the unshakable love and faithfulness of Jesus.

Why You Can Trust Jesus

Jesus has proven Himself trustworthy in every way.

He fulfilled every promise, conquered death, and provided a way for us to have eternal life. His track record is perfect, which is why we can trust Him without reservation.

Romans 10:11 reminds us that this trust is well-placed and that we will not be disappointed when we put our faith in Him.

Living Without Fear of Shame

Living out your faith can sometimes make you feel vulnerable, especially when you face criticism or doubt from others.

But the promise in Romans 10:11 encourages you to live boldly and without fear of shame.

When your confidence is rooted in Christ, you are free to share your faith, make decisions based on God’s Word, and live in a way that honors Him, knowing that He has your back.

Encouragement for Daily Life

As you go about your daily life, remember the promise of Romans 10:11.

Whether you’re facing a challenging situation, making an important decision, or simply trying to live out your faith, let this verse remind you that your trust in Christ is never misplaced.

He is faithful, and He will ensure that you are never put to shame for believing in Him.

Upside Down: 15 Week Bible Study

 You Have Been Seated with Christ in the Heavenly Realms

God’s great hope for us is not simply the forgiveness of sins and a place in heaven when we die; but rather, He wants us totally restored, in heart, mind and soul . . . NOW!

As we enter into this amazing adventure with God, we soon recognize that we are a part of something tremendous, something that is beyond our earthy perspective, and we are transported into the heavens with Christ; we live, breathe, and find our being in Him!

This Bible study will help you rediscover how it all began, what happened in the Garden of Eden, who is the Devil really, and what is he up to today.

  • Head into the heavenly realms and discover profound truths concerning your relationship with God, and His incredible plan for you.
  • Search your heart, preparing for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. In this study, you will enter into God’s armory, suiting up with the whole armor of God.
  • Discover the Keys to the Kingdom given to you, and learn what they unlock; discovering your true nature in Christ, the authority given, the Sword of the Spirit, the covering armor, and the mission ahead, you will truly learn to pray . . . Upside Down!

Get your copy today! – Pray Upside

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
The Words of Life

The Words of Life

Have you ever felt lost and unsure of where to turn? In John 6:68, we find a powerful statement by Peter after Jesus delivers a challenging teaching about eating His flesh and drinking His blood.

Faced with confusion, the disciples begin to abandon Jesus. Yet, Peter remains, declaring:

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

John 6:68

Why Does Peter Stay?

Despite the confusion, Peter recognizes something profound about Jesus.

Jesus’ words hold the power of eternal life. This isn’t just about physical sustenance; it’s about a spiritual connection with Jesus, the source of life itself.

Power of Jesus’ Words

Jesus’ words offer more than just information. They have the power to:

  • Transform Lives: Jesus’ teachings challenge us to grow, change, and become more like Him.
  • Bring Hope and Comfort: Jesus’ words offer comfort in times of trouble and hope for the future.
  • Lead to Eternal Life: Ultimately, faith in Jesus and following His teachings is the path to eternal life.

Following Jesus: More Than Just Words

While Jesus’ words are powerful, they must be accompanied by action.

True faith involves putting those words into practice by following Jesus’ teachings and living a life that reflects His love.

Embrace Jesus’ Words

  • Read the Gospels: Immerse yourself in Jesus’ teachings by reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).
  • Reflect and Pray: Take time to meditate on Jesus’ words and pray for the strength to live them out.
  • Join a Christian Community: Surround yourself with believers who can encourage you and help you grow in your faith.

John 6:68 reminds us that Jesus is the source of eternal life.

By embracing His words and following His teachings, you can experience a transformed life here on earth and the promise of eternal life with Him.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith
Seeing Jesus: The Light of the World in His Miracles

Seeing Jesus: The Light of the World in His Miracles

Matthew 12:22Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see.

Have you ever stopped to think about miracles? Those amazing events in the Bible that defy explanation?

They’re more than just cool stories. Miracles are signs from God, glimpses of something beyond our world, revealing His power, wisdom, love, and glory.

Miracles aren’t limited to the Bible. They’re not reserved for the privileged or super faithful. They can happen to anyone, anywhere, in the ordinary, everyday moments of life. They’re not about showing off, but about bringing glory to God and helping His people.

Jesus: The Ultimate Miracle

The Bible tells the story of Jesus, the ultimate miracle worker. He healed the sick, raised the dead, calmed storms, and even fed thousands with just a few loaves and fishes! (Matthew 12:22, Mark 6:45-52)

He did what no one else could, demonstrating God’s power and love for humanity.

But Jesus is more than just a miracle worker. He is the miracle himself. The fulfillment of God’s promises, the embodiment of God’s love, and the expression of God’s power. Jesus, the Son of God, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead – the ultimate act of love and power. (John 1:5)

Seeing Jesus Everywhere

We see Jesus reflected in His miracles, of course, but also in His words, actions, and character. His compassion, mercy, grace, and truth shine through.

He is humble, obedient, faithful, and holy. Love, joy, peace, and hope radiate from Him.

The Scriptures, the gospel, the church, and even the world around us – they all point to Jesus.

Creation, history, prophecy, and fulfillment – they all whisper His story. From the Law and the Prophets to the Psalms and the Epistles, His presence is woven throughout.

Following the Light

So how do we experience this Jesus more fully?

By faith, by the Holy Spirit, by the Word of God, and by God’s grace. We follow Him by believing in Him, trusting Him, depending on Him, and obeying Him.

Our love, worship, service, and desire to glorify Him are expressions of following Him.

Following Jesus means imitating Him, learning from Him, listening to Him, and living by His example. It means repenting of our sins, receiving His forgiveness, living in the freedom He offers, and becoming His disciple.

It’s about joining His family, participating in His mission, and belonging to His kingdom.

As we follow Jesus, we bear fruit that reflects His character, share the gifts He’s given us, use our talents for His purposes, and fulfill His will. We become reflections of His light, walking in it, shining it brightly, and sharing it with the world; and YES, YOU WILL SEE MIRACLES TOO!

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith