Christ’s Love

Walking in Love

Walking in Love

And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” – Ephesians 5:2 NIV

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to walk in love? In a world where love is often defined by fleeting feelings and personal gain, the Bible calls us to a higher standard – one exemplified by Christ Himself.

Selfless Love

Christ’s love was selfless. He didn’t love, to get something in return.

His love was a gift, freely given, expecting nothing back. That’s the kind of love we’re called to embody.

It’s not about what we can gain, but what we can give.

Fragrance of Sacrifice

When we love like Christ, our lives become a fragrant offering.

Just as a pleasant aroma can fill a room and be enjoyed by all within it, our acts of love and sacrifice can spread goodness and joy to those around us.

Practical Steps to Love

So, how do we start this journey of love? Here are some practical steps:

  1. Listen More: Sometimes, the most loving thing we can do is listen. Hear what people are really saying, and offer your presence as a gift.
  2. Serve Willingly: Look for opportunities to serve others without expecting recognition or reward.
  3. Forgive Freely: Holding onto grudges weighs us down. Forgiveness is a powerful act of love that frees both the giver and receiver.
  4. Encourage Often: A kind word can lift someone’s spirits. Be an encourager, a beacon of positivity in someone’s day.

Love in Action

Remember, love is more than a feeling; it’s an action. It’s a choice you make every day. When you choose to love like Christ, you light up the world with the beauty of His grace.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Future Glory with the Father

Future Glory with the Father

“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.” John 17:24

Everlasting Joy in His Presence

What an incredible promise we have in this verse! Jesus prays to the Father that those who believe in Him will one day be with Him in glory.

Not only will we be in His presence, but we will behold His glory – the very glory that the Father has given Him. Just imagine what it will be like to see our Savior face-to-face and witness His majesty and splendor.

The joy will be beyond anything we can experience on this earth. His glory will be staggering, breathtaking, and astounding. And even more astonishing is that He wants us there with Him!

He longs for us to be united with Him in paradise. What an honor to be desired by the King of kings! Let this truth fill you with hope and excitement for the future.

Our pain, tears, and struggles will vanish, replaced by everlasting joy in His wonderful presence.

A Love Before Time

This verse also reveals the eternal nature of Christ’s love for us. He speaks of the Father loving Him “before the creation of the world.” And because of this love, the Father gave Him glory which He now desires to share with us. Isn’t that remarkable?

Before time even began, before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs, Christ’s love for us already existed. This magnificent, unconditional love transcends space, time, and circumstance. It will never fade or falter.

Meditate on the depth and constancy of His love. Let it overwhelm you and transform you. No matter what happens in this life, nothing can separate you from it. You are adored with an everlasting love!

Certainty of Eternity with Him

As Jesus prays these words on the eve of His crucifixion, He speaks with complete certainty about the future glory that awaits all believers. He doesn’t say “if” or “maybe” we will be with Him in paradise.

No, He says definitively that we WILL be there by His side, beholding His glory! We can be absolutely sure of this. It’s a promise etched in stone. One day we will enjoy intimate fellowship with Him in a place of indescribable beauty and joy.

With this hope secure, press on; your trials are temporary but your reward is eternal. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith.

The splendor of heaven infinitely outweighs the suffering of earth. Just imagine – soon we will be home with our Savior!

Our Certain Hope

As you go through your day, remember that you have an incredible hope ahead.

Jesus guarantees that if you have put your faith in Him, you will one day be united with Him in eternal paradise.

Let this promise give you strength and perspective when trials come your way. The pain is only temporary, but the glory is eternal.

Stay focused on Him, your loving Redeemer who desires your presence with Him. You are deeply loved, now and forevermore!

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration