
Far Off to Up Close

Far Off to Up Close

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”

Ephesians 2:13

Picture yourself standing at the edge of a deep canyon, separated by an immense chasm from someone dear across the divide. You long to be united, but no bridge spans the gap.

This illustrates the vast separation between God and man caused by sin. Our rebellion cut us off from intimate friendship with our Creator. Made in His image but mired in sin, we were lost, helpless, and unable to bridge the divide.

Jesus’ sacrifice provides the only bridge back to God. His blood shed on the cross reconciles alienated souls to the Father. Now we who were once far off have been brought wondrously near through Christ!

Access Granted

Under the old covenant, people could not approach God directly but needed priests as intermediaries. Sinful humanity could not survive His holy presence.

The torn curtain after Christ’s death signified free access to God for all who come through Jesus. There is no longer any barrier, boundary or buffer between forgiven sinners and their loving Father. Not even the holiest person enjoys greater access.

Through His grace, God embraces us tenderly as His precious children. Draw near to Him with awe and thanksgiving for this open-armed welcome!

Adopted into God’s Family

In Christ, we have not only been invited to draw near to God but also adopted into His family. We belong through the bond of rebirth as God’s sons and daughters.

Once unrelated and far off, now intimately connected and loved – this is the miracle Christ accomplished. Outsiders have become insiders, foreigners grafted in as God’s household.

No words can fully capture the beauty of a close relationship with the God the Father. Let us live out this adopted identity as dearly loved children.

Respond in Praise

How will you respond to being brought wondrously near to God through Christ? Offer extravagant praise for His reconciling grace. Worship the God who desired intimacy with you.

And as you bask in closeness with the Father, look around for other prodigals still far off. Become the embodiment of Christ’s love that welcomes them home.

Our Shepherd rejoices over each rescued sheep. Through His blood we have been brought near. Hallelujah!

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
United in Christ

United in Christ

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20

Scripture unveils a stunning vision of Jesus Christ; the visible image of the invisible God. For the fullness of God’s nature, attributes and divinity live fully within Christ.

He is the radiance of God’s glory, the exact representation of His being.

Recognizing Christ as the full revelation of God revolutionizes how we relate to Him. All we long to know of the Father is perfectly personified in the Son.

Reconciling All Things

Not only is Jesus the full embodiment of God, but also the agent of universal reconciliation. Through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, God reconciles all things to Himself, whether in heaven or on earth.

Sin ruptured the relationship between God and humankind. But Christ’s blood shed on the cross sealed the peace and paved the way for restored union with God.

Now we can approach our Holy Creator without fear or shame.

Not only are people reconciled, but all creation is reconciled in Christ. The redemptive purposes of God extend to everything He has made. All things find their purpose fulfilled in Jesus.

Scope of Salvation

Some stumbled at this cosmic scope of reconciliation. But Scripture presents Christ’s lordship extending over every realm, visible and invisible.

One day every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God. No power or principality escapes the reign of the triumphant Lamb. Even the demonic trembles before His mighty name.

All creation finds renewal in submission to Christ. Let this breathtaking vision inspire awe and surrender to such an almighty, all-reconciling Savior!

Christ Alone

No force in heaven or on earth compares to the unifying power of Christ. In Him, fragmented relationships are made whole.

Through faith in Him, we are united to God and each other across all dividing lines.

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Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Communion: An Invitation to Unity

Communion: An Invitation to Unity

1 Corinthians 10:16“Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?”

Grab a loaf of bread and break off a piece. Feel its soft texture between your fingers before taking a bite. As you chew, contemplate the significance of this simple food.

Bread nourishes our physical bodies, but it also represents something much greater spiritually.

When we partake of the bread during communion, we signify our participation in the body of Christ. Just as bread is broken and shared among many, Christ’s body was broken and shared for the salvation of all.

As we eat the bread together, we are unified in recognizing Christ’s sacrifice that enables our relationship with God.

The bread of communion is no ordinary food – it is a sacred symbol that bonds us to our Savior and to one another. May we receive it with reverence and gratitude.

Cup of Thanksgiving

Raise your cup, filled with the fruit of the vine, in celebration of the goodness of God. This cup overflows with meaning as we give thanks for Christ’s blood, poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

In ancient times, covenants were sealed with the sharing of a cup. Through communion, we renew our covenant with God, confirmed by the blood of Jesus.

This cup is a declaration of gratitude for the redemption we have through the cross.

As we drink together from this cup of blessing, we proclaim our unity in Christ.

Though we come from diverse walks of life, communion reminds us that we are one body, cleansed by one blood; we rejoice in this amazing grace!

An Invitation to Community

Approach the communion table with joy and anticipation. Here awaits a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, where people of every nation will dine together in God’s presence.

Lay aside earthly labels that divide – rich or poor, old or young, different cultures and customs. At this table, we are one, linked by the unifying love of Christ.

Differences fade in light of what we share – our need for grace, our gratitude for the cross.

Communion calls us to live in fellowship, not just with God, but with one another. It beckons us to extend relentless compassion as freely as we have received it.

Remember and Rejoice

As you eat the bread and drink the cup, remember what Christ has done for you. Give thanks for His body, broken that you may be healed. Give thanks for His blood, shed that you may be set free from sin.

Rejoice in the loving communion you can have with God through Christ.

This nourishment for your soul ushers you into holy community. Together, we bear witness to the power of the gospel that transforms each of us into one body. May this fellowship challenge and change us all.

Communion is no mere ritual. It is a vibrant invitation to oneness with Christ and His people. Accept this gift with a joyful and grateful heart.

If you like these daily devotionals; you may be interested in our daily
“One Minute with God”
YouTube videos.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration