accepting God’s grace

Unworthy Yet Chosen

Unworthy Yet Chosen

The Bible is filled with stories of people encountering God’s power and majesty. But what about those who feel inadequate or unworthy? Isaiah 6:5 offers a message of hope for anyone who has ever grappled with feelings of inadequacy in the face of God’s calling.

A Prophet’s Confession

The book of Isaiah begins with a powerful vision of God’s holiness (Isaiah 6:3). In the aftermath of this encounter, Isaiah expresses his inner turmoil in verse 5 . .

“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”

Isaiah 6:5

Feeling Unworthy

Isaiah feels overwhelmed by his own shortcomings. Here’s what his confession reveals:

  • Man of unclean lips: This signifies a sense of imperfection and inadequacy in speech and possibly actions.
  • Unclean lips… unclean people: Isaiah acknowledges the sinfulness of himself and those around him.
  • Seen the King, the Lord Almighty: The overwhelming holiness of God intensifies Isaiah’s sense of unworthiness.

Can We Relate?

Isaiah’s experience resonates with many of us. We might feel:

  • Unqualified: We doubt our abilities or past mistakes hold us back.
  • Insecure: We compare ourselves to others and feel inadequate.
  • Unworthy: Our imperfections make us feel unfit for God’s purposes.

Grace Overwhelms Unworthiness

The beauty of Isaiah 6:5 lies in what happens next. Despite his feelings, God doesn’t reject Isaiah. The story continues with God cleansing Isaiah and empowering him for his prophetic ministry (Isaiah 6:6-7).

This turn of events highlights a crucial truth:

  • God’s Grace Covers Our Shortcomings: Our imperfections don’t disqualify us from God’s love or calling. His grace is sufficient to cover our inadequacies.
  • He Uses Imperfect People: God doesn’t wait for us to be perfect before He uses us. He equips and empowers those who are willing to serve Him.
  • Humility is Key: Recognizing our limitations opens the door for God’s grace to work in our lives.

Moving from Unworthy to Available

So, how can we overcome feelings of inadequacy and step into God’s calling? Here are some steps:

  • Acknowledge Your Shortcomings: Be honest with yourself and God about your limitations.
  • Embrace God’s Grace: Believe that God’s love and forgiveness are sufficient for you.
  • Offer Yourself Willingly: Despite your imperfections, say “yes” to God’s purposes in your life.

God’s Choice, Not Ours

Isaiah 6:5 reminds us that God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. When you surrender your inadequacies to Him, He equips you to serve Him with a pure heart. Have you surrendered to Him?

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Jesus, the Physician of Souls

Jesus, the Physician of Souls

 Mark 2:17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Many feel too far gone for God’s love, believing their sins are unforgivable. This can lead to avoiding Jesus and the Bible due to shame.

The Diagnosis

The Bible affirms we’re all sinners in need of God’s grace. God, in His immense love, sent Jesus to die for our sins and offer forgiveness. We are invited to come to Him “as we are,” for He heals, forgives, and transforms us (Mark 2:17).

Jesus didn’t call the righteous, but sinners. This doesn’t imply some are inherently righteous; rather, some recognize their need for God, while others remain self-righteous and closed to His grace.

Jesus came for those who acknowledge their spiritual illness and need a Savior.

The Prescription

How do we experience Jesus’ healing?

  1. Admit Your Need: You must confess your sins and acknowledge your shortcomings before God. You can’t save yourself; true healing comes from Him.
  2. Believe in Jesus’ Sacrifice: Trust that Jesus died for your sins and rose again, accepting His gift of salvation and eternal life.
  3. Receive His Healing: Allow Him to cleanse, heal, and restore you. Let the Holy Spirit fill you with love, renewing your mind and heart, transforming your desires and actions.

The Recovery

Responding to Jesus brings justification. God declares you righteous through Jesus’ work, accepting you as His child and offering peace and joy in His presence.

You also experience sanctification. God sets you apart for His purposes and makes you holy, enabling you to live a new life of obedience and service. He helps you grow in faith and love.

Finally, God promises glorification. He will one day complete His work in you, making you perfect. He will raise you from the dead, granting you a new body and welcoming you into His eternal kingdom.

The Invitation

Jesus calls you today, just as you are. He offers healing for your soul, forgiveness, and transformation. Will you answer?

A Prayer

“Lord Jesus, I confess I am a sinner and need Your grace. I believe You died for my sins and rose again. I receive Your healing for my soul. I surrender my life to You and follow You as my Lord and Master. Thank You for saving and changing me. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer, congratulations! You’ve made a life-changing decision. You’ve received the greatest gift – becoming a new creation in Christ.

Growing in Faith

  • Find a Bible-believing church for fellowship and growth.
  • Read the Bible and pray daily to deepen your relationship with God.
  • Share your testimony to inspire others to seek Jesus and His healing.

May God bless you on your journey with Him.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Gift of Living Water

Gift of Living Water

John 4:11 captures Jesus’ message to the Samaritan woman: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (NIV).

This verse offers a solution to a universal human longing.

Insatiable Thirst for More

As humans, we crave a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and purpose.

Often, we chase after these feelings in the wrong places – material possessions, relationships, or achievements.

But these things offer only temporary satisfaction. They leave a void that nothing earthly can fill.

Gift of Grace: Living Water

Jesus offers a different kind of drink: “living water” that eternally satisfies.

This living water represents God’s grace – a free gift we don’t earn or deserve. It’s an acknowledgment of our need for Him and our inability to find true meaning on our own.

When we accept this gift, we experience a deep peace and contentment that only God can provide.

Promise of Eternal Life

The living water isn’t just about this life; it’s about eternity with God.

Accepting this gift fills us with the Holy Spirit, who guides and transforms us. We gain a new perspective, empowered to live for God’s glory.

Beyond this earthly life, the promise extends to being with Jesus forever in heaven.

Drink Deep

The living water offered by Jesus is the answer to your deepest longings. It’s the only true source of lasting fulfillment.

Accept His gift of grace, drink deeply from the well of living water, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration