In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up in the here and now, forgetting the bigger picture. But the Bible gives us a powerful reminder in Colossians 3:4 (NIV):
“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”
Colossians 3:4
Higher Perspective
Paul, the author of Colossians, wrote this letter to encourage believers to focus on what truly matters.
In the verses leading up to Colossians 3:4, he urges us to “set our hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”
This isn’t about ignoring our earthly responsibilities but about shifting our focus to what’s eternal and lasting.
Christ: The Center of Our Lives
The phrase “Christ, who is your life” is central to understanding this verse.
As Christians, Christ isn’t just a part of our lives—He is our life.
Everything we do, think, and pursue should be centered around Him. When we make Christ the focus, it changes how we view everything else.
Promise of Glory
The verse goes on to say, “then you also will appear with him in glory.”
This is a promise of hope and a future that goes beyond this world. The struggles, challenges, and even successes we experience here are temporary.
What awaits us is something far greater—sharing in Christ’s glory.
Living with Eternity in Mind
So, how do we live with this heavenly perspective?
It starts with a daily choice to focus on God’s priorities. This might mean spending more time in prayer, reading the Bible, or seeking ways to serve others.
It’s about letting the eternal guide our decisions rather than the temporary.
Impact of a Heavenly Focus
When we set our hearts and minds on things above, it brings a sense of peace and purpose.
We’re no longer tossed around by every little thing that happens because our foundation is secure in Christ.
This doesn’t mean life will be without difficulties, but it does mean that we can face them with confidence, knowing that our future is secure.
Practical Steps to Shift Your Focus
- Start Your Day with God: Begin each day by reminding yourself of God’s presence and purpose in your life. This could be through prayer, reading Scripture, or quiet reflection.
- Keep an Eternal Perspective: When faced with decisions or challenges, ask yourself how they align with your faith and what will matter in the long run.
- Engage in Community: Surround yourself with others who are also striving to keep their focus on Christ. Share your struggles, encourage each other, and grow together.
- Serve with Love: Look for opportunities to serve others. Whether big or small, acts of service help shift our focus from ourselves to God and His kingdom.
Colossians 3:4 invites us to live with our eyes fixed on what truly matters—our life in Christ and the glory that awaits us.
As we set our hearts and minds on things above, we find a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and joy that the world can’t offer. Let’s embrace this heavenly perspective and allow it to transform our daily lives.

Upside Down: 15 Week Bible Study
You Have Been Seated with Christ in the Heavenly Realms
God’s great hope for us is not simply the forgiveness of sins and a place in heaven when we die; but rather, He wants us totally restored, in heart, mind and soul . . . NOW!
As we enter into this amazing adventure with God, we soon recognize that we are a part of something tremendous, something that is beyond our earthy perspective, and we are transported into the heavens with Christ; we live, breathe, and find our being in Him!
This Bible study will help you rediscover how it all began, what happened in the Garden of Eden, who is the Devil really, and what is he up to today.
- Head into the heavenly realms and discover profound truths concerning your relationship with God, and His incredible plan for you.
- Search your heart, preparing for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. In this study, you will enter into God’s armory, suiting up with the whole armor of God.
- Discover the Keys to the Kingdom given to you, and learn what they unlock; discovering your true nature in Christ, the authority given, the Sword of the Spirit, the covering armor, and the mission ahead, you will truly learn to pray . . . Upside Down!