James 2:8 – If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.
The Supreme Law
Of all Christ’s commands, love stands supreme. Loving others fulfills the entirety of God’s law.
This “royal law” encapsulates what God desires from His people.
No Loopholes
It’s easy to find loopholes to justify mistreatment of those outside our circles.
But Christ calls us to indiscriminate love crossing all divides. No exceptions!
Horizontal and Vertical
Loving others demonstrates our love for God. Care for outcasts and strangers shows God’s heart beats within us.
True devotion is expressed through service.
Do Justly, Love Mercy
May our lives be known by fighting injustice and embracing the marginalized.
As we love others tangibly, we fulfill the royal law of the King.