
Harvest Time

Harvest Time

“Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, ‘Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.'” (Revelation 14:15) (NIV)

Call to Harvest

In this passage, we witness a powerful scene from the Book of Revelation.

An angel emerges from the temple, calling out to another figure sitting on a cloud, urging him to reap the harvest of the earth, for the time has come.

This imagery invites us to reflect on the spiritual significance of harvest time.

Importance of Spiritual Fruitfulness

Throughout Scripture, we find a recurring theme of bearing spiritual fruit.

Just as farmers cultivate crops and reap the harvest, believers are called to nurture their spiritual lives and produce the fruits of righteousness.

These fruits manifest in our actions, attitudes, and character, reflecting the transformative power of God’s grace.

Urgency of the Harvest

The angel’s words, “for the harvest of the earth is ripe,” convey a sense of urgency. The time to reap the spiritual harvest is now.

We are reminded that our time on earth is fleeting, and we must make the most of every opportunity to bear spiritual fruit.

This urgency should spur us to action, inspiring us to deepen our relationship with God and actively seek ways to serve Him and others.

Preparing for the Harvest

As we consider the spiritual harvest, we must examine our own hearts and lives.

  • Are we cultivating the soil of our souls, allowing the Word of God to take root and flourish?
  • Are we pruning away distractions and sin that might hinder our growth?

Heed the call of this passage, recognizing the urgency of the spiritual harvest and embrace the opportunity to bear fruit that will endure for eternity.

Allow the Holy Spirit to work within you, transforming you into a fruitful branch that brings glory to God and bless those around you.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Ministries
Empowered Witnesses

Empowered Witnesses

Commission and Promise

“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”Mark 16:20 (NIV)

In this verse, we see the disciples fulfilling the Great Commission given by Jesus, going out and preaching the gospel to the world.

But they did not go alone – the Lord Himself accompanied them, confirming His word with signs and wonders.

Empowering Presence

The disciples were not left to their own devices, relying solely on their own strength and abilities.

Instead, they were empowered by the presence of the Lord, who worked alongside them, validating their message with supernatural signs.

Confirming Signs

These signs were not mere spectacles or displays of power for their own sake. They served a specific purpose – to confirm the truth of the gospel message being preached.

They were tangible evidence that the words the disciples spoke were not their own, but those of the living God.

Ongoing Testimony

Even today, as we continue to spread the Good News of Christ, we can trust that the Lord is still at work, confirming His word through the transformative power of His Spirit in the lives of those who believe.

While the specific signs may differ, the principle remains the same – God continues to bear witness to the truth of the gospel through the changed lives of His followers.

As you go forth in obedience to the Great Commission, do so with confidence, knowing that the Lord Himself is with you, empowering you and confirming His word through the signs and wonders He performs in and through you.

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“One Minute with God”

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Ministries, Trust


As we delve into today’s Scripture, we encounter a profound message about leadership and character.

An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient (Titus 1:6)

It reminds us of the qualities that should be present in those who hold positions of authority and responsibility. It speaks to the importance of living a life of integrity and faithfulness, serving as an example to others.

The passage encourages us to examine the qualities of leaders, specifically focusing on the virtue of being “blameless.” This doesn’t mean perfection or never making mistakes, but rather a consistent commitment to living a life of righteousness and faith.

It challenges us to reflect on our own lives and consider whether we are modeling these qualities in our own spheres of influence.

In our world today, we often witness a lack of integrity and moral character among those in positions of power. But as followers of Christ, we are called to a higher standard. We are called to be people of integrity, displaying a character that reflects our faith in all aspects of our lives.

Our words, actions, and decisions should align with the teachings of Christ and demonstrate our commitment to truth, justice, and love.

Take this message to heart and endeavor to be blameless leaders, not just in formal positions of authority but also in our everyday lives. May our words and actions bear witness to the transforming power of Christ in us.

May our example inspire others to seek after righteousness and to follow in the footsteps of our blameless Savior.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Discipline, Ministries
Hungry and Thirsty

Hungry and Thirsty

Matthew 25:35 reminds us of the importance of showing compassion and care for others.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in”

Jesus commends those who have reached out to the vulnerable, providing them with food, clothing, and support. This verse highlights the significance of practical acts of love and kindness, emphasizing that when we serve others, we are ultimately serving Christ Himself.

The message of this verse aligns with the teachings of Jesus throughout the Gospels, where He repeatedly emphasizes the value of loving our neighbors as ourselves.

It challenges us to examine how we can extend a helping hand to those in need, whether it be through providing physical sustenance, emotional support, or any other form of assistance.

It reminds us that even the smallest acts of compassion can have a significant impact on someone’s life.

As followers of Christ, we are called to be instruments of His love and mercy in the world.

Matthew 25:35 serves as a gentle yet powerful reminder that our faith is not merely about beliefs or rituals, but about actively living out the love of Christ in tangible ways.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Ministries
A Treasured Possession

A Treasured Possession

God speaks to the Israelites through Moses, telling them that they will be His treasured possession and a kingdom of priests, Exodus 19:5

“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine”

This verse reveals an important truth about our relationship with God and the calling He has placed upon us.

God sees each one of us as His treasured possession. He values us deeply and desires a personal relationship with us. We are not just random beings wandering through life, but rather chosen and loved by our Creator.

Additionally, God calls us to be a kingdom of priests. In ancient times, priests served as intermediaries between God and the people, offering sacrifices and representing the people before God.

We are also called to be representatives of God’s love, grace, and truth in the world. We have the privilege and responsibility to reflect His character, share His message, and intercede on behalf of others.

Embrace your identity as God’s treasured possession and an ambassador of His kingdom. Recognize your worth and value in His eyes. Cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with Him through prayer, study of His Word, and fellowship with other believers.

And as you go about your daily life, remember that you are called to be a light, bringing God’s love and truth to those around you. May your life reflect the beauty of being a treasured possession of the King.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration, Faith, Holiness, Humility, Ministries