Introducing Rock & Sherri Pifer, founders of Faith Upside Down. Both are ordained elders in the Free Methodist Church; and at the 2018 Keystone Annual Conference, were appointed as Conference Evangelists.
Rock began serving as a local ministerial candidate in the Emporium Free Methodist Church in 1992 and was appointed to a full time pastoral charge in 1995, serving as lead pastor until 2016.
Sherri, began her ordination track in 2009 and was ordained as an elder in 2013.
Additionally, both have been a part of the College of Prayer; a non denominational prayer training organization, for over 20 years.
In 2006, Rock, accompanied with Sherri and their son Luke, traveled to Norway, where he spoke to College of Prayer groups in several different Norwegian cities; Stavanger, Drammen, Kongsberg, and Nottoden. A second trip to Norway in 2009, took Rock to the town of Skien, for similar teaching on prayer.
Sherri has also received training through the College of Prayer and has been certified to teach the College of Prayer curriculum. Sherri has led various women’s retreats, and loves to bring the Word of God from her unique perspective; preaching with passion and love.
In February of 2016, having served the local church for nearly 25 years; 21 years in full time ministry, Rock and Sherri asked regional leadership to release them from Pastoral Ministry so they could pursue their calling to evangelism.
Why Faith Upside Down?
Rock and Sherri’s experience in pastoral ministry took place in rural Pennsylvania, in a small town called Emporium. Nestled in the mountains of Cameron County; the heart of the Pennsylvania Wilds, Emporium is a small community of about 2500 . . . if everyone is home! Sherri and Rock both grew up in this town.
Like many small rural communities, Emporium has its fair share of problems; some might say much more than its fair share! Having lived in this community, Rock and Sherri know in detail the problems associated with the town; drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide and sexual abuse are more common than folks there care to admit.
As pastors in this community, they have seen first-hand, the hurt and pain the devil has inflicted, and began to earnestly pray for the deliverance of this town.
Praying on the Mountain
For many years, every Sunday morning, Rock and Sherri would head to an overlook that provided a stunning view of their little town, and we would pray there. On one particular occasion, Rock went alone and was praying over the town; what happened that day would change his life forever!
Rock tells the story . . .
While I was praying that day, I was praying against the powers and principalities that had been enslaving the people in this community for years. Determined to see a breakthrough, I was passionately praying out loud; my fists punching at the sky as if pounding on the devil himself!
It was then that the most unexpected thing happened; the Lord seemed to come near and then he asked me some questions.
To the best of my recollection, here is how the conversation unfolded.
A Meeting with God on the Mountain
The Lord said to me;
“Rock, what are you doing?”
I was somewhat taken aback, as to me it seemed obvious what I was doing, so I answered the Lord;
“I am praying.”
He said in the kindest way possible;
“Why are you praying like that, punching at the sky?”
I was not sure what He was getting at and I really did not know how to answer, so I responded;
“This is how I do it.”
There was a pause and then he asked me another question;
“Rock, where are you?”
Now I’m getting even more confused and all I could do was to say; “I’m here, Lord!“
There was another pause and then He rephrased the same question;
“Rock, where are you spiritually speaking?”
I responded by saying, “I’m with you, Lord.” It was then that the Scripture from Ephesians 2:6 came rushing to my heart.
The Lord asked me again;
“Rock, where are you?”
I responded; “I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms” What the Lord said next would forever change my life and ministry forever!
The Lord said to me;
“Rock, stop praying with your fists pounding at the sky, as if you were fighting an enemy that you are in subjection to. Start praying from your true position in Me. Instead of praying with a down side up mentality, pray from the up side down, from the heavenly realm where you are seated; the battle is not over your head, but is under your feet.”
My World was turned Up-Side Down!
Wow! I was stunned by what had just taken place. I realized that much of my prayer life was done out of a sense of duty, not recognizing the authority with which one could pray.
I learned that I do have authority and that I could pray expecting awesome answers; the days going forward would give ample opportunity for the truth of this to become evident.
It was out of this encounter with the Lord on that mountain that birthed the idea of Praying Upside Down and hence the name of our ministry endeavor; Faith Upside Down.
We want to encourage you to live your life “UP-SIDE DOWN.” Learn how to pray, how to love, how to forgive, and more . . . UP-SIDE DOWN!
Please explore our sight and read some of the stories and insights we have gathered and if you would like to have one or both of us come to your church, please let us know; we would love to share!
Rock wrote a Bible Study titled – Pray Upside Down – 15 Week Bible Study Guide; check it out on Amazon now!
Be sure to check out our Inspirational Nugget pages and our Daily Word posts. We also have a YouTube channel with audio Scripture reading to watch – One Minute with God – Check it out!
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