Month: November 2023

His Strength, Our Weakness

His Strength, Our Weakness

Zechariah 4:6So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.

Leaning on Our Might

When facing opposition, our tendency is to trust in human strength, talents, or vigor to achieve God’s work.

But this verse reminds us that lasting fruit comes through a different source.

Empty Without His Spirit

Apart from the energizing power of the Holy Spirit, our efforts are futile.

We may coerce temporary change in others but cannot impart lasting heart transformation.

Power in Weakness

This is freeing! Our humble weakness creates space for the Spirit’s surpassing power.

As we rely fully on Him, results exceed human capacity. We simply yield.

An Unstoppable Force

The Spirit is an unstoppable force that cannot be thwarted.

When He moves in response to dependent prayer, not even stone walls can withstand His might.

Lord, Fill Me Afresh with Your Spirit

Lord, forgive me for operating out of human strength instead of relying on the Spirit’s power. I choose to embrace weakness that Your strength may be displayed. Fill me daily with Your energizing, transformative Spirit.

If you enjoy these daily devotionals, you may be interested in our short One Minute With God daily audio and visual thought provoking Scripture snippets to get your day started.

Check them out at @faithupsidedown on YouTube.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Killing Sin Before It Kills You

Killing Sin Before It Kills You

Romans 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

Flesh vs. The Spirit

Each day we choose whether to operate by the flesh or the Spirit.

The flesh represents our sinful desires and tendencies, while the Spirit reflects God’s will and character.

Two Possible Outcomes

If we habitually gratify the cravings of the flesh, we’ll experience spiritual decay and death.

But if through the Spirit’s power we put sin to death, we’ll enjoy spiritual life and peace.

The Battle Within

Though Christ has broken sin’s power, the flesh wages war in believers.

We must actively crucify fleshly deeds lest sin destroy us. Our part is vital.

Empowered from Within

This battling is not meant to be done alone in the flesh.

As we yield to the indwelling Spirit, He gives strength to overcome temptation and walk uprightly.

Lord, Fill Me Afresh with Your Spirit

Lord, I confess that sin still crouches at my door seeking to devour me. Flood every corner of my heart afresh with Your Spirit so that I can gain victory over the flesh. Make me sensitive to sin’s first stirrings so I can reject it before it takes root. Daily crucify my sinful nature, that I might fully live by Your Spirit.

If you enjoy these daily devotionals, you may be interested in our short One Minute With God daily audio and visual thought provoking Scripture snippets to get your day started.

Check them out at @faithupsidedown on YouTube.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
The Day of God’s Wrath

The Day of God’s Wrath

Revelation 6:12I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red.

Foreboding Signs

John’s vision reveals cataclysmic events ushering in the great day of God’s wrath.

The shaking earth, darkening sun, and blood moon signal the end is near and judgment is coming.

Arrival of Wrath

God’s restraint will not last forever. The day will come when His righteous anger toward unrepentant sin will be unleashed.

Only those secured in Christ will stand.

Heed the Warnings

Though these prophecies await future fulfillment, we must not ignore their message.

Now is the day of salvation! Let the foreboding signs stir urgency to pursue Christ.

Standing Secure

Believers need not fear the coming day of wrath. God’s justice was satisfied by Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf.

As the earth shakes, we can cling to the Rock who bore God’s wrath in our place.

Lord, Anchor Me in Your Grace

Lord, the warnings of coming judgment remind me time is short. Secure me safely in Your grace so I will stand unafraid when Your righteous wrath is poured out. May many find refuge in the Savior before it’s too late.

If you enjoy these daily devotionals, you may be interested in our short One Minute With God daily audio and visual thought provoking Scripture snippets to get your day started.

Check them out at @faithupsidedown on YouTube.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Christ Has Conquered

Christ Has Conquered

Revelation 1:18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

He Lives!

After his brutal execution, Jesus emerged from the grave alive forevermore!

By conquering death, Christ rendered powerless the ultimate weapon of our enemy. What hope this brings!

Keys to Life and Death

Jesus alone holds the keys unlocking the doorways of death and Hades.

His resurrection establishes supremacy over sin’s deadly consequences. With Christ, life prevails.

The Sting Removed

Knowing Jesus has the keys, believers need not fear death’s threat.

For us, the grave becomes a doorway into eternal life and reward. The sting of death is removed!

Living Hope

Because Jesus lives and reigns eternally, we can have rock-solid confidence that His purposes will be accomplished and His promises will stand.

Our hope rests on the Living One!

Lord Jesus, You Are Alive!

Lord Jesus, as I face loss, grief and despair, remind me that You hold the keys of death and Hades! Though I cannot see past today, You inhabit eternity. I confess You as Lord of the living and the dead. Death will not have the final word, only life through You.

If you enjoy these daily devotionals, you may be interested in our short One Minute With God daily audio and visual thought provoking Scripture snippets to get your day started.

Check them out at @faithupsidedown on YouTube.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration
Pathway to Wisdom

Pathway to Wisdom

Psalm 111:10The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

Where Wisdom Starts

In a world offering shallow, fleeting wisdom, Psalm 111 compels us back to the true starting point – reverence for the Lord.

As we humbly honor God, wisdom blossoms.

Cultivating Awe

Developing a holy awe of the Lord realigns our perspective.

As we grasp His power, otherness, and glory, we find our proper place as dependent creations.

Obedience Opens Eyes

The pathway of wisdom is obeying God’s instructions. As we walk in holiness and truth, we gain insight.

Spiritual understanding arrives through active obedience.

Fear to Wisdom to Praise

This lifelong cycle propels us forward.

Awe of God inspires obedience, obedience yields wisdom, and wisdom overflows in heartfelt praise of our wise, loving Father.

Lord, Teach Me Your Ways

Lord, instill in me a holy awe that drives me to walk closely in Your ways. As I follow Your precepts, flood my heart with wisdom and understanding. May praise, not doubt or fear, be my response as I grow in knowledge of You.

If you enjoy these daily devotionals, you may be interested in our short One Minute With God daily audio and visual thought provoking Scripture snippets to get your day started.

Check them out at @faithupsidedown on YouTube.

Posted by onthesolidrock in Daily Inspiration