Month: April 2019

The Lamb of God

The Lamb of God

Dear Friends,

I love all of you; this not a cliché, I mean it! If you get into trouble, I would do my best to help you. I would go to great lengths to provide hope and give a hand where I can.

That being said, if I found you in a situation, where the only way to secure your rescue, required my death, I am not sure you would be on the list, there may be a few, very precious few!

If securing your freedom required the death of one of my children, that list goes to zero. I love you, but not that much!

As we come near to this Good Friday, we are, faced with the reality of what God the Father did on your behalf. You are broken, lost, and beyond repair; according to the Bible, you are condemned already!

God the Father dispatched His ONLY begotten Son, to suffer a gruesome death on your behalf, thereby securing your freedom; the cost was high, the suffering real, and the outcome secure.

When you accept the gift He gave, you can be sure the Father is delighted, that this sacrifice was not in vain for you!

When you reject it, you will grieve the loving heart of God, and His wrath remains on you; wrath rightly deserved. Think twice about casually casting the idea of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection as a light thing; it is YOUR ONLY hope!

Take a moment, and consider Jesus, look into what He did, and why . . . then make a decision, but do not make it lightly!


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”     ~Jesus~

Posted by onthesolidrock in Faith, Holiness, Humility, Love, Ministries, Trust, 0 comments
The Arrow Rests

The Arrow Rests

I have noticed how crazy-busy most church folks are; always striving, doing, trying, all the while hoping and praying that God blesses what they do. In this frenetic process, people become weary, fatigued and worn, often to the point of despair!


I recall Jesus offered a solution to this problem . . .


 “Come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


A dear friend, Ivar Overgaard, once shared a message at the Lilburn Alliance Church in Atlanta; I will never forget it! Addressing the continuous motion, much of the church engages in; so much energy expended, producing so little, often resulting in exhaustion, he offered this amazing illustration:


“Consider the bow and arrow; the archer reaches for an arrow from his quiver, he knocks the arrow into the string, and pulls the bow, aiming for the target; and the arrow rests. The target acquired in his sights, the archer releases the energy of the bow, the arrow powerfully soaring toward the target . . . BULLSEYE!”


“God is the Bow, Jesus is the Archer, and the Holy Spirit delivers the arrow, YOU are the arrow, and the arrow rests!”


Be the arrow, and rest!

Posted by onthesolidrock in Faith, Humility, Trust, 0 comments